

Fabrication of TiO2-Cellulose Using Electrospinning Technique

【作者】 孙伟

【导师】 徐雁; 于吉红;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 无机化学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 无机-有机复合材料从远古以来就是我们赖以生存的必需物质,从中国古文化艺术品青花瓷到美国纽约曼哈顿区的摩登建筑材料,这种集合了有机物和无机物双重的优点来弥补对方缺点的材料的发展是21世纪经济社会发展的一大特征。由于现代石油资源的大范围匮乏和价格的迅猛上涨,依赖石油而产生的多种多样的人工高分子材料面临着巨大的挑战。同时也为了避免一定程度上的对生态和环境的污染和破坏,天然高分子又一次从茹毛饮血的远古穿越到现今,成为材料界的一个耀眼明星。纤维素作为世界上产量最大的天然高分子广泛存在于多种植物体和动物体内,其对生物体的生长进化起着不可磨灭的重要作用。而这种多糖类高分子有着多羟基的化学结构,已被改性成多种纤维素衍生物广泛应用在人类生产生活中。本论文主要在以纤维素作为模板或填充剂与二氧化钛这种具备一定光催化活性与自清洁性能应用特点为根基,着重讨论它们在静电纺丝这种静电作用力拉伸下纺出的纤维材料的形貌特点和潜在性能,通过细菌纤维素和二氧化钛在离子液体体系下电纺得到纤维丝、纳米晶态纤维素掺杂对于二氧化钛电纺纤维形貌以及表面性质的影响,以期望能够在未来将纤维素与无机物质结合制得更多的具有优异特性的先进材料。

【Abstract】 This Paper is based on the overall research and design in electrospinning (ELSP)of functional inorganic-cellulose composite material. From nature field, we can see alot of creature with inorganic-organic hybrid structure such as seaweed, sea squirt andeggshell etc. The inorganics act as functional center and the organics play as structuredirecting agents or function extending fillers in the hierarchical structure. Theinorganics represent good qualities like rigidity, they can be used under ELSP tofabricate multi-topography and possess the outstanding catalytic properties. Organicslike PVP can easily form uniform fibers in average diameter in nano-scale underelectrospinning. And ELSP is a good tool to assemble the inorganics material andlong-chain organics and bring them into effect together. Then we put cellulose intoapplication due to its excellent physical and chemical properties as natural polymer.This fabulous factors give the bright spot to explore the inorganic-cellulose compositematerials.The research at inorganic-cellulose composite material under ELSP is not referredto too much by scientists. This dissertation aims at dabbling type research inTiO2-cellulose assembling under electrospinning method. It include two parts.First part is about bacterial cellulose and different titania sources assembled underELSP in ionic liquid systems. It focuses on the adjustment of the parameters ofelectrospinning and solvent factors to make the bacterial cellulose well solved in theILs and form fibers. DMSO was used in the experiments to adjust the properties of thesolution and make it suited for electrospinning due to IL’s own characteristic such asnon-volatile and low viscoelasticity which make IL different from inorganic andorganic solvents. This research is for better nanoscale IL-cellulose fibers and itsnovel applications. And it give the forwardlooking thinking and feasibility basis tothis field. The second chapter choose different solvent and different doping quantity ofnano-cellulose crystals(NCC) which contribute to the different morphology andcatalytic properties of the ELSP fibers. We know the NCC is insoluable in water orethanol in Room Temperature. The introduce may be mixed up in the fibers orbetween the fibers. We can see a few NCC before calcination and the rough interfacesof the fibers after calcination. N2adsorption represents the possibility of the porousfibers formed by the fled NCC under high heat and the toughness improvement maybroaden the application of the membrane.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期