

The Empirical Research of the Judgment of the People’s Court

【作者】 韩洁

【导师】 胡亚球;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 诉讼法, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 人民法庭作为基层法院的派出机关以及审判的前线阵地,它所承载的化解社会纠纷与司法导向性价值至关重要。然而,由于人民法庭根植于农村,一方面,长期沿袭下来的民间特有风俗习惯不断与司法现代化建设发生碰撞,另一方面,正经历从“熟人社会”到“半熟人社会”转变的农村社会,农民的维权意识与法律知识储备之间存在很大落差,这些使得人民法庭审判机制运作面临特殊的困境。因此,从人民法庭审判方式改良的角度,以现实样本为考察根据,在维护法律基本尊严的前提下,探索一套基层社会纠纷解决的灵活审判模式非常必要。本文以金坛市一基层人民法庭为样本,系统考察其现实审判和解决纠纷的状况,欲忆过去之景,看当下之痛,铺未来改革之道路。

【Abstract】 The people’s court is the agency that the grass-roots court set up under one’sjurisdiction and at the same time it’s the frontline positions of judgement. Resolve socialdisputes and have judicial value of direction which is the important function of the people’scourt. However, what as we all know that the people’s court rooted in the rural areas. Onone hand, long-term survived unique folk customs and the judicial modernization constantcollision, On the other hand, the rural society are experiencing the transformation what isfrom “acquaintances society” to “half acquaintances society”. There is a big gap betweenfarmer’s rights consciousness and legal knowledge reserve. These factors make people’scourt trial mechanism face special difficulties. Therefore, under the premise of maintainlegal basic dignity, from the point of view of the people’s court judge improved andaccording to the real example, explore a flexible mode of judgment of the grassroots socialdispute settlement is very necessary. With a people’s court of JinTan city for example, thereality of judgment and resolving disputes condition are investigated. This text will havethe past scene and then see the pain, in order to put forward of our country people’s courtsystem future reform direction and measure originally.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期