

The Extraction of Red Cabbage/purple Sweet Potato and Preparation of Acid-base Indicator Silk Fabric

【作者】 周培剑

【导师】 余志成;

【作者基本信息】 浙江理工大学 , 纺织化学与染整工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着生活水平的提高和环保意识的增强,人们越来越关注天然色素。天然色素不仅可以染色,还可以赋予纺织品抗菌、抗紫外线辐射、芳香和防蚊等功效。将对酸碱敏感的紫甘蓝、紫甘薯色素,借助金属离子的配位作用牢固地固着在纺织品上,研制具有酸碱指示功能的纺织品,无疑可大大拓展天然色素的应用,提高纺织品的附加值,同时又符合生态纺织品的发展要求。本课题以紫甘蓝和紫甘薯为研究对象,分别采用pH值为3的盐酸溶液和pH值为3的80%乙醇溶液对其有效成分进行提取,并对提取工艺参数进行优化;同时用紫外可见光谱和红外光谱对紫甘蓝、紫甘薯色素结构进行表征;研究了pH值、金属离子、温度对紫甘蓝、紫甘薯色素稳定性的影响;在此基础上,利用紫甘蓝、紫甘薯色素研制了具有酸碱指示功能的真丝织物,并对其影响因素进行了分析探讨。研究结果表明:(1)紫甘蓝提取工艺为:提取剂为pH值3盐酸溶液,料液比为1:10,提取温度为60℃,时间60min,提取次数为2次。紫甘薯提取工艺:提取剂为pH值3盐酸—80%乙醇溶液,料液比为1:30,提取温度为70℃,时间90min,提取次数为2次。(2)紫外—可见光谱研究表明:紫甘蓝、紫甘薯色素在紫外光区290nm和可见光区530nm处有较强的吸收峰,表明紫甘蓝和紫甘薯色素均属于花青素类色素,同时紫甘蓝、紫甘薯分别在320nm、322nm处存在吸收峰,说明紫甘蓝、紫甘薯色素均是酰化的花青素;A310/Amax-vis比值分别为3.13和3.2,说明紫甘蓝、紫甘薯色素中乙酰化基团超过一个;A440/Amax-vis比值分别为0.28和0.214,说明紫甘蓝色素在5位上不形成糖苷,紫甘薯在3位上有糖苷。(3)紫甘蓝、紫甘薯色素的稳定性研究表明:pH值对紫甘蓝、紫甘薯色素最大吸收波长和吸光度有较大影响,当pH值为5~6和pH值大于8时色素溶液在室温下存放3小时后吸光度便大幅下降;紫甘蓝、紫甘薯色素50℃时较为稳定,温度提高,分解加快;硫酸铝钾对紫甘蓝、紫甘薯色素具有一定的护色作用,而硫酸亚铁具有一定的还原性,对紫甘蓝、紫甘薯色素造成破坏。(4)利用紫甘蓝色素和紫甘薯色素与金属离子良好的配位性制备Fe2+—紫甘蓝和Al3+—紫甘薯酸碱指示真丝织物均在pH值3~9宽范围均有显著的颜色变化,从红色逐渐变为黄绿色,而且响应灵敏,响应时间在120s内;对不同的酸碱剂呈现稳定的变色效果;pH值3、5、8之间循环显色后,在相同pH值下色相值H基本一致,表明研制的酸碱指示真丝织物具有良好的可逆性。(5)通过对金属离子种类及其用量、色素用量、温度等工艺参数优化,获得制备Fe2+—紫甘蓝酸碱指示真丝织物的工艺:紫甘蓝色素8%(omf),硫酸亚铁6%(omf),温度50~60℃,pH值为4,浴比1:40,时间60min;Al3+—紫甘薯酸碱指示真丝织物的制备工艺:紫甘薯色素8%(omf),硫酸铝钾4%~6%(omf),温度为50~60℃,pH值为4.5,浴比1:40,时间80min。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of people’s living and the enhance for awareness of environmentalprotection, dye is becoming increasingly popular. As yet,study on natural dye is concentratedon dyeing performance,and less study on special function.Preparation of excellent acid-baseinstruction effect fabric,and when natural dye which is sensitive to acid/base is applied to thecloth.This study not only would improve the natural dye worthiness,but also would be willaccord with ecological textile and increase the additory value of textile.In this paper,red cabbage (RC) and purple sweet potato (PSP) are the main study object,and extracted by means of pH3-HCl aqueous and pH3-HCl-80%ethanol aqueousrespectively, and optimizing the extraction process.The paper probed into the spectrumcharacter of pigment of red cabbage and purple sweet potato by IR and UV-visiblespectroscopy and research influence of the pigment stability on the pH, metalion,temperature,etc.The preparation and testing acid-base instructions property of silk fabricwere investigated.According to acid-base instructions property, the process parameters wereoptimized.The results were as follows:The optimum extraction process of RCwas pH3-HCl as extractant with ratio of materialto liquid1:10for60min under60℃,extracting2times. The optimum extraction process ofPSP was pH3-HCl-80%ethanol as extractant with ratio of material to liquid1:30for90minunder70℃,extracting2times.The pigment of RC and PSP which have maximum absorption peak in290nm,530nmrespectively, show that RC and PSP are all anthocyan pigments. According to maximumabsorption peak in320nm,322nm respectively and A310/Amax-visratio, gives the result thatpigment of RC and PSP are acylation pigment and acetylation groups more than one.There isno glucosides on5-C of RC and PSP contained a glucosides on3-C according to A440/Amax-visratio.Color and absorbance of RC and PSP were affected by pH value.At pH5~6and pH >8,absorbance of RC and PSP had markedly droppded within3times.RC and PSP were stableunder50℃,the higher the temperature is, the faster the decomposition.Al3+have certainprotect effect while Fe2+damaged the pigment.The Acid-base instructions performance of silk fabric was perpared by immobilizingBOVC/PSP with metal ion.The Acid-base instructions performance of silk fabric exhibitedremarkbale color change from red to yellowgreen at pH3~9with short response time andecxcellent recycle stablilty.Different acid and base had less effects on acid-base instructions.The effect factors such as type and dosage of metal ion,pigment dosge and temperatureon acid-base indicator performance are investigated, and optimizing conditions wereobtained. The optimum process of RC silk fabric was concentration of RC8%(omf),concentration of ferrous sulfate6%(omf) at60℃,The optimum process of PSP silk fabricwas concentration of RC8%(omf),concentration of ferrous sulfate4%-6%(omf) at60℃.

  • 【分类号】TQ611;TS193.62
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】165
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