

Kumbum in the Eyes of the Travelers

【作者】 任文姣

【导师】 宗喀·漾正冈布(Yondrol K. Tsongkha);

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 民族学, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 贡本(塔尔寺)被誉为是藏传佛教格鲁派六大宗主寺之一,它始建于1379年同时它也是藏传佛教格鲁派的创始人宗喀巴大师的降生地。1931年,日本发动了“九一八”事变之后,东北沦陷,上海失守,国民政府迁都重庆等时势,使得内地国人纷纷聚焦西北,西北先后被定为“抗日大后方”和“建国的根据地”。贡本以其宗教与地理位置的重要性也吸引了诸如周希武、马鹤天、林鹏侠、陈赓雅、杨质夫、何正璜、张大千等四十多位官员、学者、艺术家前来考察,他们考察之后的书写作品、画作等代表了当时社会国人对藏地、青海地区尤其是贡本的认知。本文以19世纪-20世纪中叶为研究的时间维度,分四章对这一时期汉地旅行者入贡本考察的背景、经过进行分析和阐述。在写作内容上,本文重点对汉地旅行者的生平、入贡本考察的背景及贡本见闻等方面进行研究。这些是以前研究所忽视的。最后对汉地旅行者在贡本考察研究活动进行民族学意义上的分析,并提出一些相关的思考。

【Abstract】 Kumbum Monastery is one of the greatest monasteries of Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism. It was founded in1379, and it was also the birth place of Master Tsongkhapa---the founder of Gelugpa school of Tibetan Buddhism.After "the September18Incident" in1931, more and more travelers paid their attentions on Kumbum Monastery. Such as Zhou Xi-wu, Ma He-tian, Zhang Da-qian etc. Kumbum Monastery, which located in the northwest, attracted approximately40officials, scholars and artists.These travel writings about Kumbum Monastery, in some degree, represented and affected Chinese people to understand the Tibetans and the Tibetan culture.This thesis, which is divided into four chapters, analyzes and elaborates the background and process of the Han travelers who went into the Kumbum Monastery from the19th century to the mid20th century. The study also describes the life of Han travelers, the background that they examined Kumbum Monastery and what they saw and heard in Kumbum Monastery in detail. Finally, the research analyzes the ethnographic significance of Han travelers’investigation in Kumbum Monastery.

【关键词】 19世纪20世纪中叶旅行者贡本考察
【Key words】 19th centurymid-20th centurytravelersKumbum Monasterystudy
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期