

The Research of Radar High Resolution Radar Profile Target Recognition Methods Based on LPFT Transform

【作者】 李宏权

【导师】 石要武;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 系统工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 上世纪中后期随着雷达探测技术的发展,高分辨率雷达的应用对于目标回波的研究工作更加细致化、具体化。雷达的自动目标识别技术逐渐成为这一领域研究的热点。在这一领域中,对于高速机动目标的判别是非常重要的研究方向,根据目标的回波特性来判别目标是否存在的研究工作是非常重要的研究课题。近些年来,众多学者对非平稳的雷达回波信号进行时频分析与研究,提出了很多的研究理论与方法,其中局部多项式傅里叶变换(LPFT)对非平稳信号的时频展开具有很好的时频聚特性集性,以及对多分量信号交叉项的抑制作用起到了很好的效果。本文所做的研究工作就是将这一时频分析的变换方法应用到高速机动目标回波的分析之中,并结合LPFT变换的时频分析处理,给出了目标判别存在与否的具体方法。本文具体研究五个方面的问题:第一,研究了传统的魏格纳-威尔分布对于多分量的信号产生交叉项的原因;第二,研究了LPFT变换的基本理论,和对交叉项的抑制作用;第三,研究了距离像产生和信号模型;第四,提出了高斯白噪声背景下基于LPFT变换的高速机动目标的检测方案;第五,提出了高斯白噪声背景下基于目标相邻回波距离像的CLPP变换的目标判别方案。

【Abstract】 In the middle of the last century, with the development of the radar detectiontechnology, high resolution radar was used more and more, specific. Radar automatictarget recognition technology has become a hot spot in the study of this field In thisfield, for high maneuvering target identification is a very important research direction,it is a very important research topic to determine the presence of the target of researchwork according to the target echo characteristics.In recent years, many scholars have do some research about the non-stationaryradar echoes signal, puts forward a lot of methods, in which the local polynomialtransform (LPFT) for nonstationary time-frequency expansion has good timefrequency gathered characteristics, as well as played a very good effect onsuppressing the cross term of multi-component signal.The work done in this paper isusing the transformation method of this time-frequency analysis to analyse thehigh-speed maneuvering target echo, and combined with the LPFT transform, proposespecific methods of judging whether the target exists.This paper studies five aspects: first, research the reason of producing a crossitem which using the tradition of Wegener-Will distribution to analyse the multicomponent signal; second, research the basic theory of the LPFT transformation, andthe ability of inhibiting the cross terms; third, research how to engender distanceimage generation and signal model; fourth, use LPFT transform to deal with highmaneuvering target detection scheme under the background of gaussian white noise;fifth, propose a solution of using CLPP transformation to judge adjacent target echodistance image under the background of gaussian white noise.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】TN957.52
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】85