

From Sample Buildings to Landmark Buildings

【作者】 杜文飞

【导师】 李建设;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 现代社会城市建设在不断的飞速发展,城市建筑也在不断的更新过滤,历经多年的诸多标志性建筑因不能满足现代需要而渐渐淡出历史舞台。标志性建筑作为历史发展的重要见证,拥有博大深厚的文化,因此需要保留建筑原有特色,使其文脉发展有延续性、继承性。现代意义下的标志建筑改造,仅仅从关注高价值的标志性建筑入手,“虔诚的保存”、“严格的复原”、“大胆的改造”,不能以其历史意义、文化内涵、传统理念为改造目的。传统昔日风光的建筑往往只是一个躯壳,内部结构已完全改变,真正意义上的标本建筑。本文以分析当下标志建筑的改造现状和生存模式为背景,解释了标志建筑、标本建筑和历史建筑的不同概念。同时从建筑的改造必然和改造中出现的问题入手,从三个国内典型历史建筑分析标志性建筑的历史特征和革新价值,其中包括历史价值和当代价值。阐述了历史建筑保护的相关理论与认识及在改造中的思想文化方面、功能需求方面和空间形式方面的缺失。之后论文通过怎样真正保留标志性建筑,提出了策略研究,其中包括:1.历史建筑改造理念的转变:保护历史建筑的原真性;不依赖某种结构形式,注重功能性和历史性的统一;历史建筑与经济的协调发展;做好市场消费人群的导向性;改造的理念转变。2.历史建筑的标志性策略:完善组织机构,健全法律体系;强化政府职能,加强社会参与;保证建筑的完整性;制定修缮目标和策略。最后,文章对标志性历史建筑的传承和展望做出了综合性研究。

【Abstract】 In modern society urban construction is being unceasingly developed at full speed and urbanbuildings is also continuously being renovated. Consequently, many landmark buildings, which haveexisted for many years, can not satisfy modern needs, and gradually faded out from the stage of history.Landmark buildings, as significant symbols of historical development, have broad and profound culturalconnotation. Therefore, these buildings should be reserved for their original features, thus the wholecontext of city can be developed in a successive and continuous way. In a modern sense, reconstruction oflandmark buildings can not keep their historical significance, cultural connotation and traditional ideas ifwe just pay attention to the high value of landmark buildings and devote to pious preserve, rigid restorationor bold reconstruction, and the past scenery traditional buildings merely remain their outer forms, innerstructures are totally changed, and thus are not real sample buildings any more.This paper analyzes the current status and survival patterns of reconstructions of landmark buildings,and explains the differences among the concepts of landmark building, sample building and historicalbuilding. Meanwhile, the paper starts with the necessity of reconstruction of these buildings and someactual reconstruction problems, and take several domestic typical buildings to analyze the historicalfeatures and renovation value, including historical significance and modern value, of landmark buildings,and further elaborates on relevant theories of historical building protection, which do not take intoconsideration of ideological and cultural lack, functional need shortage and pace form lack in terms ofreconstruction. Then some strategies are put forward to truly reserve landmark buildings, which are listedas follows.1. The idea of reconstruction of historical buildings should be transformed. The main pointshould be focused on the authenticity of the buildings; the reconstruction should not rely on some form ofthe structure of buildings, and pay attention to functional and historic unity of historical buildings; acoordinated development between economic society and historical buildings should be encouraged;consumer groups should be guided to some reasonable market.2. Some measures should be taken asprotection strategies for historical buildings. Related organizations and legal system should be furtherimproved; the governmental functions should be strengthened, and all societal forces should participate inthe reconstruction; the integrity of the building should be preserved as much as possible; and the goals of reconstruction should be carefully selected and reasonable strategies should be formulated. At last, thispaper conducts a comprehensive study on heritage and development of landmark historical buildings.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期