

Research and Design for the Salary System of the Knowledge Worker for New Generation

【作者】 赵莹

【导师】 文鹏; 杨林;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 近年来,知识型新生代员工已经或正在成为我国企业人力资源中的重要力量,他们在企业和社会发展中的重要作用已开始逐步体现。针对这一有着鲜明时代特征和个性的群体,企业人力资源管理研究也应适时的作出积极、正确的反应和决策,以更好的引进和培养新生代员工。在企业人力资源管理活动中,薪酬管理应属于其中最核心的内容,因此,为顺应时代的发展,员工的更替,企业薪酬管理也应与时俱进,体现当代特色。本文以高新技术企业SF公司为例,通过对公司知识型新生代员工的薪酬调查及深入分析,结合国内外相关薪酬理论,深入分析了SF公司知识型新生代员工现行薪酬制度的不足之处,并提出了SF公司知识型新生代员工的薪酬优化设计方案,最后,通过对优化设计方案的实施与员工满意度调查的实证分析,有效优化了SF公司知识型新生代员工的薪酬体系结构,使之更加适应了公司的人力资源管理的战略目标。本文共分为六个部分:第一章,绪论。绪论部分主要包括:主要介绍选题的背景与意义,即如何发现这个选题,为什么选择这个题目,阐述研究目的与意义、研究思路及方法。第二章,结合相关研究,总结分析了知识型新生代员工的特征,将这一群体与非知识型员工、传统员工进行了区分,并对知识型新生代员工进行了界定。第三章,阐述了本研究的理论基础,对早期工资理论及薪酬制度进行了阐述,并对国内企业薪酬体系的新发展现状进行了综合分析。第四章,主要对本文的研究对象SF公司及SF公司知识型新生代员工进行了介绍,并对SF公司知识型新生代员工现行的薪酬体系进行了阐述,通过对公司知识型新生代员工薪酬满意度调研数据的分析,深入分析了该公司目前薪酬体系的不足之处,为薪酬体系的优化奠定了基础。第五章,首先,结合相关薪酬设计理论,通过对SF公司企业现状及公司知识型新生代员工的分析,提出了SF公司知识型新生代员工的薪酬优化方案,在SF公司原有薪酬体系结构优化的基础上,引入了股权激励制度、宽带薪酬制度、弹性福利制度、短期奖励制度;其次,将薪酬优化方案予以实施,并对实施结果进行测评,通过薪酬满意度调研,证实了该优化方案的可行性与有效性。第六章,结论与建议。通过对SF公司知识型新生代员工薪酬体系的研究,提出现代企业薪资体系不仅要符合企业内部战略需求,也要符合市场需求与员工的个性特征。针对知识型新生代员工,要充分考虑到这一群体的差异化需求,重视薪酬设计的全面化与多元化。本文的创新点在于,将知识型新生代员工作为研究对象进行了典型分析并提出了适合这一群体特征的薪酬优化模式,并以SF公司为实际案例,证明了该优化模式的可行性与有效性,为现阶段知识型新生代员工的薪酬体系的设计提供了较好借鉴。

【Abstract】 The knowledge worker for new generation is becoming or has become backbone of Chinese enterprise in recent years, and they will become the mainstream over time along with the social development. So, enterprise human resources management must adjust to the group who has distinct feature of the time and unique personality characteristics, so it can play a positive role in the introduction and cultivation of the knowledge worker for new generation. As one of enterprise human resources management core content, the salary management needs to be altered to ensure its functional.The research take the knowledge workers for new generation of SF company for example, which is the high-tech enterprise, combined with salary theory and investigation, analyses the problems existing in the current salary system, then represents an optimized design scheme. At last, the paper proves the validity of this optimized design scheme through the employee satisfaction survey.The article falls into six parts, concrete structure as follows:Part1:Introduction。This chapter introduced the background, purpose and significance of selecting this theme, the content and research methods, and so on.Part2:This chapter cleared about the definition and the connotation of the knowledge worker for new generation, analyzed the distinct feature and unique personality characteristics of the group.Part3:This chapter expounded the basic theory of wages and payment systems, and analyzed salary system of Chinese enterprise develops in the current situation comprehensively.Part4:This chapter introduced the essential information of SF company and the salary system of knowledge workers for new generation in it, then through the survey of salary satisfaction, the writer deeply analyzed defects of current salary system.Part5:This chapter brought out the upswing plan of salary system in SF company, the new plan optimized the salary structure, introduced stock incentive system, broadband salary system, flexible benefits system, short-term incentives system. Then take the new plan into implementation, and prove the feasibility and validity of the new salary system through the result of second survey of satisfaction. Part6:This chapter mostly introduced the conclusion and suggestion of this article.Consider the knowledge worker for new generation as an object of the study and combine the research with SF company are the innovation spot of this paper, which hold a mirror to the present human resources management of China.

  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】3
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