

Problems and Countermeasures of Human Resource Management of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise in Henan

【作者】 彭珂

【导师】 卢光莉;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 工商管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放以后,我国经济得到了十分快速、迅猛的发展,企业数量迅速增加,特别是中小企业。中小企业成本较低、体制灵活、运作快速,因此发展的特别快。在很多省市成为了促进社会经济发展的主要力量。中小企业在河南省经济发展中起到了十分重要的作用,为河南省经济发展贡献了巨大了力量。21世纪是人力资源的世纪,企业竞争主要体现在人才的竞争上,人是企业资源中最关键的,河南省的中小企业要持续快速发展,必须积极开发企业的人力资源,挖掘企业人力资源的潜力。然而,通过对河南省中小企业人力资源管理情况进行实地问卷调查,发现河南省中小企业在人力资源管理方面存在着许多的问题,不利于中小企业的未来的深入的发展。首先,河南省中小企业对人力资源管理的认识不足,弄不清楚何为人力资源管理,不懂得制定人力资源规划,导致企业在用人时手忙脚乱,影响企业效率。其次,人力资源管理部门和制度缺失,相当多的中小企业根本没有设置专业的人力资源管理部门,即便设置了,人力资源部门在企业中所处的地位也比较低,常由其他部门兼管,缺乏专门从事人力资源管理工作的人才和单独决策的权力,导致企业人力资源效率低下,影响企业整体的运行效率。第三,人才激励机制薄弱,许多中小企业只是把员工作为劳动工具,没有意识到人是有创造性的,因而对他们重视不够,激励措施单一、单薄,没有充分激发员工的最大潜能。最后,绩效评估体系不健全。中小企业绩效评估制度缺失,认为绩效评估就是看员工表现发放奖金。即使有绩效评估制度,也是直接领导对下属进行考核,缺乏统一的、令人信服的考核标准。河南省中小企业在人力资源管理方面的这些缺陷已经严重束缚了企业的进一步发展,应该积极研究人力资源管理的有关理论和技术,把他们与河南省中小企业人力资源管理的实际情况结合起来,运用人力资源管理理论,使用人力资源管理技术,完善人力资源管理制度,从而推动河南省中小企业的发展。本文基于河南省中小企业人力资源管理工作的实际情况,提出以下对策:第一,科学进行人力资源规划,做好人员招聘工作。人力资源规划是企业人力资源管理的第一步,企业应结合整体发展战略,制定配套的人力资源规划,确定企业在发展过程中的人才供给;招聘时选择最有效的招聘方法,招聘最适合企业的人才。第二,重视对企业的人力资源进行培训和开发。员工入职后对其进行企业文化和规章制度的培训,使其迅速了解企业,融入企业;对老员工进行新知识和新技能的培训,使其掌握行业的最新动态,使企业紧跟行业发展。第三,建立现代的绩效考核制度。绩效考核不应该是监督、惩罚员工的工具,现代企业的绩效管理应立足于员工,服务于员工。通过正确的绩效考核方法,了解员工的工作情况,及时给与指导、奖惩和培训,使员工不断提高绩效和能力,发挥最大潜力。第四,选择合适企业的激励方法。中小企业应建立完善的激励机制,采用具有针对性的激励方法,使员工看到企业对他的认可,从而努力的工作。本文的创新点在于,在对河南省中小企业进行实地问卷调查的基础上,理清河南省中小企业人力资源管理现状,进而总结出河南省中小企业在人力资源管理方面存在的问题,一切陈述都立足于实际,并提出完善河南省中小企业人力资源管理制度的方法。最后结合郑州A公司的实际情况实践了这些方法,对河南省广大中小企业的人力资源建设有一定的作用。

【Abstract】 Since the reform and open policy, the economy of our country has got very fast, rapid development;the number of enterprises increased rapidly, especially small and medium-sized enterprises. Small andmedium-sized enterprises have low cost, flexible operation system, faster operation speed, so they developfast. In many provinces and cities become the main strength to promote social and economy development.Small and medium-sized enterprises play a very important role in the economic development of Henanprovince.21century is the century of human resources, the enterprise competition mainly reflects in talentcompetition. The medium and small enterprises in Henan province want to sustained and rapiddevelopment; they must be positive development enterprise human resources, mining enterprise humanresources potential.However, through the field survey of small and medium-sized enterprises in Henan province, we findthere are many problems in small and medium-sized enterprises in Henan province. First of all, small andmedium-sized enterprises in Henan province have little understand of human resource management, do notknow what is human resource management, and don’t know how to make human resource planning. Second,human resources management system is lacking, quite a number of small and medium-sized enterprise noset professional human resources management department, even set, the human resources department’sposition is low, usually under the other department, lack personnel human resources management andseparate decision-making authority, lead to low efficiency of enterprise human resources. Third, talentincentive mechanism is weak. Many small and medium-sized enterprise staff just as instruments of labor,didn’t realize people’s creative, so they do not pay enough attention to them and incentive measures a single,thin, not fully motivate their maximum potential. Finally, performance evaluation system is not sound.Performance evaluation is based on more subjective views, and not according to the real performance ofemployees, the direct leadership of subordinates evaluation, lack of unified, convincing appraisal standards.The defects of Small and medium-sized enterprises in the management of human resources haveseverely affects the development of the enterprise. We should use the theory of human resources, throughthe human resource management development to promote the small and medium-sized enterprise efficient development of Henan province. This paper, from the actual conditions of small and medium-sizedenterprises in Henan province, put forward the following countermeasures: First, make human resourceplanning, completes the personnel recruitment. Human resource planning is the first step of the enterprisehuman resources management, the enterprise should formulate supporting the human resource planning;hiring the most suitable for enterprise of talents. Second, attach importance to staff training and education;After hire new workers, training them enterprise culture, rules and regulations, makes them rapidunderstanding enterprise; give old employees new knowledge and new skills training to master the newesttrends of the industry, make enterprise follows the development of the industry. Third, establish modernperformance evaluation system, adopt various flexible assessment methods. Modern enterprisemanagement should be based on employee, service for employees. Through the correct performanceevaluation methods, understand the staff’s working conditions and promptly give guidance, rewards andpunishments and training for employees to improve performance and ability. Fourth, choose the appropriateenterprise incentive methods. Small and medium-sized enterprises should establish a perfect incentivemechanism, using a targeted incentives, so that employees can see enterprise agree with him, and thus towork harder.This paper’s innovation points are: base on field survey of small and medium-sized enterprises inHenan province, summary small and medium-sized enterprises’ problems in the management of humanresources, and put forward means to small and medium-sized enterprises in Henna province. Based on theactual situation of Zhengzhou company A practice these methods, it has certain effect to small andmedium-sized enterprises in Henan province.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】2044