

Technology Research of Energy-saving Transformation of Shanxi College Existing Sports Building

【作者】 冯光

【导师】 张永胜;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 建筑技术科学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 随着全国“十二五”规划纲要已经进入实施阶段,在这五年中城市化进程的速度也将进一步的加快。到“十二五”末城镇人口数量将超过全国人口数量的50%,超越农村人口。因此未来的几十年内建筑行业势必将迅猛发展,建筑规模巨大。建筑能耗也随之猛增。这样不但耗费了大量的能源,而且严重污染了环境。对自然生态造成了巨大的破坏,对人的生存构成了潜在的威胁。所以,建筑节能改造势在必行,刻不容缓。目前,全国房屋总面积已超过400亿m2,今后我国每年还将新增建筑面积16亿~20亿m2。到2020年新增建筑面积将达到200多亿m2。在现行建筑管理体系中,达不到节能建筑的标准就不得开工,所以新建建筑的节能只是执行问题,难度并不是很大。难度在于现在既有的400亿m2建筑的节能改造,如何让既有建筑成为真正的节能建筑。在既有的400亿m2建筑,仅有1%为节能建筑,其余均属于高耗能建筑。所以针对既有建筑的节能改造就成了节能改造中的重中之重。近些年,随着我国体育事业的蓬勃发展,体育建筑也处于一个建设高峰期。体育建筑由于其室内空间大,对采暖、照明等要求高的特点,再加上付出高额的建设成本后使用率低、运营维护费用高,往往成为一座“高能低效”的建筑。所以对其进行节能改造就显得十分有必要,其节能潜力是十分巨大的。目前,全国体育建筑中有超过60%在学校,而高校体育场馆是其核心的组成部分。本文以山西省高校体育馆节能改造技术研究为课题,选取山西省高校典型体育馆建筑——太原理工大学迎西校区体育馆为研究对象,调查分析了体育馆的现状情况,结合国内外现今常用的节能改造技术,对外墙、屋顶、门窗、地面等部位进行节能改造设计,对大空间、大跨度建筑节能实用技术进行了分析探讨,并设计了具体的节能改造方案,最后进行了建筑节能模拟计算,给出类了结论和建议,为今后高校体育馆建筑在节能改造方面提供一些参考方法。

【Abstract】 As the country "Twelfth Five-Year" plan for has stepped into the stage of implementation, in these five years urbanization process of the speed will also further speed up.Urban population will more than50%of the total population at the end of "Twelfth Five-Year",exceed the rural population.Therefore building industry will be development rapidly in the further decades,scale of building is large,lead to building energy consumption has soared. Such not only spend a huge amount of energy, but also pollute the environment seriously.lt will cause great damage to natural ecology,and constitute potential threat to person’s survival.So building energy saving is imperative and urgent.At present,the national building area more than40billion square meters, our country will also add building area of1.6billion to2billion square meters every year in the future. New building area will reach more than20billion square meters by2020.New buildings shall not be commenced if it can not reach the building energy efficiency standards in the current construction management system.So new buildings energy saving just implementation,the difficulty is not very great. The difficulty is that already40billion square meters of energy-saving reconstruction work for existing building,How to make existing building turn into the real energy saving building. In the40billion square meters of existing buildings,only1%for energy-efficient building,the rest no matter from building palisade structure or heating air conditioning system to measure,all belong to a gas-guzzling architecture.So for energy saving of existing buildings became the most important.In recent years,along with the development of the PE,sports building also into a peak construction.Sports building because its interior space is big,to heating,lighting,the characteristics of high requirements,plus the low utilization rate and the high cost of maintenance after paying a high cost of construction,often become a "high energy but inefficient" buildings.So the retrofit of it is very necessary,its energy saving potential is very great.At present,the national sports buildings are more than60%in the school, and university sports stadiums are the core component parts.This paper content is technology research of energy-saving transformation of shanxi college existing sports building.Select university gymnasium typical in Shanxi Province-Yinxi campus stadium in Taiyuan university of technology for research objects,investigation and analysis the present situation of the stadium,combining with the energy saving transformation technology from home and abroad commonly used today, for energy saving transformation design to external wall,roof,doors and windows,the ground and other parts,energy saving practical technology for large space, big span building are analyzed and discussed,and design the specific energy-saving design scheme.Last simulate calculate building energy consumption,given the kind of conclusions and recommendations, for give some reference method to saving energy of university gymnasium building in the future.

  • 【分类号】TU245;TU201.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】228
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