

Research on Mutual Relationship Between Surrounding Rock and Stents in the Fully Mechanized Mining Face with Large Dip Angle Special Thick

【作者】 刘跃飞

【导师】 田取珍;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 采矿工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 大倾角煤层一般是指煤层倾角为35°-55°的煤层。在我国,随着煤矿技术的发展,大倾角煤层的开采变的越来越多,也成为当下部分煤矿开采面临的难题之一。大倾角煤层开采工作面矿压显现规律和顶板、顶煤的运动与缓倾斜煤层有很大区别,支架—围岩相互作用关系也有很大不同。本文在分析和研究大倾角煤层开采上覆岩层结构特征和顶板顶煤的运移规律的基础上,重点研究了大倾角厚煤层综放采场支架—围岩的相互关系,分析了大倾角条件下支架运行的稳定性,确定了大倾角特厚煤层综放采场液压支架的合理工作阻力,为大倾角煤层的高效、安全开采等工程实践提供了重要的参考价值。针对上述内容,本文以山西潞安集团潞宁煤业有限公司大倾角特厚煤层综放采场覆岩结构及顶板顶煤运动规律课题为研究背景,深入探讨研究了大倾角特厚煤层综放采场支架—围岩的相互作用关系,其主要内容包括以下5个方面:①大倾角综放采场的覆岩结构及运动规律;②大倾角综采放顶煤运移规律;③大倾角综放采场支架—围岩相互作用关系;④大倾角综放采场支架工作阻力的合理确定;⑤大倾角综放工作面支架稳定性的分析。本文对两个代表性的大倾角煤矿做了调研分析,总结了大倾角特厚煤层综放工作面支架支柱的受力特点以及沿工作面倾斜方向上压力的分布特点。对潞安集团潞宁孟家窑煤业有限公司5号煤层的煤岩进行了岩石力学实验,通过建立大倾角工作面直接顶“小结构”和老顶岩层“大结构”的力学模型进行分析计算,得出了大倾角煤层冒落矸石沿工作面方向的充填长度。同时,针对孟家窑5105工作面计算了沿工作面走向的冒落带高度和断裂带高度,以及工作面倾向的冒落高度。利用弹性薄板理论对大倾角综放工作面覆岩断裂结构进行了分析计算,针对孟家窑煤矿大倾角综放工作面的基本情况得出:直接顶的初次极限垮落步距为11.2m;工作面推进方向上到42.1m时,基本顶中部发生初次断裂,沿工作面倾斜方向在距下端头28.7m和距离上端头21.8m范围处的板发生破断;在基本顶周期来压前,沿工作面推进方向到18.3m时中部发生断裂,沿工作面倾斜方向在距下端头18.2m和距上端头13.6m范围处板会发生断裂。运用损伤力学理论分析了大倾角综放采场顶煤的运移规律及破坏特征。尤其顶煤的始动点在工作面倾斜方向上表现出不同的移动特征,即沿工作面倾向上部顶煤的始动点距离煤壁最远,下部次之,中下部最近。大倾角放顶煤支架工作阻力分别采用类比法、实测统计法和理论分析法计算。采用支护强度理论计算最终确定孟家窑5105工作面的支架合理工作阻力为6000kN。此外,对支架稳定性问题提出了相关的控制技术措施。经上研究,对大倾角综放工作面支架-围岩相互关系的相关问题做了进一步的分析研究,对孟家窑煤矿支架合理工作阻力进行了计算确定,并针对煤层倾角采场支架的稳定性做出了分析及提出相关的技术措施。

【Abstract】 Big obliquity coal seam is usually referred to as coal seam angle for35°~55°of coal seam. In China, with the development of the technology of coal mine, big obliquity seam mining gradually become more and more, also be the one of the difficult problems in coal mining. Big obliquity coal bed mining face mine pressure rule and roof, appeared top-coal movement and slow steep coal seam is there a big difference between, support-the mutual relationship between surrounding rock also have very different. Based on the analysis and research Angle coal bed mining on the overlaying strata structure characteristics and roof caving on the basis of the migration rule, focus on the large dip Angle fully-mechanized sublevel caving mining thick coal seam support-the relationship of the surrounding rock, under the condition of large dip Angle movement stability of stents, determined the special thick large dip Angle fully mechanized mining hydraulic support’s reasonable working resistance, large dip Angle of coal seam for efficient, safe mining engineering practice provides important reference value. In view of the above content, this article takes the group Lu better (shanxi coal Co. LTD, the special thick large dip Angle fully mechanized mining overlayer strata structure and roof caving movement rules as the research background subject, this study the special thick large dip Angle fully mechanized mining stents-the mutual relationship between the surrounding rock, its main include the following five aspects:(1) large dip Angle of full-mechanized caving mining strata structure and movement rules;(2) the big obliquity of fully mechanized caving coal face migration rule;(3) fully-mechanized sublevel caving mining stents-large dip Angle on the mutual relationship between surrounding rock;(4) the fully-mechanized sublevel caving mining big dip the reasonable determination of the support working resistance;(5) big obliquity fully-mechanized sublevel caving support stability analysis.In this paper, the two typical big dip the investigation of coal mine do is analyzed. The Angle of the special thick in fully mechanized mining face the mechanical characteristics and stent pillar working direction along the tilt of the pressure distribution characteristics.Group of Lu NingMeng jiayao kiln Co. LTD number5coal seam coal rock of the rock mechanics experiments.. Through the establishment of large tilt Angle face direct roof "small structure" and the old roof strata "big structure" mechanical model for the analysis, it is concluded that the coal gangue big dip at the direction of the mining face down along the length of the filling, and at the same time, according to house5105 working face of kiln meng calculated the mining face toward the Caving zone along the height and fault zone height, and the tendency of the working at height down.By using elastic thin plate theory Angle of full-mechanized caving mining face of overburden rock fracture structure is analyzed and calculated, Meng Jiayao coal for large dip Angle xinyao coal in the fully mechanized top-coal caving basic situation that the top of the first cross fall directly step distance of20.1m; Working face impelling direction to42.1m, the basic roof in the central first fracture, sloping direction along the face in the end it is28.7m and distance21.8m points within the scope of the board happen breakage; In the basic roof before periodic press, working along the development direction to18.3m in the central when fracture, sloping direction along the face from the18.2m and the end points from13.6m range board will split.Using the theory of damage mechanics analysis Angle fully mechanized top-coal the stope of migration rule and destruction features. Especially in the beginning of the top-coal is fixed point working direction tilt borrows and different movement characteristics, namely the tendency of top-coal along the working face of tumor-initiating point distance coal farthest wall, the lower part is the second smallest, and produce wetting recently.Large dip Angle fully mechanized top-coal caving support working resistance analogy method, were used to the statistics and theory analysis computation. The support strength theory calculation Meng Jiayao coal5105 working face of kiln meng stent reasonable working resistance for6000kN. In addition, to support stability problems put forward the relative technical measures.Research on, Angle of full-mechanized caving mining face of the relation between the surrounding rock stents related problems of further analysis, home to meng kiln coal mine the work resistance on the stent reasonable calculated and determined, and in the light of the stability of coal seam mining stents Angle made analysis and puts forward related technical measures.
