

Taiji Industry Development Strategy

【作者】 程帆

【导师】 洪浩; 赵峻;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 体育教学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 太极拳乃中国武术之精粹,是极具鲜明中华民族特色的文化符号,在它创立的过程囊括了儒、道、佛诸多名家理论,是一种囊括了天、地、人、自然界的运行规律的科学运动。特别是它把刚柔并济、圆柔连贯的优美动作同舒缓柔和的音乐以及深奥的东方哲学紧密地结合起来,充分彰显出古老的东方文化的魅力而深受中国人民乃至世界人民的喜爱。但作为一种产业,太极拳还存在着巨大的市场发展空间,如何在当今经济全球化背景下更好地发展太极拳产业,走可持续发展的道路,目前的研究还相对薄弱。本文采用文献研究法、历史分析法、比较分析法、SWOT分析法和实证研究方法,把太极拳作为一个产业,用经济学的视角进行深入的研究。由太极拳从业人员和太极拳产业的界定作为研究的概念基础,从而进行太极拳产业发展的SWOT分析。分别论述了太极拳产业发展的外部机遇,太极拳产业发展的外在威胁,太极拳产业发展的内部优势,太极拳产业发展的内部劣势。然后,运用经济学的原理对我国的竞技体育体制进行了分析和进行准确的市场定位,提出了太极拳产业的发展要与现代媒体相结合以及提高太极拳运动的观赏性等发展策略。最后,对温县太极拳产业发展进行了个案分析,分别论述了河南温县太极拳的发展现状、资源优势、存在问题和发展对策。太极拳作为武术的一个项目,是一项几乎完美的运动,它要满足社会精神文明的需求,注重社会的公益性;但作为一个产业,还要具备商业性质,要获利,要注重经济效益。这就需要根据市场的需求,进行改革和创新,走产业化的路子。由于社会大环境的变化及太极拳运动本身的局限性,使这项运动的发展严重滞后。要使太极拳产业保持持续健康地发展必须从制度经济学入手对太极拳作产业进行深入研究,在产权明晰的基础上加以市场化运作,企业化的管理,满足消费者的需求,提高其赛事的观赏性,才能使这项传统的体育项目焕发出青春活力,走上可持续发展的道路。同产业化发展较为成功的体育项目相比,太极拳的市场定位相对模糊。这需要科研人员深入研究,以科学的数据昭示民众,才能吸引更多的人学习太极拳。研究认为,太极拳的市场定位应该是那些年龄在30岁以上,中高收入的白领阶层。在太极拳的宣传上,也要改变过去那种晦涩难懂的中医养生理论,揭开太极拳高深莫测的神密面纱,使太极拳更易于理解、普及和推广。太极拳产业发展的根本是基于太极拳自身的发展,所以难免受到传统文化的影响,但产业发展就要依靠市场这根杠杆来调节,根据社会需求进行市场定位,建立一个产权明晰的管理体制。太极拳在我国有着很好的群众基础,健身价值毋庸置疑,但经济价值还未凸显,发展空间巨大,所以希望学者们能够进一步关注太极拳产业领域,并与其相关产业相互促进,共同发展,这是太极拳产业今后发展的重点和难点,也需我们今后不懈努力,探索出我国体育事业多元化的发展方向。

【Abstract】 Taijiquan is the essence of Chinese martial arts, Cultural symbols with distinct Chinese characteristics,Won the Chinese traditional culture in the process of its founder, It covers the theory of Confucianism,Taoism, Buddhism, Is a consistent heaven, earth, people, nature, operating rules of a scientific movement.Especially its hardness and softness, supple and coherent, graceful movements with soft music andprofound oriental philosophy closely together, Fully demonstrate the charm of the ancient oriental cultureand loved by the Chinese peoples and the peoples of the world.As the crystallization of the wisdom of the Chinese traditional culture in the world an important part ofTaijiquan. Has developed rapidly in recent years. According to incomplete statistics, The number of peoplepracticing tai chi in the world more than250million people, enthusiasts around the world on fivecontinents, becoming today’s world to participate in a wide range, one of the largest number of sports.Which, both blond and foreign students, the young people of Hefatongyan the old man, both in their prime,there are nei Girls Hero, its role has gone far beyond the scope of the sports day has been become a symbola symbol of traditional Chinese culture and cultural exchanges with the bridge and link. But as an industry,tai chi there is a huge market space for development, better development of Taiji Industry in the context ofeconomic globalization, the path of sustainable development, has had to study and think about.[1]Therefore, in China’s market economy continues to deepen and improve the conditions, to study theChinese Taiji Industry Development Strategy has important practical significance.In this thesis, through narrative analysis of progress and research methods, taken in this paper toclarify the purpose and significance of the study the legislation title. The origins of tai chi, tai chipractitioners and Taiji Industry as a research background, in order to carry out the SWOT analysis of ofTaijiquan industrial development. Expounding Taiji Industry development opportunities for externalexternal threat of industrial development tai chi, tai chi internal advantages of industrial development, taichi internal disadvantages of industrial development. And a case study of the Wenxian Taiji IndustryDevelopment, for example, discusses the current development of Henan Wen County Taijiquan, andadvantages in resources, there is a problem and countermeasures. The final study Taiji Industry Development Strategy, the main economic principles of China’s competitive sports system analysis andaccurate market positioning, tai chi industry combining with modern media and to improve Taijiquananornamental point of view.The study mainly uses the following methods: first, the historical analysis. Taijiquan is a martial artsproject, is also an important sport and fitness programs, and has a long history in China. This article willTaijiquan the origin, development status and existing problems such as a realistic manner to be described,so that people have a comprehensive understanding of the sport taijiquan. Second, the use of researchmethods in economics. Tai chi as a sport, it is itself to meet the needs of socialist spiritual civilization, payattention to social benefits, with the nature of the public welfare, welfare; But Taijiquan To developmentmust be based on market demand for reform and innovation, to walk the path, and as an industry, it isnecessary to have a significant commercial nature, to be profitable to focus on economic efficiency.Therefore, the use of sports economics, sports marketing and institutional economics theoretical knowledgeof Taiji Industry Development. Third, the comparative analysis. As a sport, the viewing of tai chi, fitnesseffects and profound cultural connotations can not be questioned, but as an industry, the development isseriously lagging behind. This article will tai chi with the NBA and professional boxing in the United States.Will tai chi yoga, beach volleyball and other sports with the domestic, in order to get some inspiration.Fourth, the empirical research methods. This article will Wenxian Taiji Industry as one of the focus, the fullanalysis of the resource advantages of the Wenxian Taiji Industry, development issue, Wen CountyTaijiquan development strategy.Through research and analysis, the following conclusions: First, whether from the culturalconnotations, aesthetics, practicality, tai chi is an almost perfect exercise, but as an industry, itsdevelopment is seriously lagging behind is indeed indisputable fact. Both historical reasons, social reasons,and tai chi the sport their own reasons. Second, the tai chi as an industry study, we must start from theinstitutional economics to analyze the property rights theory is the core concept of institutional economics.Market-oriented reforms in China’s sports Practice has proved that, not from any of the reform on thesystem, property rights, could not last long and successful. As the founder of Kos Western economistsbelieve that the theory of property rights, said:"society without property rights is an absolute low efficiency,the social allocation of resources is absolutely null and void.” Only in the clarity of property rights on the basis of market-oriented operation, enterprise management, to meet consumer demand, accurate marketpositioning, to improve its race spectator to the tai chi movement, in order to make this traditional sportglow vigor, and embarked on a path of sustainable development.

【关键词】 太极拳产业策略
【Key words】 TaijiquanIndustrialStrategies
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期