

Analysis of Simaqian’s Language Education Thougt

【作者】 季荣荣

【导师】 熊成钢;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 课程与教学轮, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 《史记》是一部经典的历史文学著作,它体现了中国上古时期历史文学的最高成就,也充分体现了司马迁的言语文字观。作为一部优秀的言语文字作品,它不仅可以帮助我们了解司马迁的语文教育思想,更可以帮助我们考察西汉时期的语文教育状况。中国从春秋战国到清朝末年是以文言文教育为核心的教育体系,汉代前承先秦百家争鸣的开放时代后启魏晋南北朝的文学自觉时代,从语文教育的角度考察司马迁的言语思想和的他《史记》具有重要价值和意义。因为司马迁在《史记》创作过程中不仅仅具有一个历史观、人生观,还有一个隐形的语言文字观。中国传统的文史哲的高峰出现在封建社会,哲学的高峰出现在中国封建领主制转向封建地主制的“转型期”——春秋战国时期,史学的高峰出现在中国封建地主制巩固时期——两汉时期,文学高峰出现在中国封建地主制鼎盛时期——唐宋时期。《史记》是集文史哲于一身的伟大的著作,体现了司马迁思想上的深刻性和先进性。而语言、文字作为思想革命工具的真正变革是由语言中思想性词汇的内涵的深刻变革所决定的,《史记》的语言形式体现了司马迁表达上的艺术性和独特性。从古代到现代、从国内到国外对《史记》的研究不胜枚举,这些研究多是从历史学、文学、文章学的角度考察,从语文教育史的角度则还不是太多。从语文教育史的立场去考察就会发现,《史记》中蕴含着丰富的语文教育因子。我们常说“唐诗宋词汉文章”,司马迁作为西汉文章家的集大成者,他一生创作《史记》所体现出的注重实践活动的言语学习思想给我们留下了学习语文的宝贵经验。司马迁创作《史记》的动机由外在需求到内在需求的转变,以及他阅读观、写作观的价值取向对于我们当下的语文教育有着现实的指导意义。《史记》中所包含的丰富言语内容、烂然文章突破了权威经学的桎梏,是我们考察中国古代语文教育内容的重要资源。而从历史纵向理顺《史记》课程资源利用的线索思考当下《史记》课程资源在高中教学的开发是一项极具价值的工作。从语文学科教学层面思考《史记》课程资源的开发与利用,充分利用好选文作为文言文典范的作用,在必修课和选修课的教学中处理好《史记》与阅读教学、写作教学、人格陶冶的关系,是我们高中语文教学应该思考的问题。

【Abstract】 Historical Records is a classic of historical literature,it reflects the histirical literature of the highest achievements of the Chinese in ancient times, it fully embodies Sima Qian’s language concepts.As an excellent written work,it can not only help us understand Sima Qian’s language educational thought,and can help us examine the educational status of the language in the Western Han Dynasty.From the Spring and Autumn Period to the Qing Dynasty,Chinese classical education was the core of the education system,before Han Dynasty it was the Spring and Autumn Perod,academics prospered,after Han Dynasty it was the era of literary consciousness,investigating the view of language education from Sima Qian’s Historical Records was great valued and significant.There was an invisible language concept in the process of creativing Historical Records not just a view of history and philosophy of life.The peak of traditional Chinese History and Philosophy was in the feudal society,the peak of Philosophy was in the Spring and Autumn Period,in this time China’feudal lord system shifted in the feudal landlord system;The peak of History was in Han Dynasty, China’feudal landlord system was consolidation; The peak of Literary was in Tang han Song Dynasty, China’feudal landlord system was prospered. Historical Records is a great book that combines literaure,history,philosopy, it reflects the profound thoughts and advanced ideas of Sima Qian.Genuine change of spoken and written language as an ideological revoluionary tool determined by the profound changes in ideological connotation of the words,the language form of Historical Records the artistry and uniqueness of Sima Qian.Since ancient times, from domestic to foreign studies on the Historical Records are too numerous to mention, these studies are mostly from the history, literature, the article, the perspective from the point of view of language education history is not too many. It will find Historical Records contains a wealth of language education factor from the standpoint of language education history.We all know that the article of Western Han Dynasty is very famous,Sima Qian as the article master of Western Han Dynasty his language concept and practice are very useful for current language education.In the process of creativing Historical Records Sima Qian’s motivation went through the external demand to the intrinsic demand change that was practical guidance for our present language education.Historical Records contains a wealth of knowledge of the language and beautiful article,broking through the shackles of authority of the classical studies.Sima Qian’s concept of language learning attaches great importance to the practice,which for us ia a reference.From the history of vertical straightening out Historical Records curriculum resource utilization clues and thinking Historical Records curriculum resources how to develop in high school teaching is a valuable work.Thinking from Historical Records’curriculum resources development and utilization in teaching aspects of language subjects,taking full advantage of the good selected text as a classical midel of the role,dealing with the relationship of the teaching reading,teaching writing,and personality cultivate in the compulsory and optional teaching should be thought by our high school language teachers.

【关键词】 司马迁《史记》语文教育
【Key words】 Sima QianHistorical Recordslanguage education thougt
  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【下载频次】221