

Research on the Sender and Receiver Relation of Propaganda Film in the Range Vision of Intersubjectivity

【作者】 国玉霞

【导师】 李兆君; 颜士刚;

【作者基本信息】 沈阳师范大学 , 教育技术学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 宣传片是纪录片的一种主要类型,也是我国政府、机构用于舆论导向、监视社会、宣传教育、信息沟通、文化传播的重要载体。随着社会发展以及传播观念的转变,其传播功能、传播内容、传播策略、传播方法也不断拓展和创新。但是,在实践领域,宣传片传受关系问题并没有得到应有的关注;在研究领域,宣传片传受关系的研究也未能有效展开。这不仅会影响传受关系的和谐发展,也会影响传播效益的实现。本文通过对我国宣传片传受关系历史发展的实然性梳理,考察宣传片传受关系的发生机制和分期特点,通过影响因素的分析,归纳其形成规律和演进机制,从而推论出宣传片传受关系的应然性关系模式,并对其进行理论建构。目的是从理论层面对实践领域宣传片的传受关系予以规范。在研究方法上,本文从主体间性哲学视角,以交往哲学理论为历史分析和理论建构的主要依据,旨在从哲学层面上宏观分析并把握宣传片传受关系的形成机制和演进规律。经过论证,认为宣传片传受关系的理想趋势应当是“通向交往理性的传受和谐自由关系”,规范实践的基本方法就是要在交往实践理论指导下,遵循“合理性—合法性统一”的原则,实现工具理性与交往理性的统一,实现社会和谐发展,传受主体共同发展和自由发展的社会理想。

【Abstract】 Propaganda film is not only one of the principle types of documentary film, but alsoan important medium for an organization or a government on the direction for the publicopinions, the social surveillance, the educational publicity, the informationalcommunication and the cultural diffusion. With the social development and the changesof implication of communication, the functions, the contents, the strategies and themethods of communication have correspondently been expanded and innovated.However, in the area of propaganda film practice, the problems of relation betweensender and receiver haven’t been paid close attention; meanwhile, in the area of research,the relation between sender and receiver haven’t been studied effectively. Consequently, aharmonious development of relation between sender and receiver, even thecommunication benefit are hardly realized.This dissertation realistic resumes the historical development on the relationbetween sender and receiver in propaganda film, examining the occurrence mechanismand the features of stages. From the analysis on the influencing factors, the formation ruleand evolution mechanism of the relation are concluded; accordingly, the model of“ought-to-be” pattern of the relation is deduced, as well as the correspondent theoryconstruction. The purpose of the research is to theoretically regulate the relation betweensender and receiver of propaganda film in the field of practice.As the methods of study, this research is from the perspective of intersubjectivephilosophy, based on the theory of communicative rationality philosophy to make ahistorical analysis and theoretical construction, in order to, in a macroscopic level,analyze and master the formation mechanism and evolution rule of sender-receiverrelation in propaganda films.After the argument, the conclusion is: the ideal trend of the sender-receiver relationof propaganda film should be the harmonious relation of intersubjectivity that leads to thecommunicative rationality; the methods for regulating the practice are to achieve theunity of Instrumental rationality and Communicative rationality, under the direction ofCommunicative practical theory, following the principle of The Unified Rationality-—The Legitimacy, to realize the harmonious social development and thesocial ideal the common and free development for sender and receiver.
