

【作者】 冯彩勤

【导师】 彭贤;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 心理健康教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 现如今,在我国的中小学学校教育中,问题学生是一种普遍存在的现象,但是有关问题学生这个概念的定义本身却是众说纷纭。问题学生的问题行为则主要从学习、行为、心理等方面体现出来。本研究结合现有研究文献资料以及教学经验,概括问题学生的问题行为主要表现为:学习问题、人际关系问题、思想品德问题、意志品质问题、情绪问题及性心理问题。本研究运用了质性研究的方法,选择了一名初中“问题学生”作为研究对象,整个研究过程中观察了解其问题行为的表现,并对其进行深入的访谈,探讨、总结其问题行为形成的各种原因以及问题行为的影响因素,并在此基础上灵活运用各种方法对其问题行为进行干预研究。文章对“问题学生”的研究现状、问题行为的表现及其概念界定进行了概述,对个案的老师、家长及其本人进行了访谈,并对其具体情况进行了描述与分析。研究过程中发现该个案作为问题学生的问题主要表现在:无故旷课、上课讲话、上课睡觉、上课看课外书或者作其他课程的作业、上课做小动作并随意吃东西、不做作业或者不按时交作业、考试作弊、大声喧哗、言语粗鲁、欺负同学、打架斗殴、不听老师管教等。具体的可概括为,学习问题、人际关系问题以及意志品质问题。针对这几方面的问题,笔者灵活运用了各种方法。如在其学习问题上笔者就运用了马斯洛的人本主义的教育理念及行为矫正的方法对其学习问题的上课不听讲行为及打游戏不完成作业的问题进行了干预。在人际关系问题及意志品质问题方面则更多的注重沟通,从外部环境及个案自身两个方面入手灵活进行干预。整个过程中笔者对个案进行了全程的跟踪记录,并描述分析了其改变情况。之后笔者再次的对个案的家长、老师、同学及其本人进行了访谈,并进行记录总结。访谈中了解到:家长意识到自己对个案的疏于关心,更加理解个案,其教育方法也发生了很大改变。老师亦觉得方法较好,愿意尝试。同学也反映个案改变很多,比以前好相处。个案自身也感觉自己进步很大,感觉生活更充实有意义。最后笔者对研究过程本身进行了反思,认为在“问题学生”这个问题上,个案研究是很有必要的,而利用质性研究的方法,也更有利于走进个案内心,了解其真实的情况,而在此基础上也更容易找到问题的突破口,帮助个案改善自身的问题。也使理论研究与实际运用之间联系更为紧密。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, the phenomenon of “problem students” is common in our primary and middleschool. However, what is called “problem student” is controversial. Generally speaking,“problem students” are those whose thoughts, behavior, learning and so on ddeviate from thenorm compared with students in the same age and they need help to solve some problems.Answers of what make them problem students are bad influences from family, society, school aswell as negative factors of themselves. Overall,“problem students” display the followingproblems: learning problems, relationship problems, moral problems, quality problems,emotional problems and the sexual problems.This study uses the qualitative research method and chooses a junior middle school "problem students" asthe research object. We observed his problem behaviors, talked with him about reasons of his problembehavior and made intervention research with several methods based on the observation and talking in thisresearch.This paper summarizes the current situation of “problem students” researches and the performance anddefinition of problem behavior, interviews the problem student’ teacher, parents and himself, describes andanalyzes his concrete situation. Problems this student displays during the lecture includes low attendance,chatting, eating, drinking, sleeping or noisy. Outside the lecture, he also displays many problems, for example,cheating in the exam, bullying and fighting students, using bad words, refusing to finish and hand inhomework and disobeying the discipline in the school. All the performances can be summarized as learningproblems, relationship problems and personality problems. To solve these problems the author uses of severalmethods flexibly. As to his learning problems, Maslow’s humanistic education concept and behaviormodification method are applied on this case. And we pay much attention on communication to solve hisrelationship problems and personality problems from external environment and his own situation. The authortracks and record this student’s performances and changes in the whole process.After the intervention, we interviewed this student’s parents, teachers, classmates and himself again. The parents realized they didn’t care their son much, understood their son more aswell as changed their education method. Teachers also thought methods the author advised weregood and would try these methods. And his classmates said these students changed a lot and getalong better now. The most important is this student thought he made big progress and felt hislife was more meaningful than before.At last, the author reflects the research progress and thinks that case study is very necessary for “problemstudents” research. Because using qualitative research make it easier to know the case exactly and based onthis it is easier to find breach of the problem to help the case solve his problem. Meanwhile, case study makestheory research and practical application connect closely.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】637