

The Female Duty Crime Research

【作者】 杨炀

【导师】 李晓明;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 法律, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 女性职务犯罪是女性公职人员违背法律的行为准则,利用职务便利谋取不法利益的一种的腐败行为,其已经渗透到社会的各个行业和角落,严重地侵蚀党的肌体和国家利益,正在成为职务腐败犯罪的一个重要发源地。女性职务犯罪已经成为当今社会危害较大、较难根治的“痼疾”之一,对女性职务犯罪的预防和打击已经成为当今我国反腐败工作的重要课题。当前,女性职务犯罪呈不断上升的趋势,社会的各个行业均受到严重影响。女性职务犯罪具有更大的隐蔽性、被动性、情感性、依附性和顺从性等特征,在政治、经济、社会和意识形态等方面均有较大危害。女性职务犯罪的滋生与文化背景、社会环境和法制水平等一系列客观因素密切相关,也与女性虚荣攀比、侥幸逃脱、从众和拜金等主观心理联系紧密,因此,对这些客观和主观因素必须齐抓共管,制定系统的预防和惩治对策,从根本上杜绝和控制女性职务犯罪的发生。

【Abstract】 Female job-related crimes is a female public officer contrary to the law code of conduct,Advantage of his office to seek illegal interests of the kind of corrupt behavior,has penetratedinto every industry and corner of society,Serious erosion of the body and the national interests of theparty’s. Is an important birthplace of one of the duties of the crime of corruption Female job-relatedcrimes has become in today’s society against the larger, more difficult to cure,"chronic illness" is oneof. Prevention and combating of female job-related crimes have become an importantsubject of today’s anti-corruption work in China.Current,Female job-related crimes showed a rising trend. Various sectors of society wereseverely affected、 Female job-related crimes more concealed、 Passive、 Affective,(Dependent characteristics of and compliance. Have a greater hazard in the political, economic,social and ideological,Produced a series of objective factors such as cultural background, socialenvironment and legal system level is closely related to、Female vanity comparisons、Get away,Herd and worships money the subjective psychological closely linked,Therefore,Must makeconcerted efforts on the objective and subjective factors, development systems to preventand punish countermeasure. Fundamental eradicate and control occurrence female job-related crimes.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】D917
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】261