

Study on Facilities Layout and Scale Adjustment of Freeway Service Area

【作者】 李君强

【导师】 贾洪飞; 朱辉;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 交通运输工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 服务设施是高速公路的重要组成部分,是保证高速公路安全、畅通、方便、快捷运营的重要配套设施之一,是为满足驾乘人员长途旅行中基本的生理、心理需求,满足车辆加油、维修需求等提供服务的便利场所,是展示高等级公路行业文明程度的重要窗口。服务设施直接服务于司乘人员,间接服务于整个社会,加强服务区的经营和管理不仅能给企业带来经济效益,而且社会效益非常突出。高速公路服务设施的建设与经济社会发展水平、消费观念、交通流量及交通组成等密切相关。社会经济的发展、生活质量的提高及交通量的快速增长,对充分发挥高速公路的服务功能,提高服务水平提出了更高的要求。随着吉林省经济高速发展,交通运输行业发展迅速,高速公路车流量增长很快,已建高速公路服务区已经远运不能满足使用要求,高速公路遇着风雪天气时,多采用封闭车辆通行的措施,车辆滞留服务区的情况时有发生,且滞留时间长、人员情况复杂。由于服务区规模小,临时滞留空间不足,设施使用紧张,往往造成车辆停靠混乱,高峰时段车辆已经排到服务区减速车道上,甚至排到高速公路主线上,司乘人员反响很大。在车辆滞留服务区期间,需要对司乘等人员及车辆提供食品、药物、燃油等必须品,并为司乘人员提供良好的食宿条件,但由于目前部分服务设施不完善,无法设置足够的配套设施,导致服务质量严重下降,影响服务区的正常服务功能。针对目前吉林省服务设施存在的服务设施面积过小,停车场面积不足,功能区分布不合理或不完善,雨雪天气及交通高峰时期经常出现车辆堵塞等问题,本文以京哈高速公路吉林省境内路段为研究对象,对道路交通量预测方法、高速公路服务区的布局规划方式以及规模调整方法进行了针对性研究。首先,在明确研究背景、研究目的及意义的前提下,确定了研究内容及所采用的技术路线。对吉林省经济社会发展现状进行针对性的介绍,深入分析了经济社会发展趋势,在此基础上,对交通运输发展现状进行了详细的阐述,分别给出了各运输方式的发展情况,分析了运输量的发展水平和特点。其次,深入分析了高速公路交通量预测的特点,明确给出了具体的预测思路,对常用的预测模型进行对比,选择合适的预测模型,对研究路段交通量进行了预测。再次,对高速公路服务区的分类和设施组成进行了介绍,阐述了服务区布置原则,根据交通量预测结果及相关标准,给出了服务区规模标准,并以京哈高速公路四平至长春段、长春至拉林河段为实例应用对象,进行服务区布局及规模调整,给出了各服务区的布局图及设施规模。最后,深入分析了高速公路服务区布局规划与规模调整对社会产生的影响,并结合实际情况给出了实施建议。

【Abstract】 Service facility is an important part of freeway, which is one of important facilities toassure the safety, expedite, convenient and efficient operation of freeway. It is aconvenient place to provide service for meeting basic physiological, psychological needsof drivers and conductors in the long journey, meeting the refueling and maintenancedemand of the vehicles. Service facility shows the civilization degree of high gradefreeway industry. Service facility provides service directly to drivers and conductors,indirectly to the whole society. Strengthening the operation and management of servicearea can not only bring economic benefit to the enterprise, but also bring social benefit.The building of freeway service facilities is related to the development of economy andsociety, the consumption idea, traffic flow, and traffic composition. The development ofeconomy and society, the improvement of life quality and the rapid growth of trafficvolume put forward higher request to give full play to the freeway service function,improve the service level. Along with the rapid economic development of Jilin province,the transportation industry develops rapidly, freeway traffic volume grows rapidly, as aresult, current existing freeway service areas can not meet the requirements, the freewayoften closed in wind or snow weather, the vehicles retention in service area occursfrequently, and retention time is long, staff are complex. Due to the small scale of theservice area, retention space and using facilities are shortage, which often cause confusionparked. In peak time, vehicles already queue up on deceleration, even on freeway, driversand conductors complain bitterly. During vehicles retention time, the service area need toprovide food, drugs, and fuel to drivers and conductors and vehicles, and also need toprovide accommodation to drivers and conductors. But, at present, because partial servicefacilities are not perfect and unable to set enough facilities, service quality declinesseriously, and the normal functions of service area are influencedIn view of the current problems of existing service facilities in Jilin province thatservice facilities area is too small, parking area is insufficient, function distribution isunreasonable or not perfect, and the traffic jam during rain and snow whether and trafficpeak hours and so on, choosing a part of Jingha freeway within the territory of Jilinprovince as the research object, the traffic flow forecast method, freeway service area thelayout and the scale adjustment methods were studied in this paper. First of all, theresearch content and method were determined by clearing the research background,research purpose and meanings. The development of economic society in Jilin provincewas introduced, the current situation of economic and social development trend was deeply analyzed. On that basis, the current development situation of transportation wasexpounded in detail, the development of various transportation modes were expoundedrespectively and the level of traffic volume and features were analyzed. Secondly, aspecific thinking was given according to the deep analysis of the characteristics offreeway traffic flow forecast, and appropriate forecasting model was chosen by comparingcommonly used prediction models. And on that basis, traffic flow of researched freewaysection was forecasted. Again, the classification of freeway service area and the facilitiescomposition were introduced, and the service area layout principle was expounded.According to the forecast results of traffic flow and the related standards, the scalestandard of service area was given. Choosing Siping to Changchun and Changchun toLalinhe sections of Jingha freeway as application object, service layout and scaleadjustment were conducted. Finally, the influences brought by layout and scaleadjustment of freeway service area to social were deeply analyzed, and the suggestionswere given combined with actual situation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期