

Research on the Transnational Management of State-owned Enterprises in China

【作者】 卞阳阳

【导师】 徐传谌;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 产业经济学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 自改革开放以来,伴随着经济的快速发展和经济全球化进程的日益加快,我国政府在引进外资的同时,也积极地鼓励国内企业到国外进行跨国经营活动。2000年初,“走出去”战略被提升到了国家战略的高度,2001年加入世界贸易组织后,我国更是加快了国内企业“走出去”的进程。其中国有企业作为我国经济发展的中坚力量,在我国企业走出去的过程中,充当着主力军的作用。国有企业的跨国经营活动,不仅在经济上能够体现国家“走出去”的战略思想、积极地引导国内企业参与全球化竞争,而且在政治上能够促进国际交流、巩固对外关系。因此,在经济全球化的大背景下,研究我国国有企业的跨国经营活动具有重要的理论意义与现实意义。本文一共分为五个部分,第一部分介绍了研究我国国有企业跨国经营的背景以及国内外学者关于跨国经营的研究成果综述。第二部分主要从基于外国直接投资的跨国经营理论、基于贸易的跨国经营理论、基于发展中国家和地区的跨国经营理论三个方面来阐述了有关跨国经营活动的理论基础,然后介绍了我国政府有关鼓励国有企业“走出去”的政策支持。第三部分介绍了跨国经营的发展历史并以美国为例介绍了发达国家跨国经营的实践,并进一步总结概括出值得我国国有企业在跨国经营过程中借鉴的经验。第四部分分析了我国跨国经营的现状,首先介绍了我国企业跨国经营的发展历程并总结了三十多年来取得的成绩,然后指出目前我国国有企业在跨国经营中尚存在的问题。三十多年的跨国经营活动取得了一些值得肯定的成绩,但也存在着诸多的弊端:总体上,我国跨国经营的水平低、缺乏竞争力,难与世界顶级跨国企业相媲美;对海外子公司的管理存在漏洞;国家相关配套政策相对滞后;缺乏高端技术和高素质人才等。第五部分针对国有企业在“走出去”过程中存在的问题和借鉴发达国家的经验,提出了符合我国国情的国有企业跨国经营策略,这是本文的重点,希望能给正在进行的国有企业跨国经营活动提供一些参考。首先,政府应为国有企业营造良好的跨国经营环境,完善相关的法律法规、经济政策等配套措施;其次,要加快国有企业自主创新的步伐,创新是一个民族进步的灵魂,唯有创新才能保持跨国经营活动的鲜活力;再次,要重视跨国经营人才的培育,21世纪的竞争归根结底是人才的竞争,谁拥有了人才,谁就取得了胜利;最后,要加强民族品牌的建设,只有拥有了属于我们自己的品牌,我国的国有企业包括民营企业在内才能在全球经济竞争中利于不败之地。

【Abstract】 Since the beginning of reform and opening up, along with the rapid economicdevelopment and the process of economic globalization is accelerating, government aswell as in the introduction of foreign capital in China, is also active in encouragingdomestic enterprises to conduct transnational business activities abroad. In early2000,after "going out" strategy was promoted to the height of the national strategy in2001to join the World Trade Organization, China is to accelerate the domestic enterprises to"go out" process. As the backbone of economic development in China, state-ownedenterprises served as the main force of the role in the process of going out.Transnational business activities of State-owned enterprises, not only reflects national"going out" strategy and guide the domestic enterprises to participate in globalcompetition actively in economy,but promote international exchange and strengthenforeign relations in political.Therefore, in the background of economic globalization,the research on transnational operation of China’s State-owned enterprises activity is ofgreat theoretical significance and practical significance.This article is divided into five parts, the first section describes the researchbackground of the transnational management of Chinese State-owned enterprises, aswell as the research achievements of domestic and foreign scholars on thetransnational management; The second part focuses on the theoretical basis oftransnational business activities, primarily multinational operation theory based onforeign direct investment, multinational operation theory based on trade, multinationaloperation theory based on developing countries and regions, and then describes theChinese government to encourage state-owned enterprises "going out" policy support;The third section describes the history of the development of transnational businessand takes the United States as an example to describe the practice of transnationalbusiness in developed countries, and further summaries the merit our state-ownedenterprises should learn in the process of transnational management; This fourth partanalysis of the current situation in our transnational operation, first introduced the evolution of transnational management of China’s enterprises and summarizes theresults of more than30years, and then pointes out that the current problems intransnational management in China. Transnational management activity for more than30years has achieved some positive results, but there are a number of disadvantages:generally speaking, the level of our multinational operations is low and lack ofcompetitiveness,which is difficult to rival the world’s top multinational corporations;there are loopholes in the management of overseas subsidiaries; the relevant supportingpolicies is lagging behind; lack of high technology and high-quality talents and so on.The fifth part proposed the policy in accordance with China’s national conditions oftransnational management based on the problems in the process of “going out” and theexperience of developed countries, which is the focus of this article, and I hope toprovide some reference with the transnational management of our State-ownedenterprises. First of all, the government should create a favorable international businessenvironment and perfect the relevant laws and regulations, economic policy andsupporting measures; secondly, we must speed up the pace of independent innovationbecause innovation is the soul of a nation’s progress, only innovation can maintainfresh vitality of transnational business activities; thirdly we should pay attention to thetraining of transnational management talent, and competition in the21st century is acompetition of talents, so the one has the talent will win;finally, we should strengthenthe construction of national brands, our enterprises can be in an invincible position inthe global economic competition if we have our own brand.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期
  • 【分类号】F276.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】699