

Study on the Case Method of History Teaching in Middle School

【作者】 张芳

【导师】 展龙; 李铭;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 学科教学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 历史学科属于人文学科,历史教育的本质在于培养学生的人文素质。但由于传统教学习惯和功利性考试的存在,历史教学不自觉的沦为考试的附庸。分数成为衡量一个学生优秀与否、有无前途、能否上大学的标准,其他能力如分析问题、解决问题在分数面前显得不那么重要。在这种应试教育背景下,培养出来的学生只会死记硬背历史知识,应付课堂学习和历史考试绰绰有余;但当进入社会后却发现很多所学知识无用武之地。社会需要的不仅是能考高分的学生更是有实际能力的人才,而这正是当下学生所缺少的。现在的教育和社会严重脱节,在理论和实践之间存在一条难以逾越的鸿沟,这道鸿沟成为制约当下教育改革的瓶颈。而如何完成新课改任务、将知识转变为能力、全面发挥历史课程的教育功能,案例教学法作出了尝试。案例教学法并不是一个崭新的事物,它已经在日常教学中被许多学科采用。但对于历史学科而言,案例教学法还是薄弱的一环,仍有许多上升空间,是值得探索和研究的重要问题。在中学历史教学中使用案例教学法,旨在将案例教学的优点与历史教学的特点相结合,形成一种新型的有自身特色的历史教学法,以实现中学历史教育的固有价值。在查阅了国内外相关资料、对成都市部分教师进行问卷调查的基础上,从中学历史教学中案例教学法应用现状、中学历史教学中案例教学的选择与编写、中学历史教学中案例教学法的实施、中学历史教学中案例教学法实施过程中应注意的问题等方面入手,对中学历史教学中案例教学法的理论与实践予以初步探索,以期促进中学历史教学方法的革新、完善中学历史学科教学体系,优化课堂教学、提高历史教学质量,进而促使历史教学成为真正“以人为本”的教育。全文共分为五个部分:第一部分为引言,主要对研究课题进行阐述,对相应的概念进行解析,明确选题的缘由、研究意义和价值、国内外研究现状,研究方法和重难点及创新之处等内容。第二部分,主要是对现阶段中学历史教学中普遍使用的四种教学方法进行论述,并对案例教学法在历史教学中的使用情况展开问卷调查,在此基础上将历史案例教学法与传统教学法进行比较,以明确历史案例教学法的优缺点并展望其运用前景。第三部分,主要是论述历史教学案例的选择与编写,一方面是历史案例的选择,首先在选择教学案例之前要明确具备哪些特征才能被称之为案例、哪些情况适合用案例,进而从一个好案例的标准、学情、案例的难易程度等因素综合考虑阐述如何选择合适的历史教学案例。另一方面是历史教学案例的编写,参考他人的编写实例总结出案例编写过程中的范式,得出案例编写所需遵循的程序、标准和格式,并以实例为支撑。第四部分,主要是对历史教学中案例教学法实施的讨论,从课前准备、课中实施以及课后反思三个方面对案例教学法的实施过程进行全方位的考察,在此基础上对案例教学法的实施方法加以探索,重新定位师生关系,明确只有教师和学生进行有效的互动才能使得案例教学法发挥其应有的作用。第五部分,主要是对历史教学中案例教学法实施过程中可能出现的问题进行预测,着重探讨如何营造利于案例讨论的氛围、如何通过案例完成教学任务、如何转变师生角色和建立新的评价反思机制等问题,并指出解决这些问题的策略和方法。第六部分为结语,主要是对论文进行一定层面的总结。

【Abstract】 The discipline of history belongs to the humanities, the nature of history education is to developthe human qualities of students.However, due to the existence of the traditional teaching habits andutilitarian examination, the teaching of history is reduced to a vassal of the exam unconsciously.Scoresmeasure an outstanding student or not, with or without future, whether on the standards of the University,and other capabilities such as analyzing and solving problems are worthless to the scores.In the context ofthis examination-oriented education, students trained in only rote knowledge of history, to cope withclassroom learning and history exam more than enough.But when they into the community,they depressedfound that a lot of the knowledge is useless in society.Needs of the community is not only the test scores ofstudents is the actual talent, and this is the moment the students missing.Education and society seriously outof line, an insurmountable divide between theory and practice, this gap has become a bottleneck restrictingthe present education reform.How to complete the new curriculum reform task,translate the knowledgeinto the ability and give full play to the educational function of the history curriculum, Case Method hasmake the attemption.Case Method is not a new thing, it has been used in daily teaching in many disciplines.However,for the discipline of history, Case Method is still weak, there are still a lot of room for growth, so is worthyto exploration and research.Use the case method, the target is at build the combination between theadvantages of the case method and the characters of history teaching to make a new type history teachingmethod which has its own unique, to realize the full value of the secondary school history education.Basison the search of information at home and abroad and conducted a questionnaire survey of teachers,from theCase Method application of high school history teaching, the choice and writing of Case Teaching, theimplementation of the Case Method in history teaching,and pay attention to the problems of theimplementation process four aspects to write the paper.Make a try and explore in the theory and practice ofthe Case Teaching Method in school history teaching. In order to promote the innovation of high schoolhistory teaching methods and improve the High School History teaching system, to optimize classroomteaching, to improve the quality of history teaching,thereby promoting the teaching of history to become a true "people-centered" education.The full text is divided into five parts:The first part is an introduction, the main content in this part include:explain the correspondingconcepts, clear the cause of the topics,to study the meaning and value, the contents of the research status,research methods, and heavy and difficult and innovation.The second part, the four teaching methods commonly used in school history teaching at this stage arediscussed, and make a questionnaire survey about the Case Teaching Method in the teaching of history,then try to compare the Case Teaching Method of history and the traditional teaching methods,in order toclear the advantages and disadvantages of the Case Method to history and outlook of its applicationprospect.Third part is main about the selection and writing of teaching cases on history, on the one hand,the selection of history cases, it must be cleared with what characteristics can be called first beforechoosing a teaching case, which is suitable use cases, and then from astandards of good case, the learningsituation, the degree of difficulty of cases and other factors considered explains how to select theappropriate historical teaching cases.On the other hand the writing of the history teaching case,refer toothers write instances summed up the paradigm case preparation process, come to the case preparationrequired to follow procedures, standards and formats, and examples for the support.Part Ⅳ, the main discussion of the implementation of the Case Teaching Method in the teachingof history, from pre-class preparation, lesson implementation and after-school reflect on three aspects tomake a comprehensive inspection, and to explore the implementation method,also repositioned theteacher-student relationship, to make clear that without the effective interaction between teachers andstudents,the case teaching method cannot play its due role.The fifth part, to predict the problems that may arise in the implementation process of the CaseTeaching Method in the teaching of history, focus on how to create the conducive atmosphere to the casediscussion, how to complete the task of teaching through case, how to change the role of the teachers andstudents and create a new evaluation-reflection mechanism, and found the strategies and methods to solvethose problems.The sixth part is the conclusion, mainly about a certain level summary of the paper.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】G633.51
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1269