

Comparison of the New and Old Versions of Physics Textbooks on Electrotechnics and Electronics in Secondary Vocational School

【作者】 孙忠英

【导师】 曹海霞;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 学科教学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 职业教育是面向人人、面向全社会的教育,我国正大力提倡发展职业教育。物理课程改革也在中等职业学校如火如荼地展开。教材的发展与社会发展密切相关,新时期对物理教材也提出新的要求。分析中等职业学校物理新旧教材,对广大教师理解新课程理念,顺利实施新课程改革,用好新教材有积极意义。本研究采用文献分析法、调查研究法、统计分析等方法,对中等职业学校新旧物理教材进行比较,比较主要从以下几方面展开:第一,对教材的编写依据,即2000年教育部颁布的《中等职业学校物理教学大纲(试行)》和2009年教育部颁布的《中等职业学校物理教学大纲》进行文本比较。从课程性质和任务、课程目标、教学内容结构、教学内容与要求、教学实施、考核与评价这几个方面展开。第二,对以上述两个大纲为准绳编写的中等职业学校物理教材,即2001年人民教育出版社出版的《物理(提高版)》第一、二册和2009年高等教育出版社出版的《物理》(电工电子类)两套教材进行比较。从教材的结构、教学内容进行比较,探讨新教材是如何体现新课程理念,并以案例的形式对新教材使用的教学策略进行尝试。第三,对苏州地区中等职业学校的一线物理教师进行问卷调查,主要涉及知识维度、发展规律维度、编制水平维度、可行性维度、综合项目五个维度的问题,通过调查了解一线教师对新教材的看法。最后,在文本比较和调查研究的基础上,笔者提出对新教材的总体看法。

【Abstract】 Recently, it has been emphasized that the vocational education should be oriented tothe public and whole society. The country will energetically advocate the development ofvocational education. So vocational education has been boomed, and the transform ofphysics course is being well promoted in secondary vocational or technical education.The development of textbooks is closely related to the development of society. In thisnew period, new requirement has been set to the physics textbooks. The analysis of thenew and old textbooks, which has been adopted in secondary vocational school, willcontribute to understanding the theory of new courses for teachers, to successful reforms ofnew courses, and to how to use the new textbooks successfully.In my study, several methods, such as literature review, questionnaire, statisticalanalysis, have been used. Besides, new physics textbooks of vocational school have beencompared with the old ones. The key points are just as follows:First,“The Syllabus of Secondary Vocational School Physics Education (TEST)”,which is promulgated by Ministry of Education in2009, has been compared with theversion in2009from many aspects, such as the course essence and tasks, the course goals,the structure of teaching content, implement of teaching, examination and assessingbetween two syllabuses.Second, we have compared two textbooks which were written according to twosyllabuses. One is the “Physics (Advanced)”I,II,published by People’s Education Press in 2001, and the other is the “Physics (Electrical&Electronic)”. Moreover, we havecompared two books from the structure and teaching contents, and have explored how newtextbooks embody the idea of new courses. We attempt to use the teaching strategiesaddressed by new syllabuses in the way of cases.Third, we have done the questionnaire to the physics teachers of secondary vocationalschool in Suzhou Region. The questionnaire includes dimensions of knowledge, law ofdevelopment, the ability of compiling, feasibility, integrated project, so that we wouldknow the opinions of frontline teachers.At last, based on the comparison and investigation in this paper, the writer has giventhe overall view of the new textbook.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期