

Technology Application and Case Study of Geophysical Water Exploration in Southern Mountain Region of Tong Liao

【作者】 刘世轩

【导师】 梁秀娟; 张皓;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 水利工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本论文结合“内蒙古通辽市解决南北山区人畜饮水建立水源工程项目”为依托,采用EH4连续电导率剖面仪进行物探找水工作。EH4物探找水是根据大地电磁测深法原理,由于是同时测量电场与磁场的两个方向的四个分量,又称EH4连续电导率测量。它是通过地面电磁场的观测,研究地下岩石电阻率的分布规律,通过同时测量天然场源和人工场源激法的电场和磁场来计算地层的电阻率。EH4连续电导率剖面仪有工作稳定性强、抗干扰能力强、采集时间短、携带方便等特点。野外采集的数据可以及时通过IMAGEM软件进行数据处理和一二维分析。勘测区位于通辽市库伦旗扣河子镇风水山村,属北温带大陆性气候,为干旱、半干旱气候区,四季多风少雨。多年平均降水量350—400mm左右,蒸发量为1886.1mm,蒸发量是降水量的5倍左右。坐标为E:121°46′12.9″N:42°45′36.7″,利用EH-4连续电导率剖面仪进行实地勘测,共布置了两条呈东西方向的平行剖面,分别为北剖面线和南剖面线,剖面线全长98.5km,共设测点199个,采用地毯式勘测。测区的地质条件复杂,地表明多为第四系覆盖,主要以中细砂为主,电阻率较低,第四系以中细砂为主,电阻率相对较低,为20·Μ左右;白垩系主要是砂岩、砂岩泥岩互层,在物性特征上是砂岩和泥岩的综合反应,电阻率相对较高,砂岩为25~40·Μ之间,砂砾岩为40~60·Μ之间,砂砾岩泥岩互层在60~80·Μ之间。白垩系内各岩组之间区别不太明显,根据现有资料推测,侏罗系为基岩,底层坚硬完整,电阻率值较高,大于80·Μ。根据采集数据分析,测区由于有砂岩、泥岩透镜体的存在,其含水层厚度小,西部区比东部区富水较好些。第四系孔隙水主要为全新统冲积沙、砂砾石层孔隙水,分布河谷地区。数据反演的视电阻率显示,北剖面白垩系地层以砂岩和泥岩为主,砂岩和泥岩的界限不明显,在电性反映上为砂岩泥岩互层,白垩系平均厚度在在600m左右。最浅处为1号点处,厚度在850m左右,最厚处在99号点处,厚度在1050m左右。南剖面白垩系地层以砂岩和泥岩为主,砂岩和泥岩的界线不很明显,在电性反映上为砂岩泥岩互层,白垩系平均厚度在600m左右,其中最大厚度在43号点附近,达600~800m,最浅处为1号点附近,700m左右。在北剖面线45号点左右、南剖面线58号点左右利于成井,主要的含水层赋存于中细砂中,建议成井深度为70米,理论单井涌水量为10t/h。本次利用EH4物探找水在勘测区域内取得了较好的效果,数据质量可靠,为开采地下水资源提供科学依据,但由于缺少水文地质资料和深层钻孔数据,深层地质情况有待于进一步研究。

【Abstract】 Based on the Project of Solving the Drinking Water Problem in SouthernMountainous Region of the City of Tong Liao, Inner Mongolia, and this paperadopted the EH-4continuous conductivity profiler to find water. EH4geophysicalwater exploration took the principle of magnetotelluric sounding method which wasalso known as EH4continuous conductivity measurement due to the simultaneousmeasurement the four components of electric and magnetic fields in both directions.The resistivity of the formation was calculated by the observation of surfaceelectromagnetic field, the distribution of underground rock resistivity, thesimultaneous measurement of the electric and magnetic fields of the natural fieldsources and human factory source excitation method. The EH-4continuousconductivity profiler possessed the characteristics of stability, strong anti-jammingcapability, short acquisition time and it is easy to carry. Wild-collected data can beprocessed and conducted a two-dimensional analysis by IMAGEM.The survey area is located in the town of Feng Shuishan, Kou Hezi village,Kulun country, the city of Tongliao. It belongs to the north temperate continentalclimate which means it is windy and dry for most of the time during the whole year.The annual precipitation is about350-400mm, and the evaporation is1886.1mmwhich is about five times the precipitation. The coordinates is E:121°46’12.9"N:42°45’36.7". When the EH-4continuous conductivity profiler is used, two east-west direction parallel profiles which are north section line and south section line areadopted with a total length of98.5km and a total of measured points of199. Thegeological conditions, here are complex and the areas are covered bymulti-Quaternaryn which is mainly fine sand with low resistivity of about20Μ.Cretaceous is mainly sandstone, interbedded of sandstone and mudstone. As for thephysical character, the relatively high resistivity of the sandstone is25~40Μ andthe sandy conglomerate is40~60Μ. There are less obvious differences betweenthe Cretaceous rock groups. Based on available information, Jurassic is mainlyinterbedded of mudstone and sandstone which is hard and complete with highresistivity that are greater than80Μ.According to the analysis of the data, the western area is richer in water than theeastern district due to the presence of sandstone and mudstone lenses. The quaternarypore water is mainly holocene alluvial sand and gravel layer pore water and isdistributed in the valley. North section of Cretaceous strata of sandstone and mudstone,sandstone and mudstone of the boundaries is not obvious, reflect on the electricalmudstone, sandstone interbedded, the average thickness of the Cretaceous about600m. The most shallow point on the1st, the thickness of about850m, the thickest in theNo.99point, the thickness of1050m or so. Cretaceous strata of the south section ofsandstone and mudstone, sandstone and mudstone of the boundary is not very obvious,a reflection of the electrical mudstone, sandstone interbedded. Average thickness ofthe Cretaceous about600m, of which the maximum thickness of around43points,reaching600~800m,, the most shallow near the point of the1st, about700m.Theapparent resistivity data inversion shows that the well can be built at No.45point inthe north section line, and No.58point in the south section line. The recommendeddepth is70m, and the theoretical water inflow of a single well is10t/h. The water exploration by using EH-4continuous conductivity profiler achievedreliable and satisfactory results which also provided a scientific basis for theexploitation of groundwater resources. However, due to the lack of hydrogeologicaldata and deep drilling data, the deep geological conditions can be further studied.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】P631
  • 【下载频次】131