

Health Assessment of Typical Influent Rivers in Taihu Lake Basin

【作者】 龚蕾婷

【导师】 安树青;

【作者基本信息】 南京大学 , 生态学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着经济的快速发展,人类对河流资源的过度开发和利用,使河流生态系统的退化日益严重。主要表现为营养物质的过度富集、河流生境的破坏、河滨植被的退化及水生生物的减少等方面。河流生态系统的退化已经成为世界各国河流生态系统面临的主要问题,河流生态系统的健康评价及生态恢复逐渐受到国际社会的广泛关注和重视。太湖流域地处长江中下游地区,为平原河网地区,河网密集,水系交错复杂;社会经济发达,人口密度高,河流生态系统已受到人类活动的强烈影响;水体富营养化已经成为太湖水环境的主要问题,而入湖河流是湖体污染物质来源的主要通道。近年来国家对太湖流域的河流开展了大规模的河道整治与修复工程,但是多采用传统工程治理,忽略了河流生态系统的自然特征,导致整治效果难以长期维持。因此本文借鉴国内外河流健康评价体系的研究,结合太湖流域平原河网地区的特点,构建了适用于太湖入湖河流的河流健康评价体系,并对西太湖区域的三条入湖河流进行健康评价;以期为区域的河流整治恢复、可持续发展及河流管理提供科学的理论依据及实践意义。论文的主要研究内容及结果如下:(1)论述了健康、生态系统健康及河流生态系统健康的定义和内涵,辨析了河流健康的基本概念及明确河流生态系统的整体性、复杂性、连续性的特征。一个健康的河流生态系统即能维持自身的生态系统稳定、健康并能自我调控;又能为人类提供合理的服务功能。(2)根据河流健康评价的国内外研究现状与进展,总结了美国、澳大利亚、英国及南非等国家的健康评价体系的具体方法,比较了预测模型法和多指标评价法的优点和缺点。通过对河流健康评价指标体系的评价原则、评价指标、评价标准及权重的确定,结合太湖流域入湖河流污染现状,建立了适用于研究区域的河流健康评价体系。该评价体系分为3个层次,分别是目标层、指标层和要素层。其中最高级的目标层是河流健康综合指数(RHI),用来反映河流整体的健康状态;指标层包括河岸带状况、河流形态、水质理化指标和河流生物4个部分,分别反映河流生态系统健康的四个方面;要素层是由指标层下选择若干指标要素构成;包括河岸倾斜程度、结构完整性、河岸稳定性、河流护岸形式、DO、COD、TP、NH3-N、浮游植物香农指数和丰富度指数、浮游动物香农指数和丰富度指数12个指标。最终将健康状态分为四个等级:健康(30<RHI≤40)、亚健康(20<RHI≤30)、亚病态(10<RHI≤20)和病态(0≤RHI≤10)。(3)于2010年1月和6月对太湖流域入湖河流乌溪港、武进港和梁溪河的21个监测断面进行野外调查及资料收集,并用本文基于研究区域构建的河流健康评价体系进行健康评价,6月份的评价结果显示三条河流的河流健康指数(RHI)在12.50-30.63之间,对比河流健康评价标准,亚健康状态的监测断面为14个,占61.9%;乌溪港的RHI值(19.38-30.63)>武进港(12.50-30.00)>梁溪河(13.13-24.38);河岸带状态和河流形态的分值较高,水质理化指标和水生生物指标的得分相对较低,说明研究区域的河流水质和水生生物方面受人为干扰较大,而河岸带及河流形态方面较接近自然状态。因此在河流生态修复及河流管理中,应优先考虑水质和水生生物两个方面的恢复。(4)对不同区位的乌溪港、武进港和梁溪河的河流健康评价结果比较(6月份),表明西太湖区域的河岸带及河流形态等景观指标都趋于一致(p>0.05),而水质和生物等指标则有一定程度的差异,DO、COD、浮游植物和浮游动物的香农指数都呈现出极显著差异(p<0.01),TP、NH3-N和浮游植物丰富度为显著差异(p<0.05);对乌溪港、武进港和梁溪河的不同时间(1月和6月)的河流健康评价结果进行分析,结果显示不同时间下,只有水质及生物表征指标存在差异(p<0.05),河岸带状况及河流形态两个部分无显著差异(p>0.05)。两个不同角度的分析说明本文的健康评价体系在不同区位和不同时间上都有较好的适用性。(5)将未作为河流健康表征指标的底栖动物的相关指标与乌溪港、武进港和梁溪河三条入湖河流的健康评价结果进行分析。结果表明,底栖动物生物量、均匀度、香农指数和丰富度与RHI的相关性不高,西太湖地区河流受人为干扰过于严重,导致了底栖动物对环境的响应能力降低;底栖动物与河流健康状况没有很好的一致性,从河流健康评价方面来看,西太湖地区的入湖河流更适合多指标综合评价,其更能全面综合的评价河流健康状况。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of social economy, over-exploitation and using of river resources, the river ecological environment has been damaged seriously. The main manifestation was enrichment of nutrient, destruction of the river habitat, degradation of riparian vegetation and decreased of aquatic organisms. River degradation has becoming the primary problem faced by the river ecosystem of countries over the world, more attention has been paid to river restoration and sustainable river management.Taihu basin located in the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River, which was an economically developed area and plain river network region, with dense and complicated water system, high population density, the river ecosystem was affected intensely by human being. Water eutrophication was the main environment problem in Taihu Lake, and the influent rivers were the main channels of environment pollutant.River restoration has been carried out with rivers of Taihu basin, however the traditional regulation engineer ignored natural characters of river ecosystem, results were not significantly. Based on the river health assessment methods development by other countries and the reviewing the river assessment practices, combined the characteristics of the river of Taihu basin, an indicator system for river health assessment was established, applied in the three river of western Taihu, the results would contribute to appliance of river restoration and sustained development, and provided theoretical basis of river management. Main content and conclusions as follows:(1) Based on the discrimination of the terms "health","ecosystem health","river ecosystem health", and the characteristics of river system, integrity, complexity, continuity. A health river ecosystem should have the maintenance of itself stability, self-regulation, and also could provide rational service for human.(2) According to the river health assessment of the domestic and international research, including American, Australia, Britain and South Africa, compared the advantages and disadvantages of Predictive Model and Comprehensive assessment method. Accounting for the features of Taihu region in plain river network, based on the confirm of the assessment index, assessment principle, index assessment criterion and index weight, an indicator system for river health assessment which provides scores for4sub-indices was established. Four components of steam condition were presented in this thesis:physical form, streamside zone, water quality and aquatic life. The river health index (RHI) was the final result, according to the value of indexes, health condition is divided into four levels:health (30<RHI<40), sub-health (20<RHI<30), sub-sick (10<RHI<20) and sick (0<RHI<10).(3) On January and July,2010, samples were collected at21sites of Wuxi, Wu-jin and Liangxi River. Result showed that, RHI of all sites were between12.50-30.63. According to the assessment criterion,14sites were sub-health condition, about61.9percent. The value of RHI Wuxi (19.38-30.63)> Wujin (12.50-30.00)>Liangxi (13.13-24.38), scores of physical form and streamside zone were higher than water quality and aquatic life. These result showed that water quality and aquatic life in this region affected by human activities seriously, physical form and streamside zone were closer to natural state. Therefore, it is significant to research the water quality and aquatic life to improve river ecological restoration and river management.(4) Compared river health assessment with different locations, result showed that there was no significant difference with physical form and streamside zone indexes, and there was there was significant difference with water quality index and aquatic life indexes (DCh COD and the Shannon index of phytoplankton, zooplankton, p<0.01)(TP、NH3-N and phytoplankton richness index, p<0.05).Compared river health assessment with different times in three rivers, result showed that there was no significant difference with physical form and streamside zone indexes (p>0.05), and water quality and aquatic life indexes have significant difference (p<0.05).These two different angle research showed that the river health assessment system of this paper was applicable widely in different locations and times.(5) Correlation between Benthic fauna indicators and River health condition showed that, there was no there was significant difference between them, rivers from western Taihu Lake were disturbanced seriously by human being, response ability of benthic fauna was decreased. There was no good relationship between benthic fauna indicators and River health condition, based on the river health assessment, rivers from western Taihu Lake were adapted with multi-variable assessment better.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 南京大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】X820
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】685