

A Survey on HIV/AIDS Related Knowledge among College Students in Areas with High-prevalence of HIV/AIDS and Health Education Mode Research

【作者】 郝继伟

【导师】 王强; 靳艳;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 护理学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 研究目的:本研究旨在通过调查对艾滋病高发区大学生艾滋病知识、健康教育需求以及学校健康教育状况进行描述和分析,以期了解大学生艾滋病健康教育存在的问题,积极探讨艾滋病健康教育的有效模式,为高校预防艾滋病健康教育提供依据。研究对象与方法:1.研究对象:以艾滋病高发区某综合大学的大一到大四的在校大学生为研究对象。2.调查方法:采用分层整群抽样的方法进行现况调查。3.调查问卷:在查阅国内外相关文献、导师组的指导意见及专家意见与建议的基础上,结合本次研究目的多次修改形成的,调查内容主要包括人口学特征、艾滋病相关知识、艾滋病健康教育需求、学校艾滋病健康教育现状。4.调查方式:以匿名、自填的方式现场答卷并当场收回。5.采用Epidata3.0软件制作统一的录入界面,将核实无误的调查问卷输入电脑,在SPSSl3.0软件中进行数据的统计分析。单因素分析采用t检验、方差分析、χ~2检验,多因素分析采用二分类Logistic回归。研究结果:1.一般情况本次调查共发放调查问卷2331份,收回2316份,回收率99.4%,有效问卷2149份,有效率92.8%。2.艾滋病相关知识知晓情况被调查2149名大学生中艾滋病相关知识知晓率为59.38%,传播途径知识知晓率为62.27%,艾滋病预防知识知晓率为63.06%,艾滋病其他知识知晓率仅为52.50%,艾滋病知识得分在不同性别、不同家庭来源地、不同年级、不同月支出、不同类别有统计学差异。艾滋病相关三类知识(传播途径、预防知识、其他知识),除其他知识在不同性别、月支出、不同家庭来源地没有统计学差异外,其他两类均有差异。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,学生类别、年级与艾滋病流行危机感是艾滋病知识得分的影响因素。3.艾滋病健康教育需求调查高校大学生几乎有50%的学生认为艾滋病知识不够用,有37%的学生认为基本够用,有7%的学生认为自己已经掌握艾滋病知识;大学生艾滋病知识实际与希望来源途径前三位都为:大众传媒、相关书籍与学校教育,实际与希望来源途径中除相关书籍与父母亲选择没有差异外,其它均有差异,希望来源途径中选择学校教育、医务人员、热线电话咨询均高于实际来源途径;电视等大众传媒、自学、同学朋友的选择希望来源低于实际来源途径;大学生更加关注的是关于艾滋病传播途径、预防与治疗及流行现状和趋势方面的知识,最不关注的艾滋病伦理学知识,有2.4%的学生认为自己不需要了解艾滋病方面的知识。4.艾滋病健康教育现状所调查高校大学生听说过的艾滋病健康教育活动以宣传栏、传单为主,占60.9%,其次是专题讲座,占30.5%,同伴教育最低只有7.7%,甚至有22.2%的学生没有听说过艾滋病健康教育活动;大学生在各种健康教育活动实际参加与希望参加的选择上:前三位都为专题讲座、传单、网络,实际与希望参加的健康教育活动经比较均有差异;目前该校大学生艾滋病健康教育的师资队伍主要组成人员为大学生志愿者占67.5%;73.7%的学生认为应该从大一开始就接受艾滋病健康教育;所调查高校学生认为学校艾滋病健康教育存在的主要问题是宣传内容不全面,占60.3%,其次就是缺乏有效的健康教育模式,占52.1%,学校不重视,开展很少或几乎没有,占50.5%,只有8.8%的学生对学校的艾滋病健康教育满意。结论:1.艾滋病知识的得分的影响因素是学生类别、年级和危机感,学校应该积极开展学校艾滋病健康教育,提高对大学生艾滋病健康教育紧迫性和重要性的认识,让学生树立艾滋病危机意识;2.不同特征的大学生对于艾滋病知识的掌握有差异,男性、一年级、文史类与理工类、农村来源与月支出低于500的大学生艾滋病知识掌握程度要好于相应其他特征的大学生,大学生艾滋病健康教育的开展要有针对性和重点性;3.大学生对于艾滋病健康教育的途径、内容、活动的形式都有具体的要求,大学生希望通过选择学校教育来获取艾滋病知识,希望与实际参与学校艾滋病健康教育活动,前三位分别为专题讲座、传单和网络,大学生参加的学校健康教育活动与希望的相差甚远,大学生艾滋病健康教育要结合实际健康教育需求;4.大学生艾滋病认知水平不高,知晓率很低,对艾滋病的认识存在模糊性,有误区,认识缺乏广度和深度,知识结构存在问题,艾滋病相关政策等知识更为缺乏,大学生艾滋病健康教育要全面、系统、深入;5.探索构建了艾滋病危机意识先导的高校艾滋病健康教育系统模式。

【Abstract】 Research ObjectiveThis study aims to find out the problems in college students’ AIDS health education andactively explore the effective AIDS health education mode, providing the basis for universities’health education on AIDS prevention, through surveying the AIDS knowledge and healtheducation needs of the college students in regions with high AIDS incidence and conducting thedescription and analysis on the universities’ health education condition.Research Object and Methods1. The research object: undergraduate students of a comprehensive university in the regionwith high AIDS incidence.2. The survey method: prevalence survey conducted by way of stratified cluster sampling.3. Questionnaire: designed in combination with the characteristics of college students throughreferring to the domestic similar research materials. The survey content mainly includes generaldemographic characteristics, AIDS and health related knowledge, AIDS health education needs aswell as the present situation of schools’ AIDS health education.4. Survey mode: the questionnaires should be answered in an anonymous, self-administeredmode and taken back on the spot.5. Assign the valid questionnaires taken back using uniform standard, adopt the Epidata3.0toestablish database and conduct a statistical analysis of the data in the SPSSl3.0software, with thesingle factor analysis using the t test, variance analysis and X2inspection, the multivariate analysis using binary classification logistic regression.Research Results1. General conditions: in this survey a total of2331questionnaires are given out and2316aretaken back, with the recovery rate of99.4%, and the number of valid questionnaires is2149, withthe effective rate of92.8%.2. The awareness condition of AIDS related knowledge: the awareness rate about AIDSrelated knowledge of the2149college students surveyed is59.38%, about transmission routes is62.27%, about AIDS prevention knowledge is63.06%, and about other knowledge of AIDS isonly52.50%. There are statistical differences in the scores on AIDS knowledge among people ofdifferent genders, different family sources, different grades, different month’s expenditures anddifferent types. Among the three kinds of AIDS related knowledge (transmission routes,prevention knowledge, and other knowledge), scores on other knowledge have no statisticaldifferences in people of different genders, different family sources and different month’sexpenditures, other than this, scores on both the first and second kinds of knowledge havestatistical differences in all aspects. Multivariate logistic regression analysis shows that thecontributing factors of the AIDS knowledge scores include the grade and category of the studentsas well as the judgment of AIDS prevalence condition.3. AIDS health education needs: almost50%of the university students surveyed think thatAIDS knowledge is not sufficient,37%of the students think that it is fairly enough, and another7%of them think they have already mastered AIDS knowledge. For the college students’ actualand desired sources of AIDS knowledge, the top three of both are the mass media, the relatedbooks and school education. Between the actual and desired sources of AIDS knowledge, there are differences in all aspects except for in the sources of related books and parents’ selection.Moreover, there are more people choose school education, medical personnel and telephonehotline consultation in desired sources, while there are more people choose the mass media likeTV, self-study, classmates and friends in actual sources. In addition, college students pay moreattention to the knowledge on the transmission routes, prevention, treatment, the currentprevalence situation and trend of AIDS, whereas they pay the least attention to the ethicknowledge of AIDS; what’s more,2.4%of the students think they don’t need to understand AIDSknowledge.4. Present situation of AIDS health education:60.9%of the college students surveyed haveheard of AIDS health education activities in forms of publicity column and leaflets,30.5%in formof seminars and as low as7.7%in form of companion education. Besides,22.2%of those studentseven have never heard of AIDS health education activities. In both college students’ actual anddesired choices in all kinds of health education activities, the top three ones are seminars, leafletsand network, and by comparison the students’ actual and desired health education activities are alldifferent. At present the faculty members of college students’ AIDS health education are mainlycomposed of college student volunteers who have accounted for67.5%of the whole. What’s more,73.7%of the students think that they should begin to receive the AIDS health education when theyare still freshman.60.3%of the college students surveyed believe the main problem of theuniversities’ AIDS health education is that the publicity content is not comprehensive;52.1%thinkthat the universities lack effective health education mode;50.5%hold that universities think littleof this education, conducting a few or even no related activities; and only8.8%are satisfied withthe education. Conclusion1. The school AIDS health education has many problems, so schools should actively developthis kind of education in order to deepen the understanding on the urgency and importance ofcollege students’ AIDS education and make the students build up the AIDS crisis consciousness.2. College students of different characteristics master AIDS knowledge differently, so theAIDS health education should be targeted and focused.3. College students have specific requirements for the ways, contents and activities forms ofAIDS health education, so the college students’ AIDS health education should combine with thepractical health education needs.4. College students have a low awareness rate about AIDS knowledge, and theirunderstanding of AIDS is somewhat vague, not in-depth and has errors, so college students’ AIDShealth education should be comprehensive, systematic and in-depth.5. This study explores and constructs the college AIDS health education system model guidedby AIDS crisis consciousness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】R193
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】739