

Ammonium Chloride Flow Deposition Prediction Study in Reactor Effluent Air Coolers

【作者】 谢浩平

【导师】 偶国富;

【作者基本信息】 浙江理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在炼油装置大型化、原料油劣质化的发展过程中,NH4Cl盐结晶沉积引发的加氢空冷器(REAC)系统频繁的流动腐蚀失效,严重影响企业的“安、稳、长、优”运行。鉴于原料油Cl-含量波动范围大,且NH4Cl流动沉积涉及多物理场耦合作用,失效机理复杂,缺乏科学的流动沉积预测手段。本文拟针对加氢REAC系统NH4Cl流动沉积开展数值计算和实验研究,建立NH4Cl沉积预测方法,从而为REAC系统优化设计和运行提供理论支撑。本文以YZ石化公司加氢REAC系统管束失效为研究对象,开展多物理场耦合作用下NH4Cl流动沉积数值模拟预测和实验研究。首先,结合加氢REAC系统工艺流程,运用石化工艺软件HYSIS获得了加氢REAC系统入口多相流组成及物性参数,建立NH4Cl结晶温度求解模型,确定液态水的露点温度;然后,结合物性仿真结果,采用HTRI换热计算软件分析了加氢REAC系统管束内温度分布趋势,建立流动场、温度场及浓度场耦合作用下的NH4Cl流动沉积数理模型,并运用多物理场耦合分析软件获得了管束内多场耦合作用下NH4Cl流动沉积分布规律,提出以NH4Cl浓度分布表征其流动沉积危险区域,预测获得距离空冷器管束入口0.65m处管束顶部易发生NH4Cl流动沉积失效;最后,结合加氢REAC系统工艺关联过程,确定NH4Cl流动沉积测试方案,设计搭建了现场加氢REAC系统NH4Cl流动沉积测试平台,运用光学测试系统测试获得NH4Cl流动沉积形貌,实验结果表明:NH4Cl沉积位置位于实验测试位置入口约0.60m位置处,实验结果与数值模拟结果基本一致,验证了NH4Cl流动沉积数值预测方法的正确性与可靠性,并为后续的实验研究提供参考依据。本论文的创新工作在于:结合实际REAC系统中的反应、流动、传热、腐蚀等复杂过程,实现流动场、温度场和浓度场等多物理场耦合作用下的NH4Cl盐流动沉积数值模拟;设计搭建现场加氢REAC系统NH4Cl流动沉积测试系统,运用高压视镜和光学测试系统开展流动沉积实验研究,验证仿真方法的可靠性,建立了数值预测和流动沉积实验相结合的NH4Cl流动沉积预测研究方法。

【Abstract】 Frequent occurrence of flow corrosion failure caused by ammonium chloride deposition inhydrogen air condenser (REAC) system in the development process of petroleum refining asequipment scale become more large and raw oil become inferior serious effect factorysecure,stably, long-term and excellent operation. The fluctuating range of Cl-canteen in raw oilis great. Ammonium chloride flow deposition effect by multi-physical coupling effect. Thefailure mechanism is complex, and there isn’t scientific prediction method for flow deposition. Inview of the above reasons, this article plans to carry out numerical calculation and experiment ofammonium chloride flow in sedimentary in REAC to establish ammonium chloride sedimentaryforecast method, thus it can provide theory support for optimize design and operation of REACsystem.This paper develop numerical simulation and forecast experiments of ammonium chlorideflow sedimentary deposition under multi-physical coupling efface, taking the failure REAC tubebundle of YZ as research object.First of all, composition of multiphase flow and physical parameters of REAC entrancewas acquired by using petrochemical process software HYSIS. Then the model to calculateammonium chloride crystallizes temperature and determine the dew point of liquid water wasfounded.Then, ammonium chloride flow of sedimentary mathematical model were founded underthe coupled action of flow field, temperature field and concentration field combining with resultsof the simulation for the physical properties by using HTRI calculation software analyzes theheat hydrogenation REAC system over temperature distribution in the trend. And the physicalfield coupling analysis software won over more inside field under the coupled action ofammonium chloride flow deposits distribution law, puts forward to ammonium chlorideconcentration distribution characterization of the flow deposits danger area, predict get distanceair condenser over the entrance0.65m place over the top easy happening ammonium chloride flow sedimentary failure.Finally, the test scheme of ammonium chloride flow deposition was determined, the testplatform of ammonium chloride flow sedimentary was designed in REAC combined with REACtechnology related process, and ammonium chloride flow sedimentary morphology was obtainedby optical test system.The results of experiment show that the sedimentary position is located in about0.625m inthe entrance location which is consistent with numerical simulation results. So, the correctnessand reliability of the ammonium chloride flow sedimentary numerical prediction method andprovide reference for subsequent experiment.The innovations of this paper are as follows: Realize the numerical simulation ofammonium chloride salt flow deposits under multi-physical coupling of flow field temperaturefield and concentration field combining with actual REAC system complex process of flow, heattransfer and corrosion. Design and set up the construction site hydrogenation REAC systemammonium chloride flow deposits test system. Carry out flow deposits experiment research byusing high pressure as a mirror and optical test system and verify the reliability of the simulationmethod. Establish the research method of prediction for ammonium chloride flow depositioncombination numerical prediction with flow sedimentary experiment.
