

Finite Element Simulation and Analysis of60AT Rail Heel-End Forging Process

【作者】 侯丙盛

【导师】 池成忠; 许树勤;

【作者基本信息】 太原理工大学 , 材料加工工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着铁路运输向高速化、重载化的加速发展,钢轨也逐渐换成重轨,相应的道岔的尖轨也需采用特种断面钢轨(简称AT型尖轨)来制造。在AT型尖轨制造工艺中,跟端锻造成形是影响AT型尖轨产品质量的关键工序,这道工序的工艺设计及执行力度直接影响AT型尖轨的性能、质量和使用寿命。本文针对某公司在AT型尖轨生产过程中存在轨头缺肉和轨腰折叠等现象,详细分析了国内尖轨跟端成形工艺的优缺点、加工难点和缺陷形式,利用有限元数值模拟软件Deform对60AT型尖轨跟端锻造成形过程进行模拟分析,研究了60AT型尖轨跟端锻造过程中坯料的温度计算、工件的变形抗力计算、加工缺陷的产生原因与模具的改进设计等,通过对缺陷的形成进行深入模拟,为现行锻造工艺的进一步优化提供了依据。论文在建立60AT型尖轨材料的本构方程的基础上,运用二维绘图软件AutoCAD进行了锻造模具和坯料的实体造型,运用Deform建立了60AT型尖轨跟端锻造有限元模拟模型。使用Deform模拟60AT型尖轨跟端锻造成形过程,获得的各工步变形抗力得到了实际生产中液压机载荷的验证,由此表明,建立的锻造模拟模型可以较准确反映实际生产中的模锻过程。针对60AT型尖轨跟端复杂的锻造工序,借助模拟锻造过程中金属的流动规律和应力应变分布状态,找出了轨头缺肉、轨腰折叠等缺陷产生的原因。模拟显示:优化模具下颚圆角,轨腰处圆角等部位结构尺寸,可防止成形缺陷的产生;提高预锻模轨腰处的高度,可使终锻过程变得简单易行。本课题的研究对60AT型尖轨模锻成形具有指导意义,并为模锻工艺及模具的改进设计提供了依据。

【Abstract】 With the railway development tow and high-speed railway and heavy-load freight, rail is gradually, replaced by heavy rail. The corresponding point of the tip rail should been produced by special section rail. The end piece60AT rail forging is the key processes affect the quality in manufacturing process of AT rail. Design on process and enforcement in this process direct impact on performance, quality and service life of the AT rail.In the production process of end piece60AT rail forging, charge in rail head, rail waist folding will be happen in one company. Detailed analysis of defects in the form of the end piece60AT rail forging, Include advantages and disadvantages of processing difficulties. Analysis through a series of simulation, use finite element numerical simulation software Deform to simulate the end piece60AT rail forging. Study on the temperature calculation of the billet, deformation of the workpiece resistance calculated, the reasons cause processing defects, and improve the design of the mold. Through the formation of defect simulation, for further optimization of the existing forging process provides basis.On the basis of the constitutive equation60AT switch rail materials, make the blank mold and solid modeling by two-dimensional drawing software AutoCAD. Make finite element simulation model of end piece60AT rail forging by Deform. Simulation of the forging process of end piece60AT rail forging. Been to work step deformation resistance has been the validation of the actual production of Petroleum presses load. It is suggested that the establishment of the forging simulation model can more accurately reflect the actual production in the forging process.The end piece60AT rail forging is a complicated forging process. With the simulation of forging process, metal flow pattern and the stress-strain distribution. Find out the rail head charge, the causes of rail waist folding defects. Simulation:optimization of the structural dimensions of the mold jaw rounded corners, and at the rounded corners and other parts of the rail waist to prevent forming defects generated; the blocker rail waist height, and can make the final forging process becomes simple.The subject of the end piece60AT rail forging has guiding significance., and can be used to guide production.

【关键词】 60AT型尖轨Deform有限元模拟模锻
【Key words】 60AT railDEFORMnumerical simulationforging