

A Survey on Current Situation of Primary Bilingual Schools in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province

【作者】 吕璟玉

【导师】 郝玫;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 双语教育已经成为二十一世纪整个社会和学术界的一个热点话题。双语教育不仅是加拿大、新加坡等双语或多语国家的一种常见的教学模式,而且被越来越多诸如日本、中国等单语国家所采用。中国英汉双语教育的目的不同于西方国家,其主旨是为了满足中国全球化发展的需要而培养大批合格的双语人才,进而加速中国政治和经济的全球化进程。九十年代至今,双语教育已经遍及中国。然而双语教育在中国的发展并不平衡。总体而言,我国沿海发达城市双语教育的发展优于内陆城市。同时,我国的双语教育研究主要集中在沿海发达城市,而针对像太原这样的内陆中、小城市的研究则很少。本文笔者旨在通过调查研究,客观展示太原市双语教育现状。同时,在数据分析的基础上,本文旨在找出现阶段太原市双语教育存在的问题,并针对其提出可行性建议,进而为太原市小学双语教育的发展服务。此次研究主要围绕以下问题:1.太原市双语教育的现状如何?2.双语学校中的校长、老师以及学生对双语教育持怎样的态度?3.太原市双语教育现阶段存在哪些问题?如何解决这些问题?本文共分为六章。第一章对此次研究的背景、目的和重要性做出简要介绍。第二章重点介绍了双语教育的定义、模式、理论基础以及国内外研究现状。第三章集中展示了本文的研究目的、对象、工具以及数据收集过程。第四章是文章的主体,介绍了此次研究的数据分析过程和结果;并将太原市小学双语教育与苏州市小学双语教育进行对比。在第五章中,笔者对太原市双语教育现状做出总结,指出其中存在的不足之处,并提出相应建议。最后一章在总结全文的基础上指出此次研究的不足之处及对未来研究的建议。总体而言,太原市小学双语教育的发展仍处于初级阶段。尽管其存在着诸多不足,但在一定程度上提高了学生的英语水平,尤其是口语能力,以及学生对英语学习的兴趣。

【Abstract】 Bilingual education has been a hot topic of society and academic world in21st century. It has been adopted not only by many bilingual or multilingual countries, such as Canada, Singapore, America etc., but also by lots of monolingual countries, such as Japan and China etc. And the aims of bilingual education in different countries are not the same. The Chinese-English bilingual education in China is to cultivate a great quantity of qualified bilingual persons to meet the need of globalization and speed up the process of Chinese political and economic globalization.From1990s on, bilingual education has been spread all over China. Yet the development of primary bilingual education is not balanced. In general, the bilingual education in coastal developed big cities is superior to the bilingual education in mainland cities. And the research on bilingual education mainly focuses on the experiments in coastal developed cities, yet the research on bilingual education in mainland cities, such as Taiyuan is limited.In this thesis, the author tries to present the current situation of primary bilingual education in Taiyuan objectively. And through synthesizing the data collected, this paper tries to sum up the problems and restrictive elements on it, and then finds out some relevant suggested solutions which could enhance the development of bilingual education in Taiyuan. And the research of this paper is mainly arranged around the following questions: A. What is the general situation of primary bilingual education in Taiyuan?B. What opinions do the principals, teachers and pupils in primary bilingual schools hold on bilingual education?C. What weaknesses are there in primary bilingual schools in Taiyuan? How to deal with these weaknesses?This thesis consists of six parts. The first chapter introduces the research background, objectives, significance and structure of this paper. In chapter two, it shows the definitions of Bilingual education, the models of bilingual education, the theoretical foundation of bilingual education and the status quo of primary bilingual education abroad and at home, which is the basis of the following investigation. Chapter three is about methodology, which presents the purpose, subjects, instruments and procedures of the investigation in this paper concretely. Chapter four is the main body of this thesis. It presents the result of questionnaires for principals, teachers and students; and does a comparison between the primary bilingual education in Taiyuan and Suzhou. Following that is chapter five, which summarizes the characteristics of primary bilingual education in Taiyuan, points out the problems existed in it, and puts forward some suggestions. Chapter six does a summary of this thesis and points out the limitation of this study and gives some suggestions for further studies.To sum up, the primary bilingual education in Taiyuan is still at the beginning stage. Though there are still many difficulties, it has improved students’English competence, especially oral English ability, and interest on English learning to a certain degree. And the development of primary bilingual education in Taiyuan is promising.

【关键词】 双语教育小学现状太原
【Key words】 bilingual educationprimary schoolcurrent situationTaiyuan