

Viewing the Process of Local Independence in the Late Tang Dynasty from the Point of the Transition of the Prime Minister in Feudal China in the Mid-late Tang Dynasty

【作者】 刘晓艳

【导师】 马俊民; 杨西云;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 使相是在唐中后期出现的一种官职。宰相出任藩镇节度使,或藩帅带宰相官衔被称为“使相”,特点是“在镇不在朝”。使相一职在唐中后期出现有其特定的历史背景,是在安史之乱及藩镇割据的社会动乱中产生的,又反过来对藩镇割据产生影响。它的出现,既是唐中后期地方独立化过程中的表征,又推动了唐盖地方独立化的进程。本文即是以通过对唐中后期使相一职出现、发展的各个阶段中的不同特点进行分析,从使相群体的特点演变管窥唐中后期地方独立化进程。唐使相的发端,主要发生在玄宗时期。这一阶段,使相人数不多,但却举足轻重。玄宗时期的安史之乱以及由此带来的政治格局大变动,为使相的出现创造了条件,这时期使相职能更多的是替天子巡边。唐中央对于地方的控制,尽管开始出现河朔地区的藩镇割据,但整体上对于地方的控制力还是较强的。从唐肃宗到黄巢起义前,是唐使相发展、定型的重要阶段。使相在镇不在朝的特点鲜明,武将出身的使相开始占据绝对的多数,且在割据藩镇出现世袭罔替。使相呈现出这样的特点,恰恰说明了唐后期地方独立化进程的发展。唐从僖宗朝到哀皇帝短短的三十多年,是唐盖使相走向独立化的阶段。战乱再起,唐方镇节度使们在动荡的背景下,经过一系列的吞并与割据的战争中,最终实现了“大鱼吃小鱼”的过程,形成了数个强势方镇。唐亡后,这些方镇的独立为中国历史上的大分裂时代——五代十国开启了大幕。

【Abstract】 The prime minister in feudal China is an official position in the Mid-late Tang Dynasty. The prime minister acts as the FanZhen secretariat, or FanZhen associated with the prime minister, which is called the "Prime Minister in Feudal China". It is characterized by "within the down out of the imperial court"The prime minister, with certain historical background, is the product of social turmoil in the Anshi Rebellion and Fanzhen Separation. In turn, the position of prime minister has left a profound influence on the Fanzhen Separation. It is not only the reflection of local independence, but the catalysis of the regional independence in the mid-late Tang Dynasty. This paper aims to analyze the characteristics in its phases of emergence and development of the position, thus from the changes, view the whole process of regional independence.The starting period of the position lies mainly in the reign of Hsuan Tsung when the diplomatic minister is small in number but weighs a lot. The Anshi Rebellion and the following political changes provide more conditions for the development of position and its main function is to patrol the boarders for the emperor. In spite of the Fanzhen splittism appeared in the North of Yellow River, the central government still has a dense control over the regions.The stage from the Emperor Suzong of Tang to the Huang Chao Uprising witnesses the indispensable development of the prime minister in feudal China. The distinctive character of the position-out of the court has made it clear. The prime minister originate from the prince monopolizes the position, and then inherits since the Fanzhen Separation. This just proves the later development of local independence. The short three decades from Xizong to Aizong witness the independence of the diplomatic minister. Through annexation and splittism and the chaos of wars, the provincial governors finally conclude the process of "survival of the fittest" with several strong Fanzhens. After the extinction of Tang Dynasty, those regional forces opens the curtain for the main Separate Period of China—the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms.

  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【下载频次】154