

The Study on Low-Carbon Tourism Intention Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior

【作者】 王玉洁

【导师】 黄翔;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 人文地理学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 “低碳经济”受到世界各国的广泛关注,并已经上升为我国国家战略。低碳旅游是旅游业对低碳经济的积极响应方式,在推动低碳经济发展中扮演着十分重要的角色,成为学术界研究热点。但是就目前国内外关于低碳旅游研究的现状来看,仍处于起步阶段,大多为宏观定性研究,主要从政府部门或者旅游企业的角度探讨低碳旅游发展思路、方针以及对策,而中微观定量研究较少,特别是缺乏从低碳旅游的参与者(旅游者)的角度研究低碳旅游。而关注旅游者对低碳旅游意向,有利于政府部门、旅游企业更好地了解低碳旅游需求状况和掌握旅游者的低碳旅游意向,增加对低碳旅游行为的预测能力,为制定合理的调控体系提供科学依据,从而为低碳旅游的快速发展提供政策保障。本文基于实证主义分析思路,从旅游者角度出发,将计划行为理论应用到低碳旅游这一新兴领域,通过综述国内外有关计划行为理论和低碳旅游的相关研究结论,构建低碳旅游意向的理论模型,参考借鉴相关成熟量表,设计调查问卷,采用访谈调查和问卷发放的方式获得一手数据资料,并通过Excel、SPSS等统计软件,采用信度分析、因子分析、相关分析、多元逐步回归分析、独立样本T检验以及单因素方差分析等多种数理统计方法对调查数据进行分析,从中微观层面探讨旅游者对低碳旅游的意向,得出如下结论:(1)本研究构建低碳旅游意向的回归模型:I=3.488+0.171F1+0.329F2+0.267F3。其中,低碳旅游的主观规范(F2)对低碳旅游意向(Ⅰ)影响最为显著,其次是低碳旅游的知觉行为控制和低碳旅游的态度;(2)大多数个人属性特征与低碳旅游意向影响因素以及与低碳旅游意向之间并不存在显著性差异,说明旅游者个人属性特征并不能有效地描述低碳旅游意向差异。文章最后根据研究结果和实证结论提出了相应的管理对策。

【Abstract】 All the countries in the world pay attention to the Low-carbon economy wich is the national strategy of China.Low carbon tourism is positive response mode of low carbon economy,wich pays an important role of promoting the development of low-carbon economy,and is attracting scholars’ attention. However,the domestic research and foreign research of low-carbon tourism is in the initial stage.Most of the research is macro-qualitative research,discussing the way and strategy of low-carbon tourism based on goverment.Almost no pepole use quantitative research on low-carbon tourism,especially based on tourists who are protagonist in the low-carbon tourism.Reasearch on low-carbon tourism intention is meanningful,and it can help government and tourism enterprises to know the intention and needs of tourists,increase the predictive power of low-carbon travel behavior, and provide a scientific basis for formulation of reasonable adjusting control system in order to provide the policy safeguard for the rapid development of low-carbon tourism.Based on the empirical analysis methods, the author use theory of planned behavior to study low-carbon tourism intention from the angle of tourists, construct a conceptual model about low-carbon tourism intention based on the research results of previous research on theory of planned behavior and low-carbon tourism.The paper constructs a new investigation scale and sets up4hypothesis to survey the influence factors to low-carbon tourism intention. The author launched questionnaires,and used questionnaire survey and interview survey, using factor analysis,reliability analysis,correlation analysis,multiple regression analysis of Excel and SPSS13.0getting these conclusions:(1)This paper sets up a regression model of low-carbon tourism intention: I=3.488+0.171F1+0.329F2+0.267F3.The three factors do not make the same level influence to low-carbon tourism intention,Subject norm of low-carbon tourism(F2) has the most strong positive correlation with the low-carbon tourism intenton,and attidude toward the behavior has the least strong positive correlation with the low-carbon tourism intenton;(2) Most of the personal low-carbon tourism intention do not have significant differences.Finally,this paper give the corresponding management strategies based on the findings.

  • 【分类号】F592;X322
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】826