

The Design and Implementation of Management Information Platform for Daxiaoxing’anling Forestry

【作者】 刘军

【导师】 赵宏伟; 张晋东;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 软件工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 大小兴安岭林业信息化建设是现代化林业建设的主要组成部分,是推动林业科学发展的重要手段,是林业工作战略化发展的重中之重。大小兴安岭林业管理信息系统的建设是实现大小兴安岭林业跨越式发展的重要技术手段。大小兴安岭林业管理信息系统的建设主要包括:整合森林资源管理系统、营林造林管理系统、森林矿产资源管理系统、森林保护管理系统、林业视频监控系统、林业行政审核审批系统、综合管理办公系统、林业综合决策支持系统、三维GIS、WEB应用系统。在系统建设过程中采用SOA设计原则,运用XML、Java、Flex等技术手段建设统一的标准,达到大小兴安岭林业信息资源共享。在本论文中对大小兴安岭林业管理信息系统建设过程中的工作以软件工程的视角进行描述。在论文中涉及到软件的项目管理、系统的网络建设、需求分析、软件的分析与设计、数据库设计等方方面面。本系统的建设对维持大小兴安岭区域生态协调、保障生态安全,合理利用大小兴安岭丰富的矿产资源,加快林业信息化带动林业现代化都有十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 Forestry informatization construction of the DaxiaoXing’anling forestry is theimportant component of modern forestry construction, which is the important meansto promote the scientific development of forestry and is the forestry developmentstrategy of heavy. Forestry management information system construction of theDaxiaoXing’anling forestry is the important technical means for realizing thegreat-leap-forward development of forestry, which includes the following contents:integration of forest resources management system, forest reforestation managementsystem, mineral resource management system, forest protection management system,forestry video monitoring system, forestry administrative examination and approvalsystem, integrated management of forestry office system, decision supportsystem,3D GIS, WEB application system. Construction of forestry public foundationdatabase, forest resources database, forest protection database, integratedmanagement database and spatial database, the four levels construction,infrastructure layer, data resources layer, application layer, the application supportlayer and application system layer, offer a foundation for the DaxiaoXing’anlingforestry informatization construction.The application supporting system is formed by constructing of core businesssystem, business support system and service system.Establishment of standard system, security and comprehensive managementsystem is the whole operation security system.Management Information System for DaxiaoXing’anling Forestryconstructionstage in the use of technology include Java development language, Spring, Ibatisopen source framework, Flex development system, and ArcGis, etc.Thesetechnology was illustrated in the role the information management, the forest rightregistration, forest right audit statistics, forest right mark four function module.The system is of great significance to maintain regional ecological coordination,safeguard the ecology security, rational use of mineral resources, and speed up theforestry information in order to put forestry modernization forward.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】77