

Research on the Fool Image in Chi Zijian’s Novel

【作者】 魏春秀

【导师】 彭岚嘉;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 迟子建以稳健的步伐踏入文坛二十几年以来,创作了大量优秀的小说。在她笔下众多人物形象当中,有一个人物形象系列很少受到读者和评论者的关注,那就是“傻子”形象。目前,国内学界对于中国当代文学中“傻子”形象的研究主要有两个方面:一是对“傻子”叙事视角的研究,二是对“傻子”形象的综合研究。对迟子建小说的研究,则主要集中在小说主题、创作特色和文化内涵方面,对其小说中“傻子”形象进行专门研究的还很少。论文主要从以下几个方面对迟子建小说中的“傻子”形象展开论述:首先,通过细读文本,对迟子建小说中出现的“傻子”形象进行系统梳理,从病理学和社会学两个方面对其小说中的“傻子”形象进行完整准确的概念界定和形象分类。其中,病理学意义上的“傻子”是指先天性智障和后天变傻的人;社会学意义上的“傻子”则是指思想和行为与世俗人不同,不被世俗人所理解的具有“傻子”精神的人。其次,在对“傻子”形象的塑造中,迟子建准确把握“傻子”的个体规定性和他们的心理内涵,遵从“傻子”最真实的状态进行抒写。论文通过仔细分析人物形象,总结概括出了迟子建小说中“傻子”形象所具有的儿童特质、憨痴快乐、亲近自然和心性善良的普遍特征。再次,从难忘的童年经历、温情的创作倾向、孤独的伤怀之美以及传统文化的濡染四个方面,探讨迟子建小说中“傻子”形象的成因。最后,从叙事学的角度,探讨“傻子”形象给迟子建小说带来的意义。主要有陌生化的叙述视角,巧妙的人称叙述机制和“傻子”视角的反讽意味。

【Abstract】 Chi zijian has created a great number of excellent novels since she steadily steped into literary world in more than20years. Among the characters in her novels, there is a Fool Image that haven’t drawn readers and critics’much attention yet. At present, the research on Fool Image in literature world in the contemporary era in China is mainly concentrated in two aspects. The first is the narrative perspective of Fool Image.The second is comprehensive study on Fool Image in literature world in the contemporary era in China. The research on Chi Zijian’s novels is mainly in terms of theme、the characteristics of creative and the connotations about cultural. But the specialized research on Fool Image in Chi Zijian’s novel is not deep enough.This paper will discuss the Fool Image which appears in the works of Chi Zijian from the after three aspects. Firstly, I will systematically review the Fool Image which appears in the works of Chi Zijian,definte the Fool Image completely and accurately from the two respects of pathology and sociology and summarize its common characteristics, such as childlike、happiness from heart、being close to the nature and kind-hearted. Among them, fool in the pathological significance are those men who are congenital mental retardation or being foolish due to external forces. Fool in the sociological significance refers to those men who keep the different manners of behavior and view of values. When creating the Fool Image, she precisely grasped its characteristics and described them by their real status. Secondly, this paper will analyze the reasons why such image appeared in her works, which must be unforgettable experiences in her childhood、tenderness tendency in creation、the lonely gracefulness and the influence of traditional culture. Moreover,the narrative significance of the Image will be discussed comprehensively and thoroughly which involves the defamiliarized narrative perspective、the mechanism of subtle person narration and the irony of the fools’perspective.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期