

The Design and Development of the Multi-dimension Evaluation System of Students’ Comprehensive Quality in Teacher’s College and University

【作者】 辛裕煜

【导师】 胡芬;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 素质教育是我国新教育体制的趋势,也是我国制定教育方针的基本之一。综合素质是一个人素质的全面体现,是一个人能力的全面开发,是个人发展的需要,是学校发展的需要,是社会发展的需要。师范生作为未来人民教师的后备力量,师范生的专业素质高低直接影响学校教育的质量高低。本研究依托信息系统,构建全面师范生综合素质多维评价体系。本研究分为六个部分。第一部分为绪论,主要阐述本研究背景、研究意义、研究现状和研究方法。研究背景主要说明师范院校培养人才越来越重视综合素质的培养、提高师范生综合素质是提高中小学教育质量的重要因素、师范生综合素质评价体制不够完善等三个方面。研究意义部分阐述本研究在对师范生综合素质评价体系的认识提供了一个整体上的、多维度的借鉴。国内外的相关研究为本研究提供了丰富的资源,特别是《大学生综合素质评价系统研究与设计》、《普通高等师范院校师范生综合素质评价体系研究》和国家学生评价理论对本研究提供了很大帮助。本研究主要采用文献分析法和问卷调查法,对师范生综合素质多维评价系统相关的概念、理论、研究、问题进行分析和发掘。第二部分介绍本研究相关概念和理论。与本研究相关的概念有师范生、素质、素质教育、综合素质、评价、系统等。相关的理论有教育评价理论、教学设计理论、建构主义理论、知识管理理论。第三部分是师范生综合素质的调查分析。根据问卷数据的分析结果,提出了目前师范生在综合素质培养和评价方面存在学习动力不够、、参与活动热情不够、身心健康素质不够等问题。第四部分是师范生综合素质多维评价系统的设计,主要介绍系统的功能、应用需求分析、数据库设计、界面设计等内容。第五部分是师范生综合素质多维评价系统的开发,主要对系统的开发系统的结构、相关技术和工具、主要功能模块开发、主要界面开发以及系统的运行和运用等内容。第六部分是总结和展望,主要阐述研究的结论、研究不足和研究展望。

【Abstract】 Quality Education is the trend of the new system of education and one of the educational policies in China. The comprehensive quality is full-scale and personal development of people’s ability, the demand for the school and the society, which fully demonstrates people’s quality. As the reserve strength of the future teachers, the professional quality of the Normal College Students could affect the quality of the education at school. This study is focusing on building the evaluation system of the Normal College Students’comprehensive quality in multi-demonstrations.This study is divided into six parts.The first part is an introduction, which explains the background, the significance, the present situation and the research method of this study. The background mainly shows that the calculation of the Normal College Students’comprehensive quality changes to be more and more important at school; the elevation of students’comprehensive quality is the main factor of improving the educational quality in the primary school and the middle school; and the evaluation system of the Normal College Students’comprehensive quality is not perfect. The significance of this study is to provide a reference to the evaluation system of the Normal College Students from a whole and in multi-dimensions. The relevant researches home and abroad have provided rich resources. In special, Research and Design of the Normal College Students’Comprehensive Quality, Research on the Normal College Students’Comprehensive Quality in Teacher’s College and University and the theory of national students’evaluation have assisted us in this study. This article analyzes and explores the relevant conceptions, theories, studies and problems on the evaluation system of the Normal College Students in the multi-dimensions by ways of documentary analysis and questionnaire. The second section mainly introduces the relevant conceptions and theories. The relevant conceptions are the Qualified Student, Quality, Quality Education, Comprehensive quality, evaluation, system, and so on. The related theories are Educational Evaluation Theory, Instruction Design Theory, Constructivism Theory and Knowledge Management Theory.The second part is the investigation and analysis of the qualified undergraduates’ comprehensive quality. According to the date, this article puts out some problems on the calculation and evaluation of the qualified undergraduates’ comprehensive quality, such as the shortage of the learning motive, the passion of taking part in activities, and the quality of mind and body.The fourth part is the design of the multi-dimension evaluation system of the qualified undergraduates’ comprehensive quality. It mainly introduces the function of the system, requirement analysis, the date and the interface designs, and so on.The fifth section is in the development of the multi-dimension evaluation system of the qualified undergraduates’ comprehensive quality. It tells others the structure of the developing system, the relevant technology, tools, the main function models, the main interface development, the operation and application of this system.The last part is the summary and the prospect. It mainly illustrates the conclusion, the shortage and the prospect of the study.
