

Research on Construction and Constitution of Liu Sanjie National Culture Image

【作者】 宾昕

【导师】 张利群;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 文艺学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 审美人类学是美学与人类学在当代文化语境中有机整合、交汇衍生的新兴学科及其理论方法。它关注过去被忽略的或未被充分重视的审美文化现象,通过选择区域族群文化以及能够充分体现当代审美文化新质的个案,运用田野调查和理论阐释的方法探讨美学与现实生活关系的问题,从而建构充溢审美文化氛围的生存环境,达到审美生活化与生活审美化的效果与目的,为少数民族地区社会、经济、文化全面而协调发展开辟新的途径,体现其强烈的实践品格与人文关怀精神。壮族民间传说的刘三姐以能歌善唱的聪明才智与淳朴善良的优美人性在汉、壮、苗、瑶、侗等广西各民族中被广泛赞誉为“歌师”、“歌祖”以及“歌仙女神”。在民间传说与历史文献记载中都积累了大量的刘三姐故事资源。20世纪60年代初,戏曲、歌舞剧、电影《刘三姐》在全国巡回演出和放映,使这位壮乡歌女风靡全国,享誉海内外,成为广西最闪亮的形象品牌。刘三姐是广西壮族歌圩风俗及其民族文化产物,她代表了以壮族为主体的广西各民族的集体思想意识与审美实践经验,是广西最具代表最有影响力的山歌文化符号与民族文化品牌形象。改革开放以来,刘三姐仍然以美妙悠扬的山歌魅力与民族文化形象活跃在八桂大地,并与时俱进,创新发展,积极引领与推动广西经济社会的繁荣与发展,成为学界乐此不疲的研究对象,成为“说不尽的刘三姐”的话题。论文立足于审美人类学的学科理论方法,以刘三姐民族文化形象的品牌建构为研究话题,具有十分重要的理论与现实意义。从理论而言,刘三姐民族文化形象研究有利于促进地方学研究的各学科理论研究与方法论研究的发展,为广西桂学的理论研究注入新的活力;从实践而言,刘三姐民族文化形象研究有利于进一步打造民族文化品牌,提高民族文化自觉性和自信心,增强民族凝聚力和实施文化强区的战略目标。论文研究思路概述如下:首先,通过对刘三姐诸多叙事文本、田野调查的活态文本以及衍生文本的解读,详细分析刘三姐民族文化形象的历时性建构方式和嬗变过程。作为民间文学的刘三姐传说故事,在历史文献与民间传说的双轨发展中,积累与融合为戏曲《刘三姐》、歌舞剧《刘三姐》、电影《刘三姐》等不同的艺术形态与文学样式,在历时性动态建构过程中,刘三姐形象逐渐清晰、鲜明、凸显,集中突出了刘三姐能歌善唱、淳朴智慧的民问歌仙的形象特质。其次,探讨刘三姐民族形象的文化构成。从壮族民族文化、广西地域文化、民间文化三个维度来讨论刘三姐民族形象的文化构成基因。壮族“好歌”、“尚歌”的民族审美习俗孕育而产生了歌仙刘三姐,她是壮族集体意识与民族共同想象交汇而构成的民族文化符号与审美表征。史前时期,广西骆越民族指称为壮族,壮族是广西的“土著民族”,也是主体民族;广西瑶、苗、侗、毛南、仫佬等各少数民族地区也都有刘三姐传说或刘三姐传歌足迹,都将其奉之为“歌师”、“歌祖”,将其视之为民族文化的形象代表。因此,刘三姐民族文化形象也就被指称为广西文化形象。复次,深入阐释刘三姐民族文化形象及其艺术形象的内涵和特征,以及民族审美心理机制和外在表现形态。广西壮族先民在新石器中期就开始培植野生稻谷,稻作农耕生产生活方式对壮族的民间风俗、民族意识产生了深远影响,从而创造了丰富而独特的“那”文化。“那”文化具有自然生态的依生性与共生性、图腾崇拜的示意性与象征性、民族文化的主体性与开放性等文化内涵与特征。稻作农业经济培育了壮族人民直观感知、富于想象、善于抒情的审美思维心理机制,因而创造出了丰富而优美的山歌文化。壮族山歌文化不但具有歌词淳朴自然、音调高亢明快、韵律悠扬婉转等艺术价值,而且还彰显出民间文化话语权、审美需要的对象化表达和审美交流的可能性实现等审美文化内涵与特征。再次,分析刘三姐民族文化资源的开发与利用,推动刘三姐文化的现代发展。刘三姐及山歌文化作为广西最优秀的民族文化资源,在全球化文化市场中,逐步转化为文化资本与生产力因素。南宁国际民歌艺术节与桂林漓江大型山水实景演出《印象·刘三姐》体现了对刘三姐文化资源的开发与利用,实现了文化创新与经济发展的双赢效益。由此可见,刘三姐民族文化资源的文化生产与再生产既是刘三姐文化的自然延伸,也是刘三姐民族文化形象的价值体现。最后,阐发刘三姐民族文化形象品牌建构的理论与实践意义。刘三姐民族文化形象研究不但为“刘三姐”民族文化品牌建构和广西形象塑造提供了学理依据与实践支撑,为审美人类学研究及其壮学研究与桂学研究拓展了学术视野与运思途径,而且也推动了广西民族文化的抢救、保护、传承与发展。总之,作为广西最典型最有影响力的民族文化形象,刘三姐是独特的、普遍的,也是开放的、发展的。千百年来,壮族民间文化滋养与塑造了歌仙刘三姐,刘三姐也传承与发展了民族文化。刘三姐形象蕴含着广西各民族的集体意识、人文素养和审美情趣,传达出团结和谐、爱国奉献、开放包容、创新争先的广西精神。

【Abstract】 Aesthetic anthropology is emerging discipline and theory method of aesthetics and derivative which is organic integrated and intersected between aesthetic and anthropology in the new cultural context. It focuses on the aesthetic and cultural phenomenon that is ignored or not to paid full attention in the past years, and explore the problem of relationship between aesthetic and real-life, by selecting the regional ethnic cultures and case reflecting the contemporary aesthetic culture character, with the method of field investigation and theoretical explanation. And then to construct the living environment of overflowing aesthetic culture, to achieve the effect and purpose of aesthetic life and life aesthetic, for ethnic minority areas social economic and cultural comprehensive and coordinated development to open up new ways, to demonstrate its strong practical character and humane care spirit.Liu Sanjie, who had sing intelligence and simple goodness in the Zhuang ethnic folklore, has being wildly praised as a "song-teacher"."song-ancestor "and "fairy goddess" in the minority nationalities of Han. Miao. Yao. Dong in Guangxi. She has been accumulated a large number of story resources in the folk legends and historical literature. The early1960s, the play, opera and movie Liu Sanjie was performed and featured all of the country, make she as a good fame at home and abroad, and become a brightest image and brand. Liu Sanjie is a product of Zhuang Song Fair customs,she represent the collective consciousness and aesthetic experience of the Zhuang ethnic group. She is the most influential folk song cultural symbols and brand image of national culture. Since the reform and opening up, Liu Sanjie still with a wonderful folk song charm make a name herself in the world,and keep pace with the times, innovation and development, actively lead and promote the Guangxi’s economic and social prosperity and development. She become a object of study and the topic of unending" Liu Sanjie "in academic bored.This paper is based on the aesthetic anthropology theory and its method, select the Liu Sanjie national cultural image construction as a studies topic. This study is of very important theoretical and practical significance.From the theory is concerned, This study can promote the development of theory of local research,inject new vitality for the Gui Learning theory research; From practice is concerned.This study further contribute to build the brand of national culture and increase national cultural consciousness and self-confidence, enhance national cohesion and carry out the strategy that culture make region development. Therefore, this paper is following at several aspects to discuss Liu Sanjie national culture image construction and constitution.First of all, through many of Liu Sanjie narrative text, field research living text and derivative text, detailed analysis Liu Sanjie national cultural image historic construction ways and the evolution process. Liu SanJie legend story as a folk literature, which in the historical documents and development, have accumulated and integrated on the different art forms of opera.song and dance drama.movie. in the historic dynamic construct process, Liu SanJie image gradually clear, vivid, highlight, and ultimately outstanding its folksongs fairy goddess image characteristics.Secondly, discuss culture constituting of the Liu Sanjie national image.From the three dimensions of the Zhuang national culture, Guangxi regional culture and folk culture, discuss the culture constituting mechanism of Liu Sanjie national image.that is the Zhuang nation aesthetic mentality to conceive and product the song goddess Liu Sanjie. Liu Sanjie is the national cultural symbol and aesthetic cultural representation what Zhuang national collective consciousness and common imaging intersected&constituted. In prehistoric times, Luoyue national refers to the Zhuang national, Zhuang nation is a "indigenous peoples"of Guangxi, but also the main nationality. Therefore, Liu Sanjie image of national culture also alleged to be the culture image of Guangxi.Thirdly, explain the content and features of Liu Sanjie national cultural image and artistic image,as well as the national aesthetic psychological mechanism and external forms, in the mid-Neolithic, zhuang ancestors had began to cultivate wild rice.Rice farming production and lifestyles make them creating a rich and unique "Na"culture."Na"culture have the cultural connotation and characteristics, which is natural ecosystems and in accordance with the nature and common nature, indicative and symbolic of totem worship, openness and inclusiveness of the national culture, etc. Rice agricultural economy produced aesthetic thinking psychological mechanism of zhuang people’s intuitive perception, imaginative, good at lyrical aesthetic thinking psychological mechanism,thus to create rich and beautiful folk culture.Again, analysis exploitation and utilization of Liu Sanjie national culture resource, in order to promote the development of modern Liu Sanjie culture. Liu Sanjie and its folk-songs culture,as the best national culture resource of Guangxi, influenced by the globalization of world economy,gradually turn into cultural capital and productivity factor. Nanning international folk-songs art festival and Lijiang large-scale landscape performance impression-Liu Sanjie have achieved the win-win benefits of cultural innovation and economic development because of developing and utilizing the Liu Sanjie national culture resource. Thus, cultural production and reproduction of Liu Sanjie national culture resources is not only its natural extension, but also its value realizing.Finally, elaborate the theoretical and practical significances that Liu Sanjie national culture image brand is constructed. Liu Sanjie national culture image studying will not only provide the theory foundation and practical support for Liu Sanjie national culture brand construction and Guangxi image portraying, and expand the academic field vision and approach for the research of aesthetic anthropology and Gui learning, but also promote resuscitation, protection, inheritance and development of Guangxi national culture.In short, as the most typical national cultural image, Liu Sanjie is unique, universal, is also open, developed. Since one thousand years, Zhuang’s folk-songs culture have been nourishing and shaping song goddess Liu Sanjie, and Liu Sanjie have been inheriting and developing the Guangxi’s national culture too. Liu Sanjie image contains the collective consciousness, humanity qualities and aesthetic taste of all ethnic groups in Guangxi, transmits the Guangxi spirits of the unity and harmony, patriotism and devotion, openness and tolerance, innovation and trying to be the first.
