

Sedimentary Facies of Taishen One Well in Three Lakes Depression of Qaidam Basin

【作者】 孙非非

【导师】 张成君;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 构造地质学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文采用地质与地球物理研究相结合,通过岩芯及岩屑资料与室内分析鉴定资料相结合,深入研究了柴达木盆地三湖坳陷台深1井的岩石地层特征及沉积相划分,以柴达木盆地及三湖坳陷的地质构造、湖盆的演化历史作为大背景,根据各种可靠相标志,详细划分出了台深1井的取芯段沉积相,取得的成果和认识主要有以下几个方面:1、根据薄片鉴定、重矿物分析和X衍射测定,台深1井第四系七个泉组(Q1+2)、新近系狮子沟组(N23)和新近系上油砂山组(N22)中碎屑岩主要由长石、石英和岩屑组成,含量大致相同,并且在各组中岩石类型没有太大的变化,表明物源区比较稳定,搬运距离较近。2、从台深1井N23-N22层段中粉砂质泥岩、泥质粉砂岩、砂岩等碎屑岩粒度分析结果表明,台深1井N23-N22层段的水动力条件总体上相对较弱,结合实际观察的岩芯沉积构造特征,以及岩性组合、变化特征,台深1井N23-N22层段沉积环境可能主要属于三角洲,具有低的波浪能量、小潮差和弱的沿岸流、缓的滨外斜坡、细粒沉积物负载、分布广阔、指状河道砂垂直于岸线分布特征。3、由新近系狮子沟组(N23)取芯段(2955.3000m)沉积相分析知:台深1井新近系狮子沟组(N23)主要为三角洲平原亚相和三角洲前缘亚相,三角洲平原亚相主要发育漫滩串沟微相、沼泽微相、辫状河道微相等,三角洲前缘亚相主要发育辫状河道、远砂坝、河口砂坝等微相。4、根据新近系上油砂山组(N22)取芯段(3200-3250m,3865.3914m)沉积相研究,台深1井上油砂山组(N22)发育了三角洲平原亚相、三角洲前缘亚相、前三角洲亚相。三角洲平原亚相主要发育边滩微相、河道微相,偶有间湾与泥坪微相;三角洲前缘亚相主要发育泥坪微相、砂坝微相、河道微相等,偶见前积层微相;前三角洲亚相主要为泥坪微相、水下扇微相及远砂坝微相。5、新近系上油砂山组(N22)—新近系狮子沟组(N23)—第四系七个泉组(Q1+2)地层从老到新的演化过程中,沉积环境逐渐从水体较深的三角洲前缘环境变化为水体较浅的三角洲平原环境,反映出水体在该地区的逐渐退出特征。

【Abstract】 In this thesis, using the approaches of combination of the geology and geophysics, intensively studied characteristics of the petrology and stratigraphy and classification of sedimentary facies in taishen one well in three lakes depression of Qaidam Basin, by uniting the information on core and cuttings and the laboratory analysis and identification information. The full text set in the geological structure and evolution history of the three lakes depression of Qaidam Basin. According to various reliable phase signs, detailed division out of the sedimentary facies of cored segments in taishen one well. The followings are achievements and understandings.1.According to slice identification, analysis of heavy minerals and measurement of X-ray diffraction, clastic rock in the group of Qigequan (Q1+2), Shizigou (N23) and Shangyoushashan (N22) of the QuaternarySystem in taishen1well are mainly composed of feldspar, quartz and lithic fragment, and content of roughly the same. In addition, changes in rock types in each formation are not too much, indicating the source area is relatively stable, and the moving distance is short.2.Particle size analysis results of clastics such as silty mudstone, pelitic siltstone, sandstone in N23-N22layer of taishen1well show that hydrodynamic conditions are generally relatively weak. Combined with the actual observed sedimentary structure features, and rock association, variation characteristics, sedimentary environment in N23-N22bed of Taishen1well may principally belong to the type of delta mode because of low wave energy, small tidal range and weak coastal currents, gradual offshore slope, fine-grained sediments load; broad distribution and finger channel sands perpendicular to the shoreline.3.According to sedimentary facies of cored segments, shizigou group in taishen1well mainly belongs to delta plain subfacies and delta front subfacies. Delta plain subfacies mainly developed the floodplain string groove microfacies, swamp microfacies, braided channel microfacies etc. delta front subfacies mainly developed braided channel microfacies, distal bar microfacies, channel mouth bar microfacies etc.4.According to Sedimentary Facies of cored segments in shangyoushashan group, delta plain subfacies, delta front subfacies and pre-delta subfacies developed in Shangyoushashan Formation in taishen1well. Delta plain subfacies mainly developed corcass microfacies, sandbar microfacies, river channel microfacies etc, occasionally including foreset multilayer microfacies. Pre-delta subfacies mainly developed corcass microfacies, subaqueous fan microfacies and distal bar microfacies.5.According to the three formations of the layer formation from the old to new evolution,sendimentary environment change from delta front environment to delta plain environment,which reflect the characteristics of the water withdrawing from this area gradually.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期