
魂系故乡 心存彼岸

【作者】 王喜玲

【导师】 李钧;

【作者基本信息】 曲阜师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 上世纪八十年代中期,东北作家迟子建犹如一缕沁人心脾的清风,怀着对文学的美好向往踏入中国当代文坛。中篇小说《北极村童话》的发表,使其一跃而为当代文坛的新星,再之后的中篇小说《亲亲土豆》、《清水洗尘》、《雾月牛栏》等则奠定了其在当代文坛上的地位。创作二十余年来,迟子建一直保持着一种稳定的创作节奏,一种明快的艺术风格,一种温情的文学信仰,执着关注着底层普通民众的生活命运,深情关照着故乡人们坚韧的生存状态。而其小说作品始终洋溢着的“温情”,便是人生那荒寒时刻内心深处一盏永远不灭的温暖的灯,给处于困境的人们以继续生活的勇气与信心。本论文以迟子建自创作以来的小说作品为研究对象,本着知人论世的严谨态度,试图沿着迟子建小说的“温情”主旨这一线索生发开去。尝试使用外部研究与内部研究相结合的方式,综合借鉴比较学理论、叙事学理论、叙事机制理论以及一定的心理分析理论等,通过对其小说文本的再解读,于深层次上挖掘东北冻土上那片始终不渝的“温情”背后的多种情感体现方式及其深层缘由,并进一步阐释迟子建所坚守的温情信仰于新时期中国当代文坛的意义,以求对迟子建小说研究做出新的探索。论文首先对迟子建小说的“温情”叙事进行了再解读,并力求从对琐屑生活的审美表现与对人性之美的执着发现两个方面探讨了迟子建小说温情叙事的审美表现。对人性之美的执着发现不仅体现在对人性本善的直接抒写,而且还体现为通过对人由恶到善的转变来抒写人性之美。其次则从四个维度对迟子建小说温情叙事的体现方式做了深层次的探讨,主要包括圣洁苍凉的死亡叙事、感人至深的人灵交流、独具特色的自然描写以及朴素节制的诗化语言等,并进一步分析了各种体现方式本身的原由所在。接下来,论文又从三个角度对迟子建小说温情叙事的深层缘由做了进一步分析与探究,,即纯净质朴的自然风情的化育、丰富温馨的世俗民情的熏陶以及独特深刻的个人生命体验的影响。最后则通过对迟子建二十余年来的小说作品进行再梳理,以发展的原则对其整个小说创作做了比较和研究,并由此得出,迟子建虽仍不改其一贯的温情述说,但其叙事基调已由浪漫渐向冷峻转变,显示出其不断超越自我的宝贵勇气与精神。步入新世纪,迟子建仍然葆有着旺盛的创作力,并且不断进行着自我的挑战与超越,真诚期待她能给我们带来更多的欣喜。

【Abstract】 In the mid-1980s, just like a ray of refreshing breeze, the northeast writer Chi Zijian raninto the Chinese contemporary literary world with her beautiful yearning for literature."ArcticVillage fairy tale" was published, which made Chi Zijian jump the star of the contemporaryliterary scene, and then the novellas like "kiss the potatoes","water welcome home" and "fogmonths bullpen" laid Chi Zijian’s position in the contemporary literary world. Creating for morethan20years, Chi Zijian has been maintaining a stable rhythm of creation, a bright art style anda tender feeling of literary faith, with her persistent concern to the fate of the underlying ordinarypeople’s lives and affectionate care of the hometown people’s tenacity existence. Her novelsalways filled with "warmth" like a warm light that never goes out in the low period of people’slives brimming with wild and cold, encouraging people who are in plight to continue to live withthe courage and confidence.In line with the rigor of the Reflection of Life, this paper takes Chi Zijian’s novel works thatsince her creation as the study object, and tries to spread out the research along with the clues of"warmth" in Chi Zijian’s novels. At the same time, with the combination of external and internalstudy, and multiple helps of comparative theory, narrative theory, the theory of narrativemechanism and a certain psychological theory, the paper attempts to excavate the excessivereflecting patterns of emotions of continuous "Warmth" shining on that piece of Northeastpermafrost and the deep reasons behind them at a deeper level by re-interpretation of Chi Zijian’snovels, and further explain the significance of the warmth of faith that Chi Zijian adheres to inthe new era of Chinese contemporary literary, in order to make new exploration on Chi Zijian’sresearch.Firstly, the paper attempts to make some re-interpretation about the narrative of "warmth" ofChi Zijian’s novel works, and seeks to probe into the aesthetic manifestations of it from twoaspects of aesthetic manifestations of the daily life and persistent discovery of the beauty ofhumanity. And the latter not only reflects in the direct expression of the beauty of humanity, butalso in the people’s transform from evil to good. Secondly, the paper tries hard to do certainfurther inquiry in the reflecting patterns of emotions of the narrative of "warmth" of Chi Zijian’snovels from four dimensions, such as the death narrative of holy and pure and desolate, themoved exchange between with people and soul, the unique natural description, the plain andrestraint poetic language and so on, and further analyses the embodied reasons of the varietyreflecting patterns of emotions. Next, the paper attempts to do further analysis and explorationon the deep origins of the Chi Zijian’s warm narrative from three angles, that is, the nurture of pure and plain natural style, the influence of rich and warm secular sentiments as well as thepersonal experience of unique and profound life impact. Finally, through the re-carding of ChiZijian’s novel works more than20years, the paper attempts to do a deep comparison andresearch on Chi Zijian’s whole novel writing according to the developing principle. And thensuch a result is obtained that Chi Zijian still persists in the consistent warm tell, but the narrativetone has been changed from romantic to solemn, showing her precious courage and spirit ofconstant surmounting in herself.Stepping into the new century, Chi Zijian still has a vigorous creative force, and continuallymakes ongoing self-challenge and beyond. We sincerely look forward to more joy that she isbringing to us in the future.

【关键词】 迟子建小说温情叙事
【Key words】 Chi Zijianwarmthnarrative