

The Strategic Adjustment of Real Estate Market under the New Situation

【作者】 宁红心

【导师】 邓宏乾; 潘世炳;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济快速发展,居民住房条件得到了很大的改善,人均住房面积也在不断的增加。房地产业扮演着愈来愈重要的角色,并逐渐成为国民经济的支柱产业。然而,从2005年开始,我国大部分的房屋价格开始持续快速增长,严重超出了普通居民的承受能力。伴随着高房价的产生,也催生了一系列的社会问题。针对于这一严峻的社会课题,2011年国务院已经连续出台了一套“组合拳”来遏制房价的上涨。那造成目前的这个社会状况到底归咎于哪些原因?首先,开发商冒险式的行为。房地产开发企业大规模地囤积土地和物业导致房价上涨,房地产商不断地进行商业楼盘炒作引发了楼市大量的泡沫,为了扩大项目规模,房地产企业大规模的融资也为未来埋下了金融风险;其次,政府部门的调控政策未能达到理想的效果,也是纵容了房地产开发企业是无忌惮的扩大产业和规模,中央的不连续性和不稳定性的政策也使得民众对政府不抱有任何希望,认为政府的政策永远都是短命的,投机性资金仍然在不断的涌入到这个行业;最后,中国国家金融体制,住房保障系统以及现行的土地制度都是造成现今房地产业混乱局面的重要原因。对于房地产目前发展状况,政府以及房地产商究竟应该如何来共同应对?第一,要制定科学的房地产业发展规划,促进房地产业健康可持续发展;第二,逐步建立一套可行的市场风险预警体系;第三,建立社会信用体系,完善房地产金融创新风险防范体系;第四,转变投资组合策略,采取不同地理区域的投资组合,不同开发项目的投资组合以及不同物业的多项目组合;第五,改革普通住宅用地出让方式,采用协议方式供给,降低土地成本;最后,合理利用税收杠杆,降低房地产开发企业税收和交易环节各项税收,同时开征房产税。

【Abstract】 With the development of the country economy quickly, the peoples living house condition has been promoed greatly. The average measure of area has being incresed continously. Real estate is playing a more and more important role, which become the pillar industry gradually. But most of Real estate price begin to rise sharply from2005, which people can not aford. The high houses price lead to a series of social problems. One is high house price; while the other is that the poor can not aford the houses. According to the severe social issue, the government set a series of policy about containing the house price. Tighting up the currency policy lead to the difficulty of financing. The "dual-restrictions order" decreses the amount of speculation houses. Soon later, The real estate enterprise in Shanghai begin to make the discount of house price, with which the house price in other cities begin to drop down one after another. But the people seem like not to be satiesfied with the current price. The real estate enterprises do not exchange for more saling number in cheaper price.What does the current social state attributes to? Firstly, the developers act fiercely-land hoarding large scale so that the houses price rise quickly. To extend the project scale, The real estate enterprises bring some risk with large scale financing. Secondly, The regulation policy from government can not achieve ideal effect, allowing the developers to expand the industry scale. The people also recognize the policy to be short-lived, so speculation capital also continously flow to The real estate industry. Last, the nation’s fianacial system, house security system and land system are the main causes of high house price.How do the central government and developers deal with the problem hand in hand? At the new station, firstly The real estate enterprises themselves should make reasonable strategic adjustment, fully understanding the12th Five-year Plan and promoting tourism real estate industry. Secondly they should take measures of different geographical areas portfolio and non-residential real estate industry; thirdly, the land leasing should be pulled down. Only in this way can the housing price be reduced from the source; the fourth, the government should use the tax level reasonably, reducing the real estate transaction tax and real etaterax, at the same time use the collection of property tax; last, the government should explore the house-for-pension scheme model.

【关键词】 房地产房地产市场战略调整
【Key words】 real estatereal estate marketstrategic adjustment
  • 【分类号】F293.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】165