

【作者】 王旭

【导师】 唐华全;

【作者基本信息】 天津师范大学 , 中国古代史, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 御史台狱是古代监狱系统的重要组成部分,又是监察制度中的重要内容,也是司法环节之一。学界对唐代御史台的研究大多是从监察、司法的角度展开的,但从御史台狱角度的研究还有待深入。本文对唐代御史台狱的沿革、狱官制度、御史台狱的性质和作用、政治势力对御史台狱的影响等方面进行论述。全文由如下几个部分构成:绪论:主要论述“狱”的双层含义及其在中国古代政治中的重要性,阐述选题的意义与研究对象,简要回顾了相关问题的研究状况。第一章:首先对御史台狱始于唐代的说法提出质疑。其次,就唐代御史台狱设置时间的几种分歧做进一步考辨。再次,从政治的角度就唐代御史台狱的置、废原因进行深入分析。御史台狱废而复置,直至唐末仍然存在。第二章:论述御史台狱官系统的组成及其职掌。分别就御史受事、御史推按、御史监刑及台狱狱政四个狱官制度中的重要内容进行论述。第三章:对史料中关于御史台狱的相关记载进行了统计,指出御史台狱具有维护皇权、惩治官吏犯罪的性质。依据统计结果,对御史台狱的分布特点及其原因进行分析。御史台狱在起到维护皇权、惩治犯罪作用的同时,也容易成为皇帝行专杀之权的工具。第四章:论述权臣和宦官势力对御史台狱的影响。一方而,御史台狱容易被权臣所利用,成为党争的工具。另一方面,唐代后期御史台狱与宦官控制的一些机构发生冲突,并受到了宦官势力的干涉。余论:论述御史台狱在逐渐打破南北狱格局,进而超越大理寺狱的过程中,唐代的御史台狱起到承前启后的作用。

【Abstract】 YuShiTai jail is not only one of the important parts of the ancient jail system, but also the important content in the system of supervision and judicial part. Scholars were mostly from supervision and judicial point of view to study the YuShiTai of Tang Dynasty in the past. But the jail and criminal cases of YuShiTai still need to be further researched. In this paper, the study on YuShiTai Jail include:the evolution of YuShiTai Jail, the warden of the YuShiTai jail system, the nature and function of YuShiTai cases, as well as the prime minister and eunuch of the feudal China YuShiTai jail effect.Introduction:mainly discusses the "Yu" double meaning and in ancient China’s politics importance, explains the significance and the research object, a brief review of the research on related problems of.The first chapter:Firstly, the author thinks that the YuShiTai jail had not started in the Tang dynasty. Secondly, the paper demonstrates the setting time of several differences YuShiTai jail of Tang Dynasty. Thirdly, the article deeply analyzes in the Tang Dynasty from the perspective of politics of YuShiTai jail settings and the abolition of the causes. After the abolition of YuShiTai jail and redundancy, it remained until late tang.The second chapter:the article discusses the YuShiTai warden system composed of personnel and their responsibilities. The article discussed the lawsuits, Interrogation, Supervised execution and YuShiTai jail management four systems.The third chapter:the historical data involved in the YuShiTai cases records were statistically and points out that it with maintaining imperial power, the nature of crime punishment of officials. According to the statistical results, the article analyzes YuShiTai cases distribution characteristics and its causes. It can not only maintain the imperial and criminal punishment, but also easy to become emperor line designed to kill the power tool.The fourth chapter:the article discusses the prime minister and the eunuch influence YuShiTai cases. On one hand, YuShiTai jial is easy to use and become prime minister faction tool. On the other hand, the late Tang Dynasty YuShiTai jail and the eunuch control of some institutions in conflict, and had interfered by the eunuch.Conclusion:This article discusses the YuShiTai jail break prison in North-South pattern gradually, and thus beyond the Dali Temple Prison in the process, the Tang Dynasty censorate plays an important role.

【关键词】 唐代御史台狱御史
【Key words】 Tang DynastyYuShiTai JailYuShi
  • 【分类号】K242
  • 【下载频次】147