

CTC Company E-marketing Strategy

【作者】 田甲

【导师】 李光亚;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 电子商务, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着互联网信息技术的迅猛发展,它引发人类社会经济活动方式的巨大变革,把我们带入了网络经济时代。互联网环境下的网络营销作为一种新的营销方式,为企业的发展提供了一个良好的契机和平台,它改变了企业的传统运作模式、降低交易成本、缩短企业与客户之间供应链的距离、全面提高企业的运营效率和市场竞争力,逐渐成为企业营销的核心。企业能否制定正确的网络营销策略,顺利的开展网络营销已经成为关系到未来发展的关键。本文在大量阅读国内外相关文献资料基础上,深入分析CTC公司在网络营销建设中遇到实际情况和相关问题,以网络整合营销理论、网络直复营销理论等构建全文的理论基础,运用网络营销相关理论和实际调研相结合的方法。对CTC公司如何进行网络营销策略进行了深入的探讨研究,针对CTC公司在满足消费者个性化需求的产品策略、基于消费者行为的网络定价策略、便于消费者的网络渠道策略和吸引消费者的网络促销策略四个方面提出一些可行性的建议和方法。本文共有五个部分构成:第一章为前言,主要介绍本文研究的背景、目的、意义,以及研究的方法和思路。第二章为网络营销相关理论综述,主要介绍网络营销的基本概念和相关理论。第三章为CTC公司营销策略国内情况分析,主要是通过分析CTC公司目前的营销现状以及竞争对手的现状和发展趋势,深入研究面临问题和现状。第四章为CTC公司网络营销策略制定,本文针对CTC公司面临的问题和现状提出网络营销的必要性,从满足消费者个性化需求、基于消费者行为的网络定价、便于消费者的网络渠道和吸引消费者的网络促销四个方面提出了关于网络营销策略的思路和方法。第五章为结论,针对本论文进行小结,提出了其中的不足,希望对CTC公司的网络营销建设具有参考意义,尽快帮助其重现辉煌!。

【Abstract】 Abstract: The great economic changes in human society, caused by the rapid development ofinformation technology, give birth to an era of internet economy. As a new marketing method, internetmarketing provides companies with a good opportunity and platform of development. It improves thecompanies’ efficiency and competitiveness by changing their operation mode, cutting costs and moreclosely connecting the companies and their clients. It’s becoming the key factor of marketing, so the futuredevelopment is more and more relying on the adopting and carrying out of correct internet marketingstrategy.Based on extensive reference to relevant literature at home and abroad, the paper makes adetailed analysis of problems emerging in the process of internet marketing of CTC company. It takesnetwork integrated marketing theory and network direct-marketing theory as its theoretical framework. Bycombining network marketing theory and actual investigation, it studies the way CTC company’s’ strategicreform in network marketing. It puts forward some feasible recommendations and methods in the followingfour aspects: meeting consumers’ individual demand, consumer behavior-based pricing; consumer-friendlynetwork and consumer-oriented network marketing.The paper consists of five chapters.Chapter one: introduction. Its main focus is the background, purpose and significance, method ofthe research.Chapter two: theoretical summary of network marketing. It takes fundamental concepts andrelevant theories as its main task.Chapter three is an environmental analysis of network marking reform of CTC company. Itstudies problems the company comes across and their current situation by analyzing the present and futureof marketing of CTC company and its competitors.Chapter four talks about the reformed network marketing strategy of CTC company Based on itsunderstanding of the problems and current situation of CTC company, It gives some idea about the reforming of network marketing strategies in four aspects: meeting consumers’ individual demand,consumer behavior-based pricing; consumer-friendly network and consumer-oriented network marketing.Chapter five: conclusion. It gives a summary of the paper and discusses its disadvantage in thehope of provide CTC company with some helpful idea to the building of the network marketing andhelping it in restoring its glory.

【关键词】 网络营销CTC公司营销策略
【Key words】 E-marketingCTC companymarketing strategy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】F724.6;F274;F426.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】553