

Flexible Study on FESTO Moduler Production System

【作者】 茹君

【导师】 李文斌;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 MPS(模块化生产系统)是一种工业自动化生产系统。通过模块化的思想将生产系统分成功能各异的模块,这些模块都可独立完成生产工艺中的某一个流程。所有模块都安装有标准通信装置,可以在生产过程中进行实时通信。通过分析工件的生产工艺流程,结合每个模块的功能和特点,按照稳定、简便的原则选择需要的模块,组合成一个系统,完成生产任务。这就是模块化生产系统。模块化生产系统的标准化、柔性化这两个特点使得该生产系统在现代制造业中的应用越来越广泛。德国FESTO公司生产的MPS系统共有九个模块,根据工件的生产流程,可完成供料、传输、加工、检测等工艺过程。该系统为单一工件供料模式,可对不同颜色的工件进行识别。供料模块是MPS中的第一个模块,它由料仓、推送机构、摆臂机构组成,主要完成为下一单元输送工件的工作。整个工作的完成以气泵提供的气压为动力源,通过PLC控制阀岛来完成各个部件的动作。经过分析,原MPS系统有一定的局限性,如对零件尺寸、形状的变化要求范围小、柔性差等,若对MPS进行柔性化、扩大零件尺寸范围,并且对后续的几个模块进行适当调整,即可使MPS的功能改进,系统的利用率和效率得到提高。因此,本文根据生产和柔性化的要求,针对供料模块的功能,设计了圆形料盘结构、楔形传送结构,将料盘内部用隔板成相对独立的空间。圆形料盘内的隔板推动工件运动,实现了模块工作连续性;隔板之间的角度可调整,实现了系统柔性化;楔形传送结构实现了不同尺寸工件最后停至不同位置,便于机械臂提取。同时,本文还进行了上位机和PLC联接与通讯的研究,利用组态王软件设计人机窗口和监控界面,构建供料模块监控系统,通过上位机中的监控界面,工作人员可观察模块的运行情况。总之,改进后的MPS系统其柔性得到提高,随着工件尺寸的改变,系统只需根据工件直径调节料盘中隔板间的夹角,并在监控界面输入相关尺寸,即可实现后续工序内容;通过监控系统则可以观察模块运行是否正常,在故障时及时停止模块运行,满足了MPS的自动化要求。

【Abstract】 MPS(Modular Production System) is a kind of industrial automation system. The system was separated according to modularization method into different module with different function. These modules can finish a task by itself. All of the modules have communication device which can communicate with each other. By analyzing the technological process, a production system would be made up according to stable and expedient principle. This is the mean of MPS. Standardization and flexibility are two features of MPS which make MPS widely used in modern manufacturing industry.The MPS of FESTO contain nine modules. FESTO MPS can board part, machining part and detection part and so on. The mode of supplying parts is single. This system can distinguish the color of parts. Boards module is the first one in the MPS. It contains silo, push mechanism, rocker arm. The main job of this module is offering part for the next module. The power of the system is an air pump.Through the analysis, MPS have a limitation on the size and shape. If expansion the machining range and adjust other modules, MPS can machine more kinds of parts and improve the availability and efficiency. So, on basis the requirement of production and flexibility, the tray was designed to be rounded and the conveyor was designed to be wedge. The baffle separate the tray to a number of part. The baffle push work to the assigned place. By adjusting the angle between baffles, MPS improve flexibility. In the meantime, the communication between host computer and the PLC was studied. The man-machine interface was made up with configuration software, then supervisory system was built. The real-time condition can be reacted in that interface.In a word, the flexibility of the modified MPS was improved. When the size of part changed, the follow-up process can be completed by adjusting the angle between baffles and input the size into supervisory interface. The working condition can be seen in the supervisory system. The system can be stopped when there is a bug. So, the automation of MPS was fulfilled.
