

Preliminary Study of Free Normal Education Mode of Physical Education

【作者】 安涛

【导师】 鲁长芬;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 体育社会学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 2007年5月国家颁布实施了免费师范生政策,这一政策的贯彻与实施,标志着我国学校体育基础教育改革已经进入了实质性的阶段,这无疑对师范生的培养提出了崭新的要求。体育教育专业免费师范生作为一个新生事物,其培养还处于探索与试行阶段,各方面都不够成熟,有待于进一步探索研究,其教育模式也尚未完全形成。本文在免费师范生政策的背景下,结合当前基层学校需求现状,通过实地调查,在借鉴他国免费教育先进经验的基础上,主要从培养目标、课程体系状态、培养方式等三个方面入手,对我国免费师范生政策之下体育教师教育模式进行分析。得出以下结论:1.英加新三国体育教师教育模式的培养目标多级且层次化2.英加新三国体育教师教育模式中的课程设置更加顾及中小学体育教师知识的不同需求3.英加新三国体育教师教育模式在培养方式上施行中小学“分开制”、理论与实践穿插进行,且实践延续的时间比较长4.不同地区和不同性质学校的体育教师和领导对小学体育教师的需求现状,包括专业方向、知识、能力、素质等方面的需求看法也相近,并无明显的差异。5.体育教师和领导均认为田径、篮球、乒乓球、羽毛球、足球等是小学体育教师所需且教学非常实用的专业方向。其次,体育舞蹈、健美操、体操、排球也比较实用。6.不论是体育专业基础知识、体育教育基础知识,还是自然科学知识、人文社会知识、计算机知识都是新时期小学体育教师所应具备的基本知识,但对英语知识的要求不高。7.体育教师和领导认为小学体育教师除基本的语言表达能力、示范讲解能力、交往协调能力外,现场控制能力和处理突发事件的能力也非常重要。其次,是说服教育能力和指导教学与训练的能力。8.绝大多数体育教师和领导认为劳技素质、身体素质、创新素质、心理、审美素质、思想道德素质都是一名合格、优秀体育老师所应具备的最基本的素质。其中,身体素质是前提,思想道德素质是关键。9.大多数体育教师和领导认为男女性别并不重要。学历也并非重要的因素,认为“一般重要”的比例最高。基于以上结论,认为我国体育专业免费师范生教育模式应以需要“培养什么样的体育人才”为主导,注意培养目标的重新定位、细化;“对号入座”完善体育专业免费师范生培养的课程设置,推进小学与大学、中学与大学的有机衔接。包括进一步遴选、开发和整合教学内容。增加所需专业人才方向的课程设置。加大职业知识技能课程的开设比例,促进课程教学的系统化设计;落实“怎样培养体育教育人才”,建立体育免费师范生教育合作专线。包括实践教学体系的确定和实践教学与理论学习的分配与交叉融合。

【Abstract】 The policy of free education for Normal Students in our country was promulgated and implemented in May,2007, the follow-up and implementation of this policy has entered a substantive stage, marking of school physical education reform of basic education, which undoubtedly put forward new requirements of the cultivation of normal school students. Free education for students of Physical Education as a new thing, its cultivation is still in the exploration and the pilot phase, all aspects are not mature enough, and needs further exploration and research, its mode of education is also not fully formed.This text was under the policy of Free education of normal students, combine the current status of primary schools’needs,through the field investigation, learn from the advanced experience of other countries in free education, and draw some inspiration about sports teacher education model from the training objectives, curriculum system status, training methods under the policy of free education for normal students. It showed that:1.The training objectives of physical education teachers’ education model is Multi-level and hierarchical in Britain, Canada, Singapore.2.The curriculum of physical education teachers’ education model pay more attention to the different needs of PE teachers’ knowledge in Britain, Canada. Singapore.3.The culture methods of physical education teachers’education model implement primary and secondary schools "separate system" training methods, theory and practice is interspersed, and practice continue a long time.4.The view of requirement status of primary school physical education teachers in different regions and different nature of the school physical education teachers and leadership, including the needs of professional orientation, knowledge, ability, quality view are similar, there is no significant difference.5.Both physical education teachers and leaders think athletics, basketball, table tennis, badminton, football are primary school PE teachers teaching need and are also very practical direction. Secondly, sport dance, aerobics, gymnastics, volleyball also practical.6.Is a basic knowledge of sports, physical education basic knowledge or natural scientific knowledge, the humanities and social knowledge, computer knowledge are primary school PE teachers in the new era should have basic knowledge,but English knowledge do not ask.7.Both physical education teachers and leaders believe that elementary school physical education teachers in addition to the basic language skills, lectures and demonstrations on capacity, exchanges and coordination capacity, scene control capability and ability to deal with emergency cases is also very important. Second, the ability to persuade the education and guidance to teaching and training.8.The majority of PE teachers and leaders believe that the quality of labor skills, physical fitness, innovation and quality, psychological, aesthetic quality, ideological and moral qualities are a qualified, excellent physical education teacher should have the basic qualities. Among them, physical fitness is a prerequisite, the ideological and ethical standards is the key.9.Most physical education teachers and leaders believe that gender is not important. Degree is not an important factor, that the "general" are the highest.Based on the above conclusions, Professional sports of free normal mode of education should need to develop what kind of sports talent-oriented, pay attention to the training objectives of repositioning and refine; improve the Physical Education Major of free normal training curriculum to promote the organic convergence of the primary and universities secondary schools and the University, including further selection, development and integration of course content, increase the direction of the curriculum of required professionals, increase the proportion of professional knowledge and skills to open the course to promote the teaching of systematic design; implement the "how to train physical education personnel", the establishment of sports free health education cooperation green, including practical teaching system to identify and practice teaching and theoretical study of the distribution and cross-integration.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
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