

The Coupled Shear Wall Directly Displacement-based the Seismic Des1gn&Experimental Study

【作者】 窦勇

【导师】 刘清山;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 结构工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着近年来的我国经济的快速发展和城市化进程的加快,全国各地的大中城市出现了用地紧缺的现象。为了缓解用地紧张和充分利用空间资源,其中的大量的高层建筑和超高层建筑出现的全国各地的大建设之中。其中又以剪力墙、框架-剪力墙、核心筒等结构形式最为常见,越来越多的剪力墙结构运用到现代建筑之中。我国的建筑结构的抗震设计方法仍然是以基于承载力或基于力的设计方法为设计准则,其核心是“三水准”设防思想。虽然这种方法能保证建筑结构在一定的地震作用下的破坏程度在设计的控制范围之内。但是通过近现代地震灾害的统计,虽然建筑结构的破坏程度不大,但是由于较大结构变形带来的直接和间接的经济损失却是巨大的。原来的基于承载力的抗震设计方法已不能满足现在人们的要求,因此需要新的设计方法的出现。为了满足人们的日益提高的要求,本文介绍了建筑结构基于性能的抗震设计方法。基于性能的抗震设计方法包括好几种具体的设计方法,本文主要研究了剪力墙直接基于位移的抗震设计方法。本文首先介绍了建筑结构抗震设计方法的演变过程,重点介绍了直接基于位移的抗震设计方法的原理和步骤。为了提高剪力墙的延性、增大其变形能力、提高其延性和耗能能力,本文提出了一种在传统的箍筋形式上创新出的配箍筋形式——分段封闭箍形式,并在剪力墙竖向受力筋的端部套上一段套管。为了验证这种配筋形式和加套管的剪力墙的抗震性能,本文做了一个试件进行拟静力试验。通过试验现象的分析和与其它文献的对比分析,得出一些初步的成果:(1)、分段封闭的箍筋能提高箍筋对混凝土的约束作用,使钢筋的在有较大的变形时混凝土才开始开裂、脱落;分段封闭箍筋使相邻的箍筋形成相互作用的整体,因此这种形式的箍筋对混凝土的约束作用比传统的箍筋作用更好。由于这种更好的约束作用,使剪力墙的极限变形有所增加、极限承载力也所增加,即剪力墙的塑性变形更大,从而提高了剪力墙的延性,提高了剪力墙的抗震性能。通过与国内同类试验的试验数据对比分析,也证实了这种新形式的箍筋有较好的约束作用,能对剪力墙的抗震性能有一定的提高;(2)、加设套管的受力筋的剪力墙的极限变形较大。在剪力墙的纵向受力钢筋的端部加设套管,就在剪力墙的端部形成局部无粘结混凝土结构。这样就在剪力墙的受力后期更好的发挥钢筋的作用,而且由于没有了钢筋对混凝土的粘结作用,而使混凝土会在开裂之后不会因为继续受钢筋的作用而崩裂或大块的剥落。这就是使混凝土的最终破坏程度较轻,在一定程度上改变了混凝土的破坏状态。通过本文中的试验现象的观察和分析,发现那些加设了套管的混凝土较那些没有加设套管的混凝土破坏程度较轻;(3)、改进的剪力墙,其滞回曲线也较饱满,耗能性能较好。由于本文中提出的箍筋绑扎形式的创新和在剪力墙的纵向受力钢筋端部加设套管,使剪力墙的延性增加。因此这种剪力墙的抗震性能较好,体现在滞回曲线上就是其更饱满,滞回环的面积更大。最终提高了这种剪力墙的抗震性能,使其在遭遇地震作用时的耗能能力更好。为了进一步研究剪力墙结构在遭受地震作用时,剪力墙的变形特点、塑性铰的出现的顺序和结构的位移,本文运用PKPM中的EPDA模块对一个框架-剪力墙结构进行静力弹塑性分析(Push-over分析)。通过图形输出,可以更直观的观察整个建筑在地震作用时,各个楼层的层间位移,同时也可以直接的找到产生最大位移的楼层;通过推覆分析,还可以观察整个建筑塑性铰的产生位置以及产生顺序;同样的还可以在推覆分析的结构输出中较容易的找到某一楼层任一节点处的位移等等。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of the our country economy and the acceleration ofurbanization, the big and medium-sized cities appeared the phenomenon of and shortage in all over thecountry. In order to alleviate land tension and make full use of the space resources, including a largenumber of tall buildings and ultra-high buildings has appeared the construction all over the country. So, themore and more shear wall structures had applied in modern architecture, which the most common types ofstructure are shear wall, frame-shear wall structure, the core tube etc. The method of seismic design is stillbased on bearing capacity or based on force in our country. Its core thought is three-level fortificationthought. Although the above-mentioned method can guarantee the damage degrees of the building structurein a certain under the action of earthquake damage, which controlled in the set range. The statistics ofmodern earthquake disaster show that although the extent of damage of the building structureis not big. But for reasons that the direct and indirect economic loss caused by such the largerstructural deformation is great.The original method based on bearing capacity of the seismic design can not meet theever-increasing needs of people recently. In order to meet the increasingly needs of people, anew seismic design method should be searched out. On this occasion, the paper applied theperformance-based method of the seismic design to design the aseismatic design of shear wallstructure. The performance-based method of the seismic design include several kinds ofspecific design method. And the paper mainly studied the method of the shear wall directlydisplacement-based the seismic design.Firstly, this paper introduced the development process of seismic design method forbuilding structures. In the this part, the paper focused on the principle and steps of the directlydisplacement-based seismic design mehtod.In order to improve the ductility, deformationcapacity and energy dissipation capacity of shear wall, the paper proposed a new stirrup form —and it is a subsection closed stirrup form, which based on the form of traditionalreinforcement. And a section of casing protected pipe was lassoed the end of the verticalstrees in shear wall.In order to validate the earthquake resistant performance of the shear wall be placingstyles of steel bars and the added casing, this paper made a pseudo-static experiment for thespecimen. According to the analysis and the comparison of the experiment and other relatingdocuments, the paper drawn the below preliminary research results.(1)The Segmentation closed stirrup can improve the confined effect from hoop steel forconcrete. And it made the steel begin cracking and shedding when concrete had a largedeformation. The segmentation closed stirrup can make the adjacent stirrups form the wholeinteraction. Thus, the form of steel in concrete restriction had a better effect than traditionalstirrup. Because of the better effect of the concrete constraints, it made the ultimatedeformation and the ultimate bearing capacity of shear wall have been improved. That is tosay the shear wall had a large plastic deformation. Accordingly the ductility and theearthquake resistant performance of shear wall had been promoted. Through the analysis andcomparison with the trial data of domestic similar trial, the result showed the proposed newform of stirrup has a better constraint function, and the earthquake resistant performance ofshear wall had some degree of improvement.(2)The shear wall, adding casing pipe for reinforcing bars, obviously had a great ultimate deformation.Added the casing pipe at the end of shear wall longitudinal force, it can form a local unbonded concretestructure at the end of shear wall. So, the steel can play a better role for the later stress of the shear wall.Since the unbonded effect from the reinforced concrete, it made the concrete will not be severe cracked orspall after the concrete cracked. Consequently, it makes the final damage of the concrete lighter, and it willchange the destruction state of the concrete in a certain extent. The observation and analysis of the testphenomenon can conclude that added casing pipe for concrete will have a lesser degree damage than thosedidn’t. (3)The result of experiment obviously showed that the improved shear wall had a full and smoothhysteretic curve. And the energy intensity of the improved shear wall was better than others. Ductility ofthe shear wall is strengthen due to innovation of the proposed stirrups banding form and adding casingat the the ends of longitudinal reinforcement of the shear wall. Therefore the aseismicity of the shear wallis preferably, as the hysteresis curve is fuller and the area of hysteresis loop is greater than the hysteresiscurve of other shear wall. Finally, the earthquake resistant performance of the shear wall is enhanced, andthe energy dissipation capability is increased when encounter earthquake.In order to further study the deformation characteristics, the order of occurrence and thedisplacement of structure for shear wall in function of earthquake, the paper applied theEPDA module of the PKPM software to static elastic-plastic analysize (Push-over analysis)the frame and shear wall structure. Layer displacement of each floors of the entire building inthe earthquake can be more intuitively observed by the graphical output, as well as find thefloor which the maximum displacement directly. The location and order of the plastic hinge ofthe whole building can observed by repeated analysis. Displacement of any node of eachfloor can easily find by the structure output of pushover analysis etc..

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期