

On Creation and Marketing of XiaoTian Fan Magical TV Drama

【作者】 姜如

【导师】 倪祥保;

【作者基本信息】 苏州大学 , 传播学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 自1999年至今范小天神幻电视剧已播出五部,作家出身的范小天将文人对故事的敏锐融入电视剧创作,通过十多年的不断实践,把素材、渠道、人才、制度等一系列要素融入到其电视剧创作和发行中来,形成了一种独特的文化生产和营销模式。在集导演、制片人、作家与一身的“完全导演”范小天的领导下,范小天及其团队充分利用影视文化转型所营造的娱乐氛围,紧抓住新一代青少年的需求,及时把握政府政策转变的契机进行了13年的神幻剧创作生产。长期的探索实践中,范小天神幻剧确立了以青少年为主的受众定位、以喜乐为主的产品定位,把两岸三地及东南亚作为目标市场,在此基础上形成了独具特色的剧情内容:对神幻题材的开创与发展,一以贯之的喜剧风格,以先进技术为支撑的“灿烂”视听效果。此外,作为福纳科技文化有限公司董事长,范小天“完全导演”模式的成功营销更是其神幻电视剧创作得以实现和完成的重要保障。他领导专业团队进行创作:亲自选择甚至参与创作电视剧剧本,启用大牌演员同时培养新人,邀请优秀幕后班底,开办影视学校,成立福纳影视基地……为神幻剧创作提供了坚实的基础和保障。在神幻剧实际营销过程中,范小天神幻剧充分借助两岸三地的明星效应进行宣传造势;采用各种营销推广渠道,注重新媒体及网络媒体的运用,形成以电视剧为龙头并带动旅游、游戏、文化产业的一系列“商业链条”;在播出平台上,坚守省市级卫视的同时积极开拓网络平台;另外,范小天还“借船出海”,利用与香港无线合拍的方式迂回引入香港和东南亚地区,不断发展海外市场。本文以范小天为突破口,结合其电视剧创作的现实语境与“完全导演论”概念,分析范小天神幻剧的创作与营销特点,探索该类电视剧的内容生产和产品推广规律,以尝试提出积极的思路引领与方法支持。主要包括四个部分:首先,确定本文主要研究范围、方法、意义;其次,整体上分析范小天神幻剧创作的现实语境和文人背景;第三,从内容层面分析电视剧市场定位与创作特色;最后,结合“完全导演”理论分析范小天神幻剧的营销方式。

【Abstract】 Since1999, XiaoTian Fan Magical TV drama has been on the TV for13years, containing5sections. As a writer, Xiaotian Fan takes the art of writing into the drama creation, composes thematerial、channels、human resources and systems together, formed a unique cultural production andmarketing model. As a director、writer and producer, XiaoTian Fan and his team take the advantage ofthe entertainment atmosphere created by the film and television culture transformation, meet the needsof young people in the new generation, and grasp the opportunity of government policy change. In thelong-term exploration and practice, XiaoTian Fan established a youth-oriented audience target,joy-based product position, and Southeast Asia-centered market location. On the basis of this formation,this TV play has formed an unique story content: the re-creation of the traditional mythology, theconsistent style of comedy, the splendid visual and audio effects. In addition, as the chairman of thecompany, his unique marketing model is an important guarantee for the success of its drama. He leadsdrama creation of the professional team:choosing the script by himself, using super stars and trainingnew actors, establishing film and television school and FuNa Movie Base. In the actual marketingprocess of the drama, he uses the power of super stars for popularization, exploits a variety of marketingchannels, focuses on new media, especially the use of Internet media, and forms a complete industrialchain. At the same time, he also used HK-TVB to develop foreign markets. This article takes thedirector as a sally port, combines the realistic context of the television series creation with EntirelyDirector theory, to find out the drama creation and marketing rule.This article consists four parts:First, determine the major research areas and the research methods; Second, analysis of the backgroundof drama creation; Third, analyse the contents of the drama. Finally, combine the concept of completedirector to analyse the marketing.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 苏州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】73