

The Visualization Monitoring System and Lightning Protection Design of the Automatic Weather Station

【作者】 陈余才

【导师】 行鸿彥; 季鑫源;

【作者基本信息】 南京信息工程大学 , 信号与信息处理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 自动气象站作为地面气象观测的主要方式,改变了人工观测在时空密度和精确度方面的不足,提高了气象观测效率。但是自动气象站长期运行在户外,极易受到各种因素的干扰,因此,为保障自动气象站的正常运行,提高气象观测准确性,研究自动气象站的保障技术是非常必要的,且具有重要意义。本文分析了自动气象站运行中遇到的问题,研究了自动气象站保障技术措施,提出了自动气象站可视化监控方案,采用嵌入式技术设计了自动气象站可视化监控系统,实现对自动气象站的可视化监控管理。同时,研究了自动气象站的雷电防护方法,对自动气象站进行接地系统、防直击雷、防感应雷设计,防止雷电过电流对自动气象站设备的损坏。具体研究内容为:利用自动气象站气象要素传感器与采集器的原有连接方式,通过增加监控主控板和C328摄像模块,复用原自动气象站的通信方式,提出了可视化监控系统的整体方案。采用ARM7体系结构的LPC2387处理器,设计了最小系统及串口通信、CAN总线和存储等功能电路,构成监控系统硬件运行平台,并设计了上位机命令、RTC定时和红外感应三种硬件方式控制C328摄像模块。软件方面,移植μ C/OS-II操作系统到LPC2387处理器,并进行裁剪。然后划分了数据发送、C328驱动、命令接收处理、气象要素数据接收处理等四个任务及其优先级,通过使用邮箱和信号量两种通信机制,实现任务间的快速切换和数据传递。研究分析了自动气象站的雷电防护技术与方法,采用特定规格的接地体,对观测场地进行联合共用接地网设计,降低了各地网间的电位差,使雷电流泄放入大地。采用在风杆上架设避雷针的方法,通过规范施工,防止自动气象站的设备遭受直击雷的破坏。在RS485总线接口、电源接口处使用浪涌保护器,避免感应雷过电压的冲击,保障数据安全传输及电源正常工作,并在PCB板电源接口处进行二级防雷,防止过电压对主控系统造成损坏。采用可视化监控系统和防雷措施的自动气象站已在野外进行了一年的实验运行,取得了良好的应用效果。实验表明:该监控系统能保证气象要素信息的可靠获取,并能够实时监控自动气象站的运行情况,系统稳定、可靠且易于移植。防雷效果经实践检验,可对自动气象站进行有效的雷电防护,该防雷措施规范合理,具有推广价值。

【Abstract】 As the main way of surface weather observations, automatic weather stations (AWS) improve the efficiency of meteorological observations by overcoming the defects such as low temporal and spatial distribution density and low accuracy of artificial observations. However, due to long-running outdoor, AWS is vulnerable to the interferences of various factors. Therefore, in order to maintain normal operation of AWS and improve the accuracy of meteorological observations, it is very necessary and significant to make research on guarantee technology of AWS.This paper analyzes the problems encountered in the operation of an automatic weather station, researches the measures of AWS guarantee technology, the AWS visualization monitoring program is proposed, and the AWS visualization monitoring system is designed with embedded technology, which achieves the visualization monitoring and management of the automatic weather station. Meanwhile, the lightning protection method of AWS is studied, including such designs as grounding system, direct lightning protection, induction lightning protection, to prevent the damage posed by lightning over-current on the automatic weather station equipment. The specific research contents include:Using the original connections between the meteorological elements sensor and collectors on AWS, adding a main control board used for monitoring and a C328camera module, reusing the original communication means of the AWS, the whole program of the visualization monitoring system is developed.Using ARM7architecture LPC2387chip, functional circuits such as the smallest system, serial communication ports, CAN bus and storage circuit are designed, which consist of the hardware platform of the monitoring system, according to the monitoring requirements, three hardware approaches including host computer command, RTC timing and infrared sensing are proposed to drove the C328camera module.As to software, the cut μC/OS-II operating system is transplanted to the LPC2387processor. Then the priorities of such four tasks as data transmission, C328driver, command receiving and processing and meteorological elements data receiving and processing are divided, through two communication mechanisms of mailboxes and semaphores, quick tasks switch and data transmission can be achieved.The technology and method of AWS lightning protection are analyzed and researched, joint hared grounding grid designed with specific specifications grounding electrode under the bservation site is introduced to reduce the potential difference among the ground screens, so that the lightning current discharges into the earth. Erecting the lightning rod on the wind shaft by the standard construction, the AWS equipments can be protected against the damages posed by direct lightning flash. Surge protective device is installed at the RS485interface and power port to avoid the over-voltage impact of the induction lightning, ensuring the security of data transmission and the power supply; the2-level lightning protection is adopted at the power connector on the PCB board to prevent the damage on the core chips of control system posed by the over-voltage.An AWS outfitted the visualization monitoring system and lightning protection measures me ntioned above has been running in the field more than one year, and satisfactory results are obtain ed, the experiment results show that the monitoring system can ensure the reliable access of the meteorological elements information, real-time monitoring on the running AWS can be achieved, and the monitoring system is stable, reliable and easy to transplant. Though the practical applicati on, the lightning protection measures can effectively protect the automatic weather station from t he damage posed by lightning, and the lightning protection measures are normative and reasonabl e, worthy of promoting.
