

Design and Experiment of Multi-functional Walking Wheel for Inter-row Seeding-machine

【作者】 王福兰

【导师】 贾洪雷;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 农业机械化工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 东北农田受沙漠化危害越来越严重,严重影响了东北黑土区粮食产量及农业的可持续发展。为了解决东北黑土地退化的问题,实施保护性耕作势在必行。留茬沟台交替保护性耕作模式,是近年提出的一种适于吉林省保护性耕作模式。改连年垄上种植为行间交替种植。秋收后玉米根茬留在地表,第二年春天,在两留茬行之间,进行播种,播种行与留茬行,每年交换一次,实现交替轮作。东北地区现有的农机具只适合于均匀垄种植,不能满足此种保护性耕作模式,所以研究设计该耕作模式的配套机具是十分必要。本文设计了一种行间播种机,留茬行间种植三行玉米。它一次作业,可完成行间施肥、播种、覆土、镇压等多道工序。减少了作业次数,提高了作业效率。本文对行间播种机的整机设计进行说明,重点是对行间播种机上的多功能行走轮的研制,进行设计计算与分析;对行间播种机的其他部件,机架、种肥箱、排种器、排肥器、输种管和开沟器,进行设计和选择。本文设计的多功能行走轮,同时具有仿形、限深、传动、覆土、碎土和镇压的功能。通过开沟器沟形的分析和沟形曲线的拟合,确定了行走轮的主要参数,其结果是:行走轮的外直径550mm,内直径500mm,内倾面的倾斜角为13o,宽度为230mm;确定了播种机仿形机构和传动机构的结构形式及结构参数;建立了行走轮接地压力与播种单体工作参数及行走轮结构参数之间的数学模型。本文对行走轮与土壤作用,进行了离散元仿真。从土壤的接触力场、位移场和孔隙率的角度出发,验证了本文设计的行走轮满足作业要求。本文应用ADAMS软件,对平行四连杆仿形机构进行了运动仿真,运行结果满足播种机的设计要求。将设计好的2BH-3行间播种机,根据国家相关标准要求,进行田间作业性能试验与测定。试验结果表明:播种机的各项指标,均达到了国家相关标准的要求。行间播种机的粒距合格率为89.8%;重播率7.9%;漏播率2.3%;各行排量不稳定性变异系数2.35%;各行不一致性变异系数1.62%;平均种肥距离为3.99cm。本论文的研究工作,对留茬沟台交替保护性耕作模式配套机具的进一步研究,具有十分重要的意义。

【Abstract】 The problem of the farmland desertification in the Northeast area becomesprogressively worse. It seriously affects the grain output in the Northeast area andsustainable development of cultivation. In order to solve the soil degradation of this area,conservation tillage must be put in practice. Keeping stubble ridge alternating with furrowis proposed a conservation tillage mode which is suitable for Jilin Province. Inter-rowplanting alternating with ridge planting takes the place of successive years of planting onridges. After autumn harvest, corn stubble is covered on the field surface. In the next spring,inter-row planting is conducted. The planting row and the stubble row alternate insequential years. Agricultural equipment in the Northeast area is only suitable for ridgeplanting, so it is necessary to study and design implement suitable for this tillage mode.A kind of inter-row seeding-machine with inter-row planting corn in three lines isdesigned in this paper. Inter-row planting fertilization, planting, cover and pressing can befinished at one time. Decrease the number of times of work and raise the work efficiency.Design of complete inter-row seeding-machine is explained in this paper. The point is thatdevelopment of the multi-functional walking wheel for inter-row seeding-machine which isdesigned, calculated and analyzed; the other unit for inter-row seeding-machine, forexample, machine frame, seed and fertilization box seed ejector, fertilization ejector seedduct and furrow opener is designed and chose.The multi-functional walking wheel with copying, depth limit, drive, cover, friablesoil and pressing is designed. Based on an analysis of the shape of furrow soil and theshape of furrow curve fitting, the main parameters of the walking wheel are determined.The results show that the external diameter of the walking wheel is550mm, the internaldiameter is500mm, the oblique angle is13°and the width is230mm. The structure typesand parameters of the parallelogram linkage and drive mechanism for inter-row seeding-machine are determined. The mathematical model is set up between the pressure ofthe walking wheel and the work parameters of seeding-machine monomer and structureparameters of the walking wheel.The PFC3D discrete element method (DEM) software was used to simulate the pressprocess of the walking wheel in this paper. The result showed the walking wheel can satisfythe demand of work from the contact force, soil displacement and porosity.The ADAMS software was used to simulate the parallelogram linkage in this paper.The result showed that the parallelogram linkage satisfied the demand of design.The performance test for the designed2BH-3Inter-row Seeding-machine wasconducted according to the national standards. The performance test result showed thatvarious indexes of inter-row seeding-machine can meet the requirement of the nationalstandard. The eligibility rate of seeds distance is89.8%; the repeating sowing rate is7.9%;the missing sowing rate is2.3%; every row fertilization instability CV is2.35%; every rowunconformity CV is1.62%; the average distance between seed and fertilization is3.99cm.The research work in this paper provides a reference for further study on theimplement suitable for keeping stubble ridge alternating with furrow conservation tillage.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期