

The Solid Phase Influence on the Performance of the Solid-liquid Pump Based on Numerical Simulation and PIV Measurement

【作者】 崔巧玲

【导师】 朱祖超; 李昳;

【作者基本信息】 浙江理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 固液泵是输送固液混合物的关键设备,在国民生产生活各个领域均有应用,如矿山行业的矿渣输送,水利方面的清淤灌溉等。但是随着固液泵的广泛应用,它在实际使用过程中存在的缺点和不足也逐渐暴露出来,如过流部件磨损严重及效率偏低等。同时由于两相流动的复杂性,关于这方面的理论研究及设计还不成熟,仍处于探索与发展阶段,流道内部许多固液两相流动规律还没有被揭示出来,在工程实际中多数的设计是建立在经验基础之上,以至于设计出的泵性能得不到保证。因此迫切需要对泵的内部流动进行深入研究,为设计出性能高和运行稳定的泵提供理论基础。粒子图像测速技术(particle imagevelocimetry,PIV)是一种瞬态、多点、无接触式的流体力学测速方法,通过它能够获得平面流场的图像,进而获得平面区域的速度场。目前PIV技术已成为一种有效的速度场测量方法。本文主要对固液两相流泵进行数值模拟与分析,并采用PIV技术对泵内部固液两相流场的分布情况进行测量。通过对泵内部流场的PIV试验测试与数值模拟结果进行对比研究,以期进一步认识固液泵内部流动的流场结构和流动规律,这将有助于改善泵的结构设计,提高泵的性能。本文的主要工作如下:1)系统阐述了固液两相流泵的研究现状及PIV技术的发展状况。2)利用UG造型软件进行离心泵实体造型,并使用Gambit进行网格划分,后利用Fluent软件进行清水和固液两相流的数值模拟及结果分析。3)完善离心泵测试试验台,应用粒子图像测速技术(PIV)对泵在不同工况下的内部流场进行两相流PIV测试试验,并分析流场内固相颗粒的速度变化规律和运动特性。4)将数值模拟结果与PIV试验结果进行综合对比分析,从而互相验证了数值方法和试验方法的可靠性,取得了有参考意义的试验数据和结果,为后续的固液泵的进一步研究积累了基础。

【Abstract】 The Solid-liquid pump is the key transportation equipment of solid-liquid mixture, it waswidely used in the national production fields, such as dredging, water conservancy,environmental protection industries and so on. But with the wide application ofsolid-liquid pump, its shortcomings and insufficiencies in the actual use weregradually revealed, such as serious wear and tear on flow components and lowefficiency. At the same time, due to the complexity of the two phases flow, thetheories and the design methods were still not mature, many two-phase flow laws inthe solid-liquid pump has not been revealed. Most of the design is based onexperience in engineering practice so that design of the pump’s performance notguarantee. So the further research of solid-liquid pump is urgent need in order toprovide theoretical foundation of designing a high performance and operation stablepump. In recent years,with the Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) rapid development,it has became a kind of effective test means with which people gain a transient, nocontacted, plane flow field.In order to research pump internal law of the solid-liquid two-phase flow, acombination way of numerical simulation and PIV experimental study was adopted inthis paper, According to the comparison of simulation results and PIV measurement,we can acquire further understanding of solid-liquid flow field and the flow law. It ishelpful to improve the structure and the performance of the pump.The main work is outlined as following:1) Summarizing the research result and the status in solid-liquid two-phasepump and PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) measurement of the domestic andforeign scholars.2) The modeling software UG was used to modele the stereo centrifugal pump,and it was imported into Fluent software, where the water and solid-liquid two-phase flow numerical simulation was carried out, and the results were analyzed.3) The solid-liquid two-phase pump test platform was Improved, different flowrate of the solid-liquid two-phase flow PIV experiments carried out, which providedthe particles speed and movement characteristics in the flow field.4) The comprehensive comparative analysis between the numerical results andPIV test result was made in order to verify the reliability of numerical simulation andPIV measurement method for each other. And some important test results wasobtained for the subsequent study of the solid-liquid pump.
