

The Disposition Towards China Domestic Colleges Students

【作者】 陈娜

【导师】 王光荣;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 高等教育学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年来,我国高等教育体制改革的力度的不断增大,普通高等学校办学自主权范围也越来越大。随之而来的,普通高等学校管理中的问题也逐渐凸显出来。高校(文章中称的高校均为公立普通高等学校)学生处分权的行使问题便是其中之一。高校学生处分权是指高等院校为教育或管理之目的,以国家立法或学校规范,对违反特定义务或未达到规定要求的学生所采取的致使其承担不利后果的惩罚性措施。在大量的查阅了高校纠纷相关问题的文献资料和网络、新闻报道后,发现自20世纪20世纪的最后几年开始,高校与学生法律纠纷日渐增多,我国内地法院在短短几年间就受理了几十起高校纠纷案。但时隔不久,法院在教育领域拓展受案范围的努力却屡遭失败。在这类频繁涌现的“大学生诉母校”的案件中绝大多数都是因为高校行使处分权的过程中侵犯了学生的权益。这在一方面说明了学生权利意识的提高,开始用切实的行动去维护自己的权利;另一方面也客观的反映了我国高校学生处分权的行使确实存在着诸多问题。本文借鉴了法学界有关学校处分权的研究成果,综合运用教育学、法理学、行政法学和行政诉讼法学的基本原理,采用文献法、历史法、比较法、案例分析法对高校学生处分权进行了研究。首先,从法理入手理清了高校的法律地位、高校与学生的法律关系、高校处分的性质等问题。这是为处分纠纷的化解和诉讼提供法律依据;其次,分析了高校学生处分权行使存在的问题并从制度、程序、理念三个角度分析了问题形成的原因。为提出解决问题的对策作出了铺垫。最后,文章从立法和实施的角度,提出了完善普通高等学校学生处分权的相应建议。第一,提出了高校学生处分权的实施必须以人为本、教育处分相结合;第二,高校应遵循和适用“处分法定”、“比例原则”、“法律保留”三项原则;第三,建议规范高校学生处分程序,提出了完整的处分程序步骤;最后,提出了进一步完善普通高等学校受处分学生权利救济的途径:申诉、行政复议。

【Abstract】 In the recently years, revolution of domestic higher education system is in the increasing tendency, at the same time, authority of self-running-school is also in the developing trends, however, here obviously occurs following problems in the management level, one of the difficulties is that the disposition issue towards the colleges students, We can definite disposition towards college students that when to shoot for aim of higher education and management, following by national legislation and school rules, one way to punish those who disobey specification obligation or dis-achieve the rules so as to make them burden negative consequence with the increase of legal dispute between students and colleges, after research a lot of mass media including database, website and bibliography, it shows that during the last decades in20th century, China domestic court accepted dozens of cases about the legal dispute between colleges and students, in the contrary, several fails doubt the ability of Courts when dealing with these problems, during the process to executive the disposition, maybe will violate of rights and interests of the students, On one hand, it improve consciousnesses of students’rights awareness,they will defend their rights by actions, on the other hand, it also can tell there definitely occur many unsolved problems during the disposition locating process. This article take the reference on the research on disposition, standing on the jurisdiction site of view, integrated basic technology of education, jurisprudence, administrative law and administrative litigation law, by using principles of literature, method of history comparison to research on the disposition towards college students. First of all, to make better clarification of the legal status of colleges, because it has double legal relationship as civil and administrative with the students, this can provide a legal basement when solve the dispute, secondly, it analyse the problems located during the process when executive the disposition and at the same time also list the reasons from systems, procedures and concepts, successfully to pave the way for problems solving, finally, from the perspective of legislation and implementation, give some recommendations to improve the dispositions. Firstly, it proposed the implementation of the disposition must be based human centered principle and with education sanctions,secondly, colleges should follow the three principles as "statutory sanctions""the principle of proportionality""legal reservation",and at the same time with the suggestion of be with a complete disposal for the procedural steps,finally this article mention where the colleges students can get right relief when disposition come, including appeal for the rights, administrative reconsideration.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】D922.16
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】205