

Effects of Enhanced O3and UV-B Radiation on Growth and Yield Formation of Soybean and Its Photosynthetic Mechanism of Injury

【作者】 徐卫民

【导师】 郑有飞;

【作者基本信息】 南京信息工程大学 , 大气物理学与大气环境, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,日益升高的地表O3浓度以及由于臭氧层损耗导致的UV-B辐射增强引起了各国政府的广泛关注,地表的O3和UV-B辐射对农作物的生理生态以及产量都产生了严重影响,直接威胁全球的粮食安全。因此,本文基于大田开顶式气室(OTC)大田试验,设置了CK、100nL·L-103(01)、150nL·L-103(02)以及UV-B增强10%(UV)、UV-B增强10%与100nL·L-103复合(UV+O1)、UV-B增强10%与150nL·L-103复合(UV+02)6个处理组,开展了地表O3浓度增加和UV-B辐射增强环境下大豆光合系统、生长、生理以及产量响应的研究,并从光合损伤角度分析UV-B辐射和03浓度增加影响大豆生长及产量的原因,为研究未来气候变化背景下UV-B辐射增强和03浓度增加胁迫对大豆的影响提供理论参考。主要结果如下:(1)UV-B和O3胁迫对大豆的生长生理有着明显的不利影响,生育期缩短,叶面积下降,植株老化提前。随着O3浓度的升高,大豆的株高、叶面积、根瘤数、根瘤重、干湿重等生长指标均显著降低。O3浓度越高,叶面积越小。高浓度O3情况下10%增强的UV-B辐射基本无影响。低O3浓度情况下,10%UV-B辐射增强后大豆的株高、叶面积、干重受显著影响。(2)O3浓度增加和UV-B辐射增强都会导致大豆产量下降。03浓度愈高,产量受影响愈严重,且O3胁迫对大豆产量影响的程度要高于UV-B辐射。(3)100nL·L-1浓度的O3和10%UV-B辐射增强及其复合处理下,O3对大豆叶绿素含量产生了显著影响,而UV-B辐射对大豆叶绿素含量的影响不显著,复合处理对大豆叶绿素含量的影响不仅存在协同作用,且O3因子在此过程中起了主导作用。(4)UV-B和O3胁迫处理大豆的净光合速率,不同处理组与对照组差异均显著,但两单因子处理组与复合处理组之间无显著差异,复合处理比单独作用的影响有所加深,但是小于两者单独影响的简单累加。影响叶片光合作用下降的主要原因都是非气孔因素。大豆叶片的光合过程对UV-B和O3胁迫的响应存在一定差异,对O3更敏感。

【Abstract】 During the last several decades, significant reductions in the concentrations of stratospheric ozone (O3) have been reported. This reduced ozone concentration causes an increment in ultraviolet-B radiation approaching to the surface earth. The elevated UV-B radiation and increased tropospheric O3concentrations maybe occur together and cause reductions in physiological and biochemical characteristics of crops and economic plants. The effects of UV-B and O3on plant growth and productivity have been reported separately for a large number of species by filed experiment, but only few experiments have focused on their interaction, it is not clear whether UV-B and O3induced damages are brought about with similar mechanisms. In this paper, the responses of photosynthetic system, physiological features, growth and yield under elevated surface ozone and UV-B radiation in field experiment by open top chamber (OTC) had been presented comprehensivly.This will contrbute to the agricultural production and sustainable development. The results in the paper are as follows:(1) UV-B and O3stress adverse effects on soybean growth and physiological, shorten the growth period, decreased leaf area and plant aging. With increasing O3concentration, the soybean plant height, leaf area, nodule number, nodule weight, wet and dry weight growth indices were significantly reduced. On the high O3concentrations the case of enhanced UV-B radiation had no influence, and10%higher UV-B radiation affect the soybean plant height, leaf area and dry weight significantly on low O3concentrations.(2) Enhanced O3concentration and UV-B radiation will lead to the decline in soybean production. The higher O3concentration, the more serious production reduces of soybean, and the effect of O3stress on soybean yield is higher than the UV-B radiation.(3)100nL·L-1enhanced ozone,10%higher than control group UV-B radiation, separately and in combination, ozone caused significant decrease in chlorophyll content, but supplemental UV-B radiation had no impressive effect on it. Compared with UV-B and O3alone, UV-B and O3in combination enhanced the negative effects on soybean chlorophyll content, and ozone stress dominated the combination stress effect of O3and UV-B.(4) The net photosynthetic rate, treatment groups are significant different to control group, but no significant difference between the two single factors treated with the compound, deepened the impact of the combined treatment, but less than the simple accumulation of two separate impacts. The main reasons for decline of soybean leaf photosynthesis are non-stomatal factors. There are some differences of soybean photosynthetic process in response to UV-B and O3stress, more sensitive to O3.

【关键词】 臭氧UV-B大豆光合作用产量
【Key words】 O3UV-B RadiationSoybeanPhotosynthesisYield