

Reliability Life Research of Scraper Conveyor

【作者】 代卫卫

【导师】 刘混举;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 刮板输送机作为综采工作面重要的设备之一,它的可靠性寿命直接影响着煤矿企业的安全、经济、高效生产。作为综采工作面唯一的运输设备,其工作条件恶劣、负载复杂多变,其安全可靠运行至关重要。近年来,随着新技术、新材料、新工艺的大量应用,国产重型刮板输送机装备的技术也得到飞速的发展,为煤矿生产实现高产高效起到了极大的推动作用。但是,国产刮板输送机与国外先进设备还是存在一定的差距,主要体现在可靠性和使用寿命方面,因此迫切需要对刮板输送机可靠性寿命进行分析研究,以提高其国产刮板输送机的可靠性水平。本课题以可靠性寿命理论和疲劳寿命理论为依据来对刮板输送机的可靠性寿命进行分析研究。首先,根据可靠性寿命理论并结合刮板输送机的实际工作条件,筛选其可靠性寿命指标。然后,对神东公司刮板输送机两年的故障统计数据进行分析,获得刮板输送机整机的可靠性水平,找出影响可靠性寿命的最薄弱环节,进而分析最薄弱环节失效的主要原因。接着,利用ANSYS/FE-SAVE软件,对48mm×152mm刮板链应力和疲劳寿命进行了分析,得出链与链接触面和刮板链直边内侧与弧段相接处存在应力集中,刮板链的疲劳寿命最小值和安全系数最小值在链与链接触面和刮板链直边内侧与弧段相接位置,刮板链疲劳寿命是外侧大于内侧。随后,对刮板输送机的故障数据进行分析,验证出该刮板输送机的寿命服从威布尔寿命分布,计算其寿命指标,找出寿命规律,判断其可靠性寿命的总体水平。利用“等劣化”理论预计其大修次数和每次大修的总过煤量。本文通过对刮板输送机整机可靠性分析找出影响可靠性寿命的最薄弱环节;然后再对其进行疲劳可靠性寿命预测;最后对故障数据分析得出刮板输送机的寿命规律,预计其大修次数和每次大修的总过煤量,为生产管理者提供提前维修的依据,也为其他型号的刮板输送机的可靠性寿命分析提供参考方法,这样对于提高刮板输送机的可靠性寿命,合理进行生产管理具有现实意义,为管理者提供参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 As one of the important equipment of fully mechanized coal face, scraper conveyor’s reliability life directly affects enterprise security, economic, efficient production of the coal. As the only transport equipment for fully mechanized coal mining face, for the poor working conditions, load diversity, the safety and reliable operation is very important. In recent years, along with the application of new technology, new materials and new technology, domestic scraper conveyor equipment and technology has been rapid development, and played a great role in promoting coal production to achieve high yield efficient. However, there is still a certain gap between the domestic and foreign advanced equipment of scraper conveyor, mainly reflected in the reliability and service life, so it is an urgent need to study the reliability and service life of scraper conveyor, and then improve its reliability level.This topic is based on the theory of reliability life and fatigue life theory to analyze the reliability of life of the scraper conveyor. First, according to the theory of reliability life combined with the actual working conditions of the scraper conveyor, screening the reliability of life indicators. Then, analyze two years of failure statistics of the Shen Dong scraper conveyor, scraper its reliability level, and identify the weakest link of the reliability life, and then analyzes the main reasons of its weakest link.Then, using the ANSYS/FE-SAVE software, analyze48mm X152mm ring chain stress and fatigue life,analysis shows that the chain and chain contact surface and ring chain straight edge to the inside of the arc phase exist stress concentration, chain’s fatigue life minimum and the safety factor minimum are at the position of the straight edge of the inside of the chain and chain contact surface and the ring chain and arc phase position, the ring chain fatigue life of the outside is greater than the inside. Subsequently, analyze the fault data of the scraper conveyor, proved that the life of the scraper conveyor obey the Weibull life distribution, to calculate the life expectancy indicators and identify the law of life, then judge the overall level of reliability life. Use "Degradation" theory to expect its number of overhaul and the amount of coal of the each overhaul.This paper identify the weakest link of the reliability life scraper conveyor machine through reliability life analysis; and then predict its life prediction of fatigue reliability; Finally, analyze the failure data to come to the law of the life of the scraper conveyor, expect the number of overhaul and the amount of coal each overhaul, provide the basis for early repair, and also provide a reference method for the reliability of life of the other types of scraper conveyor, It’s advantageous to improve the reliability life of scraper conveyor, and has practical significance for reasonable production management,and provide reference for managers.
