

The Research on Microscopic Characteristics and Diagenesis of Reservoir of the Silurian and Devonian in Bachu-maigaiti Area, Tarim Basin

【作者】 丁鸿儒

【导师】 郭巍;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,在巴麦地区志留—泥盆系油气勘探实践中,取得了可喜的成果。但是也存在着储层研究薄弱的问题,其制约研究区的油气勘探。本文在岩石薄片观察,扫描电镜,铸体薄片,x衍射实验,流体包裹体,常规压汞等石油地质先进实验技术基础上,对研究区储层岩石学特征,储层孔隙类型和组合特征,储层成岩作用类型,储层成岩阶段及成岩相类型进行了研究。研究结果表明,巴麦地区志留系塔塔埃尔塔格组(S1-2t)砂岩的岩石类型主要为长石石英砂岩;柯坪塔格组(S1k)砂岩的岩石类型主要为岩屑砂岩。泥盆系东河塘组(D3d)储层砂岩的岩石类型主要为石英砂岩;克孜尔塔格组(D1-2k)砂岩的岩石类型主要为岩屑石英砂岩;其中泥盆系的成分成熟度相对较高,而志留系则较地。它们的结构成熟度都较高。志留—泥盆系储层砂体中依木干塔乌组发育较差,累计厚度较小,东河塘组累计厚度小,但是在研究区广泛分布,其余各目的层段储层砂岩均发育较好,累计厚度均较大。储层砂体的成因类型主要为扇三角洲、滨海体系砂体,储层砂体的分布特征和厚度变化明显受同生断裂、古地形及沉积相。通过铸体薄片和扫描电镜的观察,志留系储层的孔隙类型主要为次生溶蚀孔隙,次生溶蚀孔隙相对含量为81.73%,原生孔隙仅为18.27%,次生溶蚀孔隙主要为岩屑粒内溶孔和溶蚀粒间孔,相对含量分别为45.24%和35.28%。泥盆系储层与志留系储层的孔隙类型有着较大的差异,储层的孔隙类型以原生孔隙为主,原生孔隙含量为53.51%;次生溶蚀孔隙相对含量为46.49%。原生孔隙中主要为剩余粒间孔,剩余粒间孔的百分含量为30.78%,原生粒间孔的百分含量为14.54%。次生溶蚀孔隙中主要为粒内溶蚀孔隙,相对含量为43.61%。志留系储层微观特征较差,塔塔埃尔组储层为ⅢB类储层;柯坪塔格组储层为ⅢA类储层;泥盆系储层微观特征较好,克孜尔塔格组储层为ⅡA,东河塘组储层为ⅡB。志留系储层的碎屑颗粒的接触类型主要为点—线接触和线接触类型;泥盆系储层砂岩碎屑颗粒的接触类型主要为点接触、点—线接触。志留系的压实作用强于泥盆系。胶结作用是研究区另一种主要的研究作用,硅质胶结在不同的地层时代均有一定程度的发育,而东河塘组硅质胶结作用是发育最好的,碳酸盐胶结作用是巴楚—麦盖提地区另一类重要的胶结作用类型,其集中发育在研究区泥盆系各层位中,志留系层位中发育不明显。粘土矿物也是主要的储层破坏作用,但是在各层段不是很发育,而交代和溶解则是储层次生孔隙形成的主要成岩作用。志留系的依木干塔乌组、塔塔埃尔塔格组储层的主要成岩阶段为中成岩岩阶的早—晚期,而柯坪塔格组储层的主要成岩阶段为中成岩阶段的晚期;泥盆系储层的主要成岩阶段为中成岩阶段的早期。巴麦地区主要的成岩相类型为:原生孔隙弱压实成岩相、原生—次生孔隙硅质胶结成岩相、原生—次生孔隙钙质胶结成岩相、次生孔隙溶解—交代成岩相、超大孔隙溶解成岩相、致密压实—胶结成岩相。其中原生孔隙弱压实成岩相、超大孔隙溶蚀成岩相是主要的孔隙扩容作用,其他四种成岩相是孔隙的破坏作用。成岩相的作用控制因素为古地温。

【Abstract】 In recent years, The oil and gas exploration in Bachu-Maigaiti region Silurian-Devonian, It achieved gratifying results. But there are also the problem whichconstraint the study of area reservoir of weak reservoir study.On the Petroleum Geology of advanced experimental techniques basis ofobserved in thin section, scanning electron microscopy, cast thin section, x-diffractionexperiments, fluid inclusions, the conventional pressure mercury we study thepetrological characteristics of the study area, the reservoir pore types andcombinations of features, diagenetictype of action, stage of diagenesis and diageneticfacies type.The results show that Bachu-Maigaiti region Silurian Tata Elta group of cells(S1-2t) sandstone rock types are mainly feldspar quartz sandstone; Kepingtage (S1k)sandstone rock types are mainly lithic sandstone. Reservoir sandstones of DevonianDonghetang group (D3d) of the rock types are mainly quartz sandstone; keziertagegroup (D1-2k) sandstone rock types are mainly lithic quartz sandstone; compositionalmaturity of the Devonian relatively high, the Silurian is more. Their textural maturityare higher.Reservoir sand bodies in Silurian-Devonian development of the yimugantawugroup is weak, the cumulative thickness smaller Donghetang group total thickness,but is widely distributed in the study area, the rest of the target layer reservoirsandstoneswell-developed, the cumulative thickness. The main genetic types ofreservoir sand bodies in fan-delta sand body of the coastal system, the distributioncharacteristics of the reservoir sand body and thickness changes significantly affectedby syngenetic fault, paleotopography and depositionalObservation of casting thin sections and scanning electron microscopy Silurian reservoir pore types is secondary dissolution pores in the relative content of81.73%,only18.27%primary porosity, secondary dissolution pores are mainlylithicintragranular dissolved pores and dissolution, intergranular pores, the relativecontent of45.24%and35.28%respectively. Devonian reservoirs in Silurian reservoirrocks of the pore type has a greater difference of pore type primary porosity, primaryporosity content of53.51%; secondary dissolution pores in the relative content of46.49%. Primary porosity, mainly for the remaining tablets Kong, the remainingintergranular pores the percentage content of30.78%, the original intergranular porepercentage content of14.54%. Secondary dissolution pores intragranular dissolutionpores, the relative content of43.61%.Microscopic characteristics of the reservoir rocks Silurian is poor, Tata el thereservoir for the III B class reservoir; Kepingtage reservoirs is III A, class reservoir;microscopic characteristics of the Devonian reservoir better, Kirgiz TowerThereservoir of the cell group is II A, the reservoir of Donghetang is Ⅱ BSilurian reservoir rocks of clastic particles of the type of contact point-linecontact and line contact type; Devonian reservoir sandstones in detrital type of contactpoint contact, the point-line contact. Compaction of the Silurian to Devonian.Cementation is the study area, another major role in the siliceous cement in differentstrata have a certain degree of development, Donghetang group siliceous cementationdevelopment of the best, carbonate cementation is Bachu-the Markit region Anotherimportant type of cementation, its focus on development in the study area, theDevonian layers in Silurian strata development is not obvious. The clay minerals aremajor reservoirs damaging effects, but the segment at all levels is not well developed,accountable and dissolution is the formation of secondary pores in reservoirsdiagenesis.Diagenetic stage Silurian yimugantawu group,and Tata the Elta group reservoir isA_B in middle stange while Main diagenetic stage of the reservoir Kepingtage is B inmiddle stange; diagenetic stage of Devonian reservoir is A in middle diagenetic stage.Diagenetic facies types of study region: weak primary porosity and compactiondiagenetic facies, native-secondary porosity siliceous cement diagenetic facies, native-secondary porosity diagenetic facies, calcareous cementation, secondaryporosity dissolution-account of diagenetic facies, largepore dissolution diageneticfacies, dense compaction-cemented diagenetic facies. Native pore weak compactiondiagenetic facies, large pore dissolution diagenetic phase is the main role of poreexpansion, the other four diagenetic facies damaging effects of the pore. Diageneticfacies of the role of controlling factors for paleotemperature.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期