

【作者】 王丹瑀

【导师】 杨昌鸣; 张娟;

【作者基本信息】 北方工业大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 在建筑建造的过程当中,地点、材料以及营建方法三个要素缺一不可。因地制宜地采用地方性材料建造适合典型气候地区的特定建筑形式,可以充分体现可持续营建的生态效应。更重要的是,建筑师首先要具备可持续的建筑意识,了解、寻求与推广如何解决建筑问题的方式,倡导建筑、自然环境、社会经济三者相协调发展的理念。在确立了地方环境的可持续效益、建筑的功能以及使用者的使用需要与心理需求三者之间相互协调的核心目标之后,建筑师才能懂得如何推广利用地方性材料、怎样做才是可持续的营建方法以及如何使公众充分参与其中。本文通过对地方性材料在内蒙古中部地区建筑可持续营建中的应用情况的调查研究,对泥土、砖石以及毡帐等当地传统地方性材料的应用现状进行了分析总结,并提出了相应的改进对策。由此,我们充分了解到对房屋的可持续改造首先要从居住使用者的切身利益出发,在控制建房成本的基础上充分利用地方性材料,这样的可持续营建理念才能够被公众真正接受。建筑师要运用专业知识动员社会公众共同参与推广地方性材料的可持续应用,建设高效节能的村镇住宅,才能加快建筑的可持续发展。尽管从目前来看,大量推广地方性材料的可持续利用还存在着一定的障碍。但是,只要广大建筑师建立起这样一种观念,共同努力,相信在不久的将来,我们会寻找到真正意义上的以“低能耗”为核心、可持续营建为手段的建筑可持续发展方向,并开创出一套有自主性、具有地方特点、适合地方气候的可持续营建方法。

【Abstract】 There are three elements including the location, materials and construction methods are indispensable in the process of building construction. To build particular architectural forms in the typical climate in using suitable measures to local conditions and the local materials, you can fully reflect the ecological effects of sustainable construction. More important is that, in order to advocate building harmonized with the natural environment and the social-economic development, architects first need to have sustainable construction awareness, understanding, seeking and promoting the resolution of construction issues. In establishing local environmental sustainable benefits, building function and the need for consumer use and psychological demands of coordination between the three core objectives only if architects know how to promote the use of local materials, what is sustainable construction methods, as well as know how to make the full participation of the public.According to the investigation and research of the application of the local materials in sustainable construction in middle Inner Mongolia region, the article made the analysis of the application status for local traditional local materials, such as earth, brick and yurt, and proposed a corresponding improvement measures. Thus, we fully aware of the sustainable reconstruction of housing first to proceed from the immediate interests of residential users, control of building costs on the basis of the full use of local materials, so that sustainable building concept can be the public really accept. In order to speed up the building of sustainable development, architects should use the expertise to mobilize community participation in promoting the sustainable application of local materials, and to construct high efficiency and energy saving construction of the rural house.Even though, there are certain obstacles in promoting the sustainable use of local materials in far-ranging. As long as the majority of architects to build up such a concept, to work together, we will find the true meaning of "low energy" as the core, sustainable construction as a means of building sustainable development in the near future. It also tries to create a set of method in independent, local culture and suitable climate for sustainable construction methods.
