

Research on the Effectiveness of the Teaching Behaviors in the Classroom of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Junior High School in Thailand

【作者】 刘亚东

【导师】 关英伟;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 汉语国际教育, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着汉语国际推广事业的不断发展,深入研究有效课堂教学行为,成为提高海外汉语课堂教学质量,改善教学效果的关键因素。本文以泰国五所学校的汉语教师志愿者和泰国中学生为调查对象,通过问卷调查和追溯式访谈等手段,收集了师生双方对汉语课堂有效教学行为的看法,对比分析两者对课堂中与教师语言输入有关的一系列教学行为和与师生互动有关的一系列教学行为的看法,旨在帮助在泰汉语志愿者教师更加深刻、充分地理解泰国学生在汉语课堂中的学习过程和需要,从而指导他们选择更加合适的教学行为,提高教学质量。西方教育学界对有效教学的研究由来已久,回顾这段历史为本文的研究在方法和途径上提供了启示。国内对外汉语教学界从“教”和“学”的角度入手,结合教学理论和学习心理,对一些具体的教学行为在课堂中的实际应用进行了描写和分析的实证研究。这些研究对本文设计调查问卷的细目,筛选重要的教学行为具有参考价值。论文共分为六个部分:引言部分主要阐述论文选题的研究背景,分析了目前汉语国际推广的现状及其存在的问题。通过介绍泰国汉语教学的实际和泰国学生的学习特点,阐明了研究有效课堂教学行为对推动泰国汉语教学持续健康发展的实际意义。第一章回顾了西方教育学界对课堂教学有效性研究的发展路径,梳理了我国对外汉语教学界对课堂教学的研究成果。其中西方教育学界对课堂教学有效性研究的发展路径为本文的撰写提供了基本思路;对外汉语教学界对课堂教学的研究成果,对本文设计调查问卷、筛选课堂教学行为具有很大的参考价值,对笔者深化对课堂师生互动的认识有很大的推动作用。第二章首先界定了本文所研究的有效课堂教学行为的内涵与外延,然后从六个方面阐述了本文的研究设计。在问卷设计环节,对问卷设计的依据做了详细介绍,并展示了调查问卷的各个项目。第三章首先对问卷调查的结果进行分类统计,将教师和学生问卷的结果进行比较和整理后,以被调查的十项教学行为为纲,归纳出两者对教学项目的看法,并且根据访谈结果分析两者产生分歧的原因。第四章以调查结果的分析为基础,结合笔者自身任教经历,为在泰汉语教师志愿者和国内志愿者储备培训提出些许参考性建议。第五章在前文的基础上总结了本文的研究意义及不足。

【Abstract】 As the constant development of the popularization of international Chinese, effective teaching behavior has played the most important role in improving Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. This thesis investigates teachers and students’view on what the effective teaching behavior are in the classroom teaching of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language. In order to help the Chinese teachers teaching as volunteers in Thailand get an understanding of the needs of Thai students during learning Chinese and adjust teaching behaviors, I designed and carried out a questionnaire survey and a following survey to the students and teachers in five Thai colleges.Looking back on the history of studying effective teaching in the realms of education implies the methodology and approach for this thesis.The descriptive and empirical researches on classroom teaching of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language also lend themselves to this thesis in terms of the bilateral perspectives, the criteria of effective teaching and designing categories of teaching behaviors for observation.This thesis composed of six chapters:The foreword expatiates on the research background and analyses current situation and the problems during the popularization of international Chinese. Meanwhile, it give.s a brief introduction on the the current situation of classroom teaching of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language in Thailand and the special characters of Thai students as well as the research method, purpose significance of the thesis.Chapter One makes a brief review on the history of the researches on classroom teaching in education and Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.Chapter Two gives the definition of effective teaching behavior and then elaborates upon the design of this research and displays the ten categories of teaching behaviors for observation.Chapter Three collects and sorts out the data from the questionnaire surveys and the interviews, listing and comparing the views on the ten categories of teaching behaviors.Chapter Four gives some suggestions to training course for volunteers and Chinese teachers teaching as volunteers in Thailand, on the basis of questionnaire surveys and the interviews.Chapter Five summarizes the significance and contribution of this thesis.

  • 【分类号】H195.3
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】341