

A Study on the Morpheme Developing Process of Phonograms from Other Languages

【作者】 朱蓉

【导师】 骆明弟;

【作者基本信息】 广西师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 外来表音成分指的是以表音的形式进入现代汉语表达系统的语言成分,在现代汉语的新词新语中是重要的组成部分。本文在前人研究的基础上,根据外来表音成分进入汉语的表音方式不同将其进行分类,并分析了外来表音成分在汉语中语素发展的过程、特点,并进行了外来表音成分语素化能力的考察。引言部分在概括前人研究成果的基础上提出了本文的研究方向、范围、意义以及创新之处。第一章主要根据依照是否包含源语言中的原形表音成分为标准,将本文的分析对象划分为汉字表音成分和原形表音成分两大类。其次,界定了语素发展过程这一核心的概念,将这一过程划分为语素化过程和语素演化过程两个阶段。第二章主要讨论了如何判定一个语言成分属于一个确定的语素,探讨了学界常用的“同形替换法”的局限,并提出判断一个语言成分是否属于一个确定的语素主要看它的音义结合紧密程度这一看法。第三章通过举例的方式按前期分类讨论了外来表音成分从不确定是一个汉语语素发展成为一个确定的汉语语素的过程,也就是外来表音成分由不确定语素发展到确定语素的过程。第四章通过描写外来表音成分单音化的过程得出会出现这种语言现象的原因。第五章描述了由外来表音成分发展而来的语素在汉语中演化的过程,主要表现在外来表音成分音节的演化和语义的扩大与引申。第六章对外来表音成分发展过程的特点进行了分析,得出外来表音语素发展的过程是一个汉化的过程;其音义结合的紧密度影响其在汉语中的可接受度;外来表音成分语素在汉语中发展的过程受到其使用频率、语义类推能力强弱的影响;外来表音成分单音化中音节的选择受其结构顺序的影响这四个特点。第七章通过搜集的语料对外来表音成分的语素化能力进行了考察和分析,并得出了语素化能力出现强弱之分的原因所在。最后,对全文进行了总结,并且提出了研究展望。

【Abstract】 A phonogram from other language means a language element which combines into Chinese as an language element representing its pronunciation, it is a very important constituent of modern Chinese. The paper divides the phonograms into two main parts by their different ways of combining into modern Chinese, and we analyzed their developing process, features and researched the phonograms’ ability of evolving into morphemes.The introduction introduced the research directions, range, meaning and innovation of this thesis on the base of research findings which made by other researchers.The first chapter mainly introduced the two classifications which divided by if it includes the word’s original form in its source language:the one is representing pronunciations by Chinese characters which pronounced similarly, and the other is representing pronunciations by its original form. And, in this part, we defined a core concept, that is the morpheme developing process, and divided this process into morpheme process and morpheme evolution process.The second chapter discussed how to predicate a language element has changed into an morpheme, the limitations of "Homomorphism Interchange Method" and raised a method to make a judge whether a language element belongs to a defined morpheme, that is to consider the tightness between its pronunciation and meaning.The third chapter discussed the process which a language element changing from an undefined Chinese morpheme to a defined one, that is the process which phonograms developed from an undefined Chinese morpheme to a defined one.The fourth chapter listed the process of multisyllable phonogram simplifed into single syllable morpheme, and its reason.The fifth chapter described the evolution process of the morphemes which come from the phonograms in Chinese, and the mainly representations were the syllable evolution and the amplification of its meaning.The sixth chapter made an assay of the characteristics of the developing process of phonograms from other languages, and finally we got four results:the first is the process of morpheme evolvement is also a process of Chinese localization, the second is the compactedness of phonogram’s pronunciation and meaning would effect its acceptance in Chinese; the third is the process of morpheme evolvement effected by its using frequency and analogize capability; the fourth is when a multisyllable phonogram changed into a single syllable, the syllable chosen may effected by its structure order.The seventh chapter reviewed and analysed the morpheme capability of phonograms from other languages, and got the reason why there represents different capabilities.And the last part made a conclusion of the whole paper, and released a research outlook.
